Will an air cleaner or air purifier help protect me and my ...

do air purifiers help stop the spread of covid

do air purifiers help stop the spread of covid - win

Lock downs/Covid/Todays Day And Time.

I don't think we need a lock down, well not exactly/we need a PLAN.
MOST people don't need to lose their jobs/income/hours don't need to be cut.
More info, and I know its A LOT, but a good plan/a plan that goes indepth/fixes a problem/helps a lot,requires depth/a lot of pieces have to go into it.
Also a lot of this answers/addresses, A LOT of other questions/concerns as well.
I honestly don't see anything wrong with lock downs. Meaning EVERYTHING/MOST things are DIGITAL, NOW DAYS ANYWAY, and what TRULY isn't, can be deemed essential, meaning ANYONE that works with a physical product, a computer doesn't count, UNLESS, your maintaining servers HARDWARE/if you can remote access it, that doesn't count, also Maintaining internet, also the electric companies, field workers/maintenance workers, ARE ESSENTIAL, the desk workers are not essential/don't need to leave their homes/they can use VOIP/the internet/email/portals/Zoom/some other service like SKYPE, JUST LIKE ALL OF THE OTHER, AT HOME WORKERS, other essential workers, Fedex,UPS,USPS, also if you work in a warehouse,grocery store, TO PREPARE, groceries/other products, for delivery/for doordash/instacart/stock shelves/unload trucks, if your an RN,LPN,CNA,DR,surgeon, Ambulance driver, police officer, if you need to be at a vet, to receive dogs/cats/animals, also CERTAIN medical procedures/care, is permitted, WITH the RIGHT PPE, such as respirators/hazmat suits. Also SOME garage doodoor services are essential, such as medical garage doors.
Anyway a lock down, MEANS NOTHING/NOTHINGS changed, other than HOW WE DO BUSINESS, WHICH IS A LOT MORE EFFICIENT, ANYWAY, meaning less gas is being used in vehicles, less TIME IS BEING WASTED, while driving to a location, the business, is still happening though, A LOT of the money lost, in the oil fields, can be transferred over to the renewable resources field, such as solar panels,wind turbines,water mills, batteries and so on, the way the worlds going anyway/BP, sees it/has invested a lot into renewable energy.
You don't NEED to leave your house to work, unless you work with a physical product.
Also your house most likely has more, than anywhere else anyway, meaning I have, computers/gaming consoles,tvs/monitors,blurays,internet/streaming services, such as Netflix,Hulu,Hbo,starz,books, pdfs and physical books, and so on, I have workout equipment, hair clippers.
I really have, no need, to leave my house, doordash/walmart/fedex/UPS/USPS/Amazon, deliver, what ever I need, and I also keep things stored, as well, JUST IN CASE.
Honestly to go out, is A LOT MORE, inconvenient, than staying home.
Other concerns/things, people have asked/my answers, to other issues, people have talked about:
I would prefer kids to be able to live a long life/SOME sacrifices are needed.
Also Vitamin D supplements is an option.
I have air purifiers/filters in my house/the air in my house, is definitely a lot cleaner, than whats outside.
I also have a treadmill/a full gym,but work out bands are an option, mine go up to 1000pounds/resistance.
I'd prefer lives to be saved/a few sacrifices are worth it, to be honest.
Honestly nothings wrong with kids going outside, in their back yards, also ZOOM/Skype,Google DUO,Facetime and so on, is available for friends and family, ALSO, if you get your family to quarantine, for 20 to 30 days/not go out, for that period of time, they can stay with you or vice verse, meaning contact doesn't have to stop, if all rules are being met/your not exposed.
Also MOST kids are involved/doing virtual learning, right now/some were doing this, before any of this, and as long as the rest, of that family is doing the same/working from home, their safe as well.
Granted, SOME cases of Covid are asymptomtaic/SOME people can have covid and never show any signs, but at the same time, 30 to 40days SHOULD be long enough, not to worrie.
Also, regulations SHOULD be made, with in business, to prevent job loss/SHOW/Inlighten, companies/show them how business is done, in todays day and time/show them how the digital world works.
If your an essential workesomeone that works in a warehouse/grocery store/stockeunloading trucks/fills orders/ANY of the jobs/types of jobs that I mentioned, than, YOU SHOULDN'T LOOSE YOUR JOB, ANYWAY.
Also SOME jobs/services AREN'T black and white, MEANING, SOME JOBS, MAY be essential, so an appealing process/through court/Zoom, SHOULD be available, to people, with no cost, to the person applying for it.
If you work in a restaurant/fast food, than, MAYBE one day, the food/bar industry will bounce back/after the Pandemic, SOME people are still using Uber Eats, I'M NOT, but SOME people are.
Also Salons/Barbershops, is ANOTHER industry, that is NOT essential right now.
Also entertainers/entertainment/big gathering and so on, are NOT essential.
You could also check out door dash/Instacart, IF your in the food/restaurant industry.
For these type workers, waiting for stimulus, is about all you can do, or like i said switch to door dash, or something like that/look at whats viable RIGHT NOW.
This is another reply/answe other parts to the solution/problem:
definitely the biggest problem, and thats where the military needs to step up/step in.
Also it is really easy to transfer any business over to complete digital, atleast when it comes to the payments/transactions/deliverie, parts of the business. Parts of the business, MAY not be digital though/ certain parts, MAY, can't be digital, such as the parts of the business, that work with a physical product, those are essential workers, grocery stores, shouldn't be open, to the public, but their workers are definitely essential, to unload trucks,stock shelves, prepare orders, for pick up, either by customers, that have to sit in their car, with the trunk open, or doordash/instacart drivers/deliveries or to a spot/person/bicycle.
To do this for SOME people, kiosks, installed outside walmart, so people can put their orders in, and they would be cleaned, periodically as well and sanitizer dispensers would be available as well.
Also this is what servers/VOIP/E-mail/portals/websites/apps/Skype or zoom and so on,are fothese tools allow ANYONE to work remotely.
Unless your business is already broken/your using papeenvelopes/stamps/Ink/printers/huge filing cabinets/paper calenders,huge adding machines/have no online presents/website/server.
In this case, you will SOON turn into Sears,Kmart,ToysRUs,Sports Authority,Hifi Buy,Circuit City, AND SOON GameStop.
We now have the ability to pay our bills through apps/setup auto pay.
We bank through apps, we can even deposit checks through apps, but most things are direct deposited, now days anyway, and if you use a check, MOST OF THE TIME, its handed back to you, after your transaction, and is baisicly ran as a debit/the money is taken out of your account, at the time of purchase/right away.
Anyway things are done A LOT MORE EFFICIENT, NOW DAYS.
The hardest part, is definitely going to be, the part, where the government, NEEDS, to enforce all of this and issue fines and FUTURE jail time, but at the moment, issue the digital fines and escort them back to their homes.
Court now days, is also done through zoom/digitally.
Anyway ALL of this is definitely doable, and the Military/government needs to help the people, that cant take care of them selves/that don't have access to wate food to eat/a place to live, also do this safely as well/with the proper PPE gear on, gas masks, with the right filters/the virus protecting filters.
This would definitely help A LOT.
Also this is ONE thing, I didn't mention, I believe in rights/everyone should be able to choose, UNLESS, someone is being hurt, other than the person that chose to do something.
I think spreading covid/infected people/potentially killing old people/technically any aged person, is not right/as long as your not hurting anyone, than, I believe that people have the right, to do, what ever they want.
Also another issue, thats been brought up A LOT:
Mental health is an issue, but like I've also stated, to quarantine/be safe, you don't have to isolate AND DEFINITELY NOT FOREVER, meaning, you can be with people, as long as either, you were together, since the beginning, OR two, both people isolate them selves for 30 to 40 days.
You still have skype/zoom/entertainment/the ability to workout from home, ALSO a back yard or like me, a lot of property to walk on/look around/enjoy/you can still go outside, I have fences and gates, so I don't have to worrie about people walking up/driving up on me, but A LOT can be done from home.
The issues with suicide/abuse and so on, WERE MOST LIKELY ALREADY an issue with these people, BEFORE, ANY OF THIS, this just probably brought it out MORE/showed the issues in their relationships/minds, that were there, before any of this, meaning, being around a person for long periods of time/not having alone time, CAN/COULD cause problems, I say to that, EVERYONE, needs a place, where they can go and relax/unwind/decompress.
I have a few places like that, my man cave/gaming area, my projector room, where I can game or watch movies, my gym, I also have my office, and thats where I work.
My wife has her office and her arts and crafts room and a lady cave/where she can game, watch movies and decompress.
Mental health is a problem, but its a separate problem/an existing problem, IN MOST CASES.
Zoom/skype/Google DUO/facetime, CAN/COULD definitely be used to talk to a therapist, it might not be ideal, but it CAN definitely help.
Also if abuse is the issue, MAKE A PLAN/contact authorities discreetly/I know that can be a hard/a tricky situation.
I'm not saying mental health isn't real, but MOST LIKELY, it was already an issue BEFORE covid, anxiety or what ever it might be.
Therapy/medication OR a mental health facility, MAY be whats needed, for that.
submitted by SkullBasher999 to u/SkullBasher999 [link] [comments]

Two reasons why [cloth] masks protect others more than they protect the wearer

I see 2 reasons why [cloth] masks protect others more than they protect the wearer
1 – Masks reduce the exhale velocity, which helps stop spread throughout the room.
2 – [Cloth] Masks trap large particles more effectively than small. However the droplets that we exhale can quickly reduce in size by evaporative action (increasing the per-ml concentration of virus within the droplet during the process). It’s easier to stop them on the way out while they’re large than on the way in when they’re small. (*)
Let's talk more about each of these:

1 – Masks reduce the exhale velocity, which helps stop spread throughout the room.
When you breathe, talk, scream, cough or sneeze, the air comes out with progressively higher velocity. Higher velocity helps the droplets travel farther faster and mix into a larger area of the room. The mask greatly slows that velocity which prevents it from mixing in the air as much and from traveling as far as fast. Now look at the opposite direction (inhalation), there is no counterpart to talking, screaming, coughing, sneezing so no counterpart that would be affected by wearing a mask during inhalation and no corresponding benefit. But even if we exclude those talking/screaming/coughing/sneezing activities and just look at simple breathing inhale and exhale, there are STILL velocity differences which make the mask more beneficial during exhale. Put your finger in front of your mouth or nostril and breathe in and out… which one can you feel with your finger? Only the exhale which is guided into a narrow stream inside our nostrils on the way out (narrow means higher velocity for a given flow rate). In contrast for the inhale the air is coming more from all directions into our nostrils, not a single direction (there is nothing to guide it in a single direction) so the velocity is lower.
So exhalation velocity is the high velocity that contributes to mixing and spreading and it can be knocked down by a mask. Inhalation velocity (for the air in front of your face during inhale) is much lower. Inhalation velocity might also be reduced by a mask but it was already low to begin with so it wasn't contributing much to the transport and mixing of the virus within the room.

2 – Evaporation causes droplets to get smaller after exhalation, so they are more easily filtered as large droplets on the way out than small droplets on the way in [cloth masks]
I’ll bet this one is new and counterintuitive to a lot of people. You don’t see raindrops getting smaller as they fall, so why should exhaled respiratory droplets be any different?
...The answer lies is surface area to volume ratio (4pi r2) / (4/3 * pi * r3 ) ~ (1/r). Respiratory droplets are much smaller than raindrops, so the r is smaller, and the ratio is larger. Since the evaporation depends on surface area and the amount of stuff to evaporate depends on volume, the respiratory droplets with higher surface area-to volume ratio (compared to raindrops) will evaporatively shrink much quicker and in fact the evaporation can be very significant before they reach the ground. This evaporation can turn larger respiratory droplets into small (non-filterable) aerosol droplets that linger in the air longer and travel further. And the droplet that starts out exhaled as a large droplet and then evaporatively reduces to a small droplet has the virus “concentrated” during the process (like evaporating a salt solution increases the concentration of salt in the water) which makes it potentially more potent / dangerous than other small droplets that were originally exhaled as small droplets.
The phenomenon of large droplets evaporating to small droplets and aerosols is well described in the wiki page for Wells’ curve where it is noted
If the air is not saturated with water vapor, all droplets are also subject to evaporation as they fall, which gradually decreases their mass and thus slows the rate at which they are falling. Sufficiently large droplets still reach the ground or another surface, where they continue to dry, leaving potentially infectious residues called fomites. However, the high surface area to volume ratios of small droplets cause them to evaporate so rapidly that they dry out before they reach the ground. The dry residues of such droplets (called 'droplet nuclei' or 'aerosol particles') then cease falling and drift with the surrounding air. Thus, the continuous distribution of droplet sizes rapidly produces just two dichotomous outcomes, fomites on surfaces and droplet nuclei floating in the air
You might ask if there is any proof of relevance of this phenomenon for Covid-19. I would offer two things that support it is relevant:
First another quote from the wiki link above:
Wells' insight was widely adopted because of its relevance for the spread of respiratory infections.[5] The efficiency of transmission of specific viruses and bacteria depends both on the types of droplets and droplet nuclei they cause and on their ability to survive in droplets, droplet nuclei and fomites. Diseases such as measles, whose causative viruses remain highly infectious in droplet nuclei, can be spread without personal contact, across a room or through ventilation systems and are said to have airborne transmission.[4] Although later studies demonstrated [quantitative] that the droplet size at which evaporation outpaces falling is smaller than that described by Wells, and the settling time is longer, his work remains important for understanding the physics of respiratory droplets [qualitative]
Second, consider the effect of relative humidity on virus transmission. The virus transmits much more in low relative humidity than high relative humidity as widely reported including here https://aaqr.org/articles/aaqr-20-06-covid-0302.pdf
If you go back to the wiki page on Wells’ curve the first entry under "complicating factors" is relative humidity and you’ll see that indeed it is consistent with more transmission at lower relative humidity. Here is my attempt to explain it: The lower the relative humidity, the faster the droplets evaporatively reduce, the larger the particle that can evaporatively reduce to small droplet (aerosol size) before reaching the ground, the more concentrated (more virus per particle) are the small droplets that can end up in the air.

Some other unrelated implications for relative humidity effects on transmission:
We attribute the very high rates of virus transmission in the winter in the northern states to driving people indoors and that is certainly true. BUT the relative humidity may be an additional important factor because relative humidity tends to be lower during winter (both outdoors and indoors where heating lowers it further). If you have an indoor space that you want to protect, then you might consider a humidifier either in addition to an air purifier (for better protection) or in lieu of an air purifier (to save money, although the tradeoff in effectiveness would need to be evaluated).
(*) I haven't heard anyone else say that this phenomenon #2 is part of explanation for why masks are more effective as source control, but it makes good sense to me as I tried to explain. So take it for what it's worth.
I limited the post to cloth masks where both factors 1 and 2 apply. For better masks like KN95, factor 1 certainly applies but factor 2 is not as important (KN95 do a better job of stopping droplets across a range of sizes).
submitted by electricpete to Masks4All [link] [comments]

I am 38 years old, make $175,000, live in San Francisco, and work as a Project Manager

Section One: Assets and Debt
Annual Bonus: 20-30% of my salary
Retirement Balance: ~$150,000 between 401k and Roth IRA. My salary has nearly doubled in the past four years, and I’m playing catch up. My goal is to have $300,000 saved by 40. I started saving for retirement around 23 or 24 but missed a few years here and there due to pay cuts and living abroad.
HSA: $7,000. My company funds the annual limit at the beginning of the year because we have a high deductible health plan, but for the past two years I’ve been saving this contribution to use as another retirement vehicle. I pay for medical expenses out-of-pocket. Annual eye, dental and physical exams are covered.
Emergency Fund: $40,000
Travel Fund: $3,000
Investment accounts: ~$13,000
Grad school savings account: $2,129 (I just paid Fall quarter’s $8,200 tuition)
Checking account balance: ~$1,000 each payday. I pay off my credit cards in full a couple times a month.
Credit card debt: $0. Two years ago, I had $6,000 in cc debt and no emergency fund. Grateful for how far I’ve come.
Student loan debt: $0. I studied Political Science in the early aughts and graduated owing $50,000 between Sallie Mae and the government. I finally paid them off in 2017 and had zero help from my parents.
Net worth: ~$215,000
Pronouns: She/her

Section Two: Income
Monthly Gross: $14,583
Monthly take-home: $7,840

Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $1,900. I live alone in a studio apartment.
Retirement contribution: 13% of my salary ($1,694 monthly). I also put $6,000 in a backdoor Roth. The company match is 4%.
Savings contribution: $3,000 (I’m about to start shifting this to investments)
Investment contributions: $500-$1,000
Debt payments: $0
Donations: No set donations but it’s between $5-10k per year, usually from my bonus. I’ve been giving to COVID relief efforts for LGBTQ folx and BLM efforts recently.
Electric: ~$30
Wifi: $60
Cell phone: Paid for by work
Subscriptions: $200 (Netflix, Spotify, Chegg, Google storage, iCloud, Feather furniture rental)
Regular therapy $300 (I go biweekly)

Annual Expenses:
Grad school tuition: $25,000 per year. I saved enough to cash flow this year’s tuition from my bonus last year. Work reimburses $10,000 per year.
Chase Sapphire Reserve: $450 (will be $550 next year)
Amazon Prime Student: $59
Renters Insurance: $140

Day 1 - Tuesday | Daily total: $18.49
3:30 a.m. A car alarm is blaring outside and I’m in a hypnagogic state for about 30 minutes.
8:30 a.m. Real alarm goes off. I’ve been WFH since mid-March when our SIP went into effect, but I’ve been going into my actual office a couple of days a week lately. My desk there is much better for my neck, back, wrists, and mental health, and there’s no one around. Have some Trader Joe’s instant coffee with a splash of hazelnut creamer. It’s honestly better than the drip at the cafe near my place.
10 a.m. I post a room divider on Craigslist to sell since I’m doing some redecorating. I’m planning to put some plants I ordered in its place to serve as a barrier between my “bedroom” and “living room.” Oh, studio apartment Tetris. It sells almost immediately and the guy Venmos me $125 even though he’s not coming to pick it up until tomorrow morning. Score!
10:30 a.m. Eat some meatballs in marinara for breakfast I got from the deli counter the other night for dinner but forgot to eat. Throw on blue jeans, a striped shirt, one of the cloth masks made by my mom with a coffee filter liner, and my helmet. I’ll just say this now, people in SF are great about mask-wearing, and any store, indoors or out, requires them. I own many.
11 a.m. Ride my e-scooter to the office to prep for a call at noon and another one at 1:30 p.m. I’m in an online master’s program and get a notification that our final group project has been graded and posted in Canvas for my Finance class. I wind up with 94% in the course overall. Go me! I text my mom and the woman I’m seeing long-distance, J., the good news. They are my biggest cheerleaders.
12 p.m. Meetings meetings meetings until 2. Eat some chips and drink a can of Kombucha from the office kitchen. The rest of the workday is spent updating our website with some new photos and compiling a monthly report that needs to go out this week. I also discuss my birthday plans with a friend. I suggested a few of us visit a lake that I had never actually been to but drove by a few weeks ago and thought it was gorgeous. However, the planning is getting cumbersome and logistics around social distancing and renting a boat for the day are proving complicated. I decide to suggest a new plan tomorrow and ask everyone to hang at a local park instead.
5:30 p.m. Ride my scooter home. This is a recent endeavor after deciding taking the bus was too risky and walking home at night has been sketchy on more than several occasions the past few months. I look like a total dork but it’s fun and easy so who cares.
7:30 p.m. Order a turkey club sandwich and fries for pickup from a restaurant around the corner I had a $10 coupon code for. The difference is $7 with the change rounded up for the Grubhub relief fund. I leave a $5 cash tip ($12). Stop at the bodega for a can of bubbly rose. $18.49
8 p.m. Eat, drink, and catch up on TV. I have the week off from school before Fall quarter starts next week, so I watch the first episode of a new show called Lovecraft Country because I love actress Jurnee Smollett. Some friends have read the book it’s based on and now I want to read it too.

Day 2 - Wednesday | Daily total: $133.97
7 a.m. Awake too early but just go with it and start a book titled Patsy I’d been saving for when I had this week-long break from school. Receive texts from a couple friends saying there are wildfires in the area near the lake we were planning to go to, and people are evacuating. Feel awful for everyone going through this on top of everything else.
9:30 a.m. I have a video call at 10 so I get ready. Wear another striped shirt and yesterday’s blue jeans, which has become my quarantine uniform. I have six or seven of them now in varying styles and colors. I told myself the stripes add a little razzle dazzle. The room divider buyer arrives so I haul it down to the lobby.
10 a.m. Drink warm water with lemon during the call. It’s about the environmental design review for one of our upcoming projects. Probably should have ordered a side salad instead of fries last night because I’m having mild heartburn.
12:30 p.m. Walk to the bodega across the street for smoothie ingredients: raspberries, oranges, beets, avocado, and a few bananas. I bought a single-serve Ninja blender last month (highly recommend) and have been on a smoothie binge. I’m iffy on the beets...will see what I can concoct with them. Make a smoothie with berries, banana, spinach, frozen avocado, and unsweetened coconut milk. $17.15
1:30 p.m. Focus on getting close to inbox zero and compiling the report to send to our partners since I’m taking PTO tomorrow and Friday. J. texts saying she made dinner reservations (my love language) for when she comes to visit in a couple weeks. The place has a nice patio and looks like they’ve figured out how to properly distance the diners. Run down the street to pick up some wash & fold (I send out the bedding and towels every two weeks). $32.50
5 p.m. Break to eat a frozen burrito and run back to the bodega for lemons, limes, Tate’s gluten-free cookies, and a 6-pack of Fort Point Strawberry Darling which winds up being a bit sour for my taste but I can bring it to the park hang this weekend (if it still happens). The air quality right now isn’t great. Find a couple of packages addressed to me in my lobby. Birthday gifts from two friends. Feeling loved and my birthday isn’t until Saturday. I usually don’t make a big to-do about it but maybe I was feeling antsy this year due to a lack of regular human interaction and motions generally at everything. $21.48
8:30 p.m. I’ve been watching the DNC and whittling work emails down to inbox twenty. I’ll take it. Kamala Harris is sharp, and it’s time to log off. I FaceTime J. for a bit and wind up having to schedule a work call for tomorrow morning but am otherwise looking forward to having some time to myself.
11 p.m. Late night shopping on the Target app before bed. I order two swimsuit tops in different sizes. They sent me the wrong size a couple of weeks ago, so I am trying this again. I also get a Bona microfiber cleaning cloth and a Pixi shade stick in Copper Glaze. $62.84

Thursday - Day 3 | Daily total: $17.19
8:30 a.m. Awake before my 9 a.m. Sonos alarm. I have it set to peaceful music, so I usually just let it play. Check the news for a status update on the wildfires and see some awful photos. Poke my head out the window to assess the sky and weather. My call is at 10 so I make my cheapo coffee and start some laundry in my portable washing machine. Watch the latest episode of Married at First Sight which I discuss with my bff. We were incensed after the poor matches last season, yet here we are again. Look at Clare V. purses online while hoping the MAFS couples are still happy after the honeymoon. J. randomly Venmos $10 for a latte. She’s so thoughtful and cute.
11 a.m. Call over. I get back to life admin and my laundry list of things to do which includes reserving a rental car to run various errands and get around this weekend. I also make an appointment to visit a Black-women-owned nursery in Oakland tomorrow, post a few items on Craigslist for sale, and research air purifiers. I’m considering the $499 Dyson one but that’s a big impulse buy.
3:30 p.m. The bed I ordered from Feather is delivered. Two nice gentlemen dismantle the old one and assemble the new one in about 20 minutes. I just started using Feather, a furniture rental company, to try out a new bed and couch. The free delivery, assembly, and swap outs were the selling points for me. I love the Floyd sofa I got last week.
6:30 p.m. I lose track of time but see if J. wants to have a date tonight which usually involves Netflix watch party. I order a steak salad for pickup from the restaurant across the street and get 25% off my first order. I leave a $5 cash tip when I pick it up. I’m not really in the mood for a movie so we just FT for a few hours and I head to bed. $17.19

Friday - Day 4 | Daily total $256.61
10 a.m. True PTO day today. A Craigslist buyer comes to pick up a bench I posted for sale ($40 earned). I spend the morning putzing around, beautifying, and getting ready to pick up the rental car.
1:30 p.m. The rental car company will charge $125 when I drop it off Monday morning, however, my $300 CSR annual travel credit just reset so I’m expecting it to be credited back right away.
3 p.m. Arrive for my appointment at the plant shop. I LOVE IT HERE. It’s a little outdoor oasis and all the plants are healthy and gorgeous. The women running it were lovely too. I purchase three 6” plant babies: mother-in-law's tongue, Wandering Jew, and polka dot. $85
4 p.m. I’m at IKEA looking for a plant stand and room divider option for my studio. I wind up with a few picture frames, sheer curtains and a rod, two throw pillows and covers, a lampshade, and plastic hangers for laundry drying. The shelf I wanted for the plants was out of stock. $117.59
6 p.m. Stop at a Target nearby to grab a bottle of wine for a dinner party tonight. There should be six of us in my friend’s backyard. Also grab a NYX lippy, toilet paper, and a USB cord since my phone is about to die. $54.02
6:30 p.m. Arrive at my friend’s yard and it is lovely. Flowering bougainvillea and a lemon tree hug the dining table. Her street is lined with the tallest palm trees and it just feels so California. After dinner, wine, cake, and dancing, I head home smiling and happy around midnight. Call a very sleepy J. to give her a rundown.

Saturday - Day 5 | $58.27
9 a.m. Awake to Happy Birthday messages from family and friends. My mom and stepdad call and I chat with them for a bit. Mom sent me a lovely bouquet of flowers and they both pitched in to buy my e-scooter earlier this month. I have leftover dinner party cake and tea for breakfast. The cake was made with quinoa flour and carob chips, so I’m calling it healthy.
11 a.m. People are (understandably) backing out of the park hang due to the poor air quality today, but a few friends are still down so I start getting ready. I check BAAQMD’S website and it’s in the unhealthy range for sensitive groups, although I wonder if we’re all more at risk due to COVID. My sister calls and I see she’s sent me $150 in birthday money. I sent her this exact amount for her birthday last month; I agree it is a bit silly. J. also sends me $140 for a floor mirror I’d been eyeing. It is WAY TOO MUCH because I make triple what she makes. I vow to sneak it back to her somehow. Put on a midi-length polka dot romper and rainbow Tevas, pick up my friend about 10 minutes away and head to the park. We stop at a bodega in her neighborhood and I run in to grab chips, salsa, guac, and brie. $33.32
3 p.m. Having fun at an empty park spread out in a circle on our own blankets. We debate the discographies of Brandy and Monica (it’s Brandy, no contest) over snacks and wine. I ask everyone to take a pic of someone else with my Instax camera as little keepsakes. My car friend gives me a card and a bottle of wine. I really appreciate these folx.
8 p.m. Car friend and I grab chicken tacos and Mexican limeade from a place with outdoor seating before I drop her home. $24.95
10 p.m. Home and FT with a sleepy J. for a bit and watch Frozen II in bed while responding to Instagram birthday wishes. I gotta say it was a good day (Ice Cube voice).

Sunday - Day 6 | Daily total: $219.17
7 a.m. Why am I awake? Is this the waking up early in your old age everyone speaks of? I have never been an early riser. Text with J. since she’s two hours ahead and rises with the roosters. Stare at the comically hideous IKEA pendant lamp shade I put up yesterday. It looks like a wet wad of toilet paper cum crumpled up homework. I decide to head back to IKEA after seeing the one in Palo Alto has the glass shelf unit I want to house the plants.
10 a.m. I want to take a self-portrait in my living room since my coffee table is currently full of said plants and three bouquets of flowers and it looks like a mini botanical garden. I decide to curl my hair and put on makeup and lipstick. I pair it with a bright yellow floral dress and gold jewelry.
12 p.m. Photoshoot over and I catch up in my group chat before making the trip to Palo Alto. The IKEA line is snaking around barriers in the parking lot like the entrance to a music festival. I regret this decision immediately and decide to head downtown instead to get lunch and stop by West Elm. I bookmarked a mirror there but want to see it in person. The mirror is stunning but at $500 I’m not ready to bite just yet. I get soup and salad at Mendocino Farms and eat on their patio ($16.55 with tip). The ice cream shop across the street is calling to me. I get a scoop of Brown Sugar Banana with hot fudge and almonds ($8.50 with tip) and FT J. to show her because she’s obsessed with ice cream. With sustenance, I head back to IKEA and the line has thankfully died down. I get a new lamp shade, the shelf unit, and another picture frame for a limited-run poster by a local artist that says “what the fuck” — because 2020 ($102.03). $127.08
5 p.m. Stop by Target, Trader Joe’s, and the gas station ($20 offset by CSR) in the city before making my way home. I book a car every few months and do all.the.errands. I was hoping to find planters at Target but no such luck. I get a can of shaving cream and some comfortable looking olive-green paper bag waist pants ($31.67). TJ’s haul includes collagen protein powder, avocado, lettuce, labneh, balela salad, pineapple chunks, flax bread, corn chowder, and a bottle of wine ($42.85). The cashier sees it was my birthday yesterday (I know) and he disappears for a minute only to return with a little bouquet of flowers. I get emotional. $74.52
Sidebar: The past few years have really shown me that your friends will show up for you and people love you for just being your authentic self. I am always so blown away by it. I am working on getting better about accepting and feeling like I am deserving of generosity and love. My therapist is helping.
7 p.m. I am late to the Lovecraft Country watch party and probably have to skip it tonight, but I luck out and find a parking spot in front of my building. Have corn chowder with some leftover cheese and crackers from the park for dinner and pineapple chunks with a leftover cupcake for dessert. I am determined to put the shelf unit together and put up the new lamp shade tonight. I order a few self-watering planters on Amazon ($17.57 after a gift card balance is applied). $17.57
2 a.m. Finally in bed after finishing chores neglected from the busy weekend, writing out a few thank you cards, and taking a long, hot shower. I see an email from the Professor warning us the homework this week will take a few hours, so plan accordingly.

Monday - Day 7 | Daily total: $18
7:30 a.m. No.
8:30 a.m. I return the rental car and walk home before putting myself together for a 10 a.m. Zoom. The rental company emails the receipt ($125.64 offset by CSR). Listen to The Daily while checking various banking apps and see the $300 bonus from opening a Capital One 360 savings account a few months ago was credited. Make a smoothie with frozen spinach, avocado, blueberries, pineapple, collagen protein powder, and unsweetened coconut milk.
11:30 a.m. Still on Zoom while writing this money diary and looking at the syllabus for class (Financial Accounting). It requires an e-textbook, but I sign up for the 14-day trial because the purchase button isn’t working.
12:30 p.m. Break for a lunch of TJ’s Mexicali salad and a side of cheese and crackers. Make my cheapo coffee as well since I’m anticipating a long day of work and school.
3:30 p.m. I’ve been doing what we’ll call working for the past three hours. Now on a call about some ad placements we’re doing for an upcoming virtual event. The next meeting gets canceled, so I play catch up from my PTO days.
5:00 p.m. Decide that’s enough for the workday since I’ll be in the actual office tomorrow morning to meet the IT guys. Unload and reload my mini dishwasher then reread my syllabus to get a better understanding of this week’s assignment. Although my program was already online-based, it’s not all that user-friendly and stuff hides in weird places. I see several other confused individuals have posted on the Ask the Instructor board.
6:30 p.m. Take a study break and order sliders and fries from the pub around the corner. I will likely regret this later when I get heartburn but nothing else sounds good and I rarely feel like cooking (I am Fran Lebowitz in her April New Yorker interview). $18.00
11:00 p.m. I’m texting with a friend about the artwork she’s been posting on Instagram. It’s fantastic and I ask her if it’s for sale, and ask if it was ok that I even asked her that. She’s an interesting, sort of mysterious woman I met through another friend a couple of years ago. She said she’d been quietly selling them but was afraid to really put herself out there. I encourage her to do so immediately. We discuss the pieces I’m interested in and she offers me a much too generous F&F discount. I object but she says, “strangers can pay full price.” I will send her $100 + shipping tomorrow morning once she tallies it up. I shower, watch the season finale of I May Destroy You (whewwww), and make it to bed around midnight.

I normally budget $800 each paycheck for general spending money; I don’t budget everything out by category. Food is always up there. This was a higher spend week, but I accounted for the household stuff with Craigslist sales and the $300 Capital One bonus. I also made about $350 in birthday money. Overall, it was a great week. Take a shot every time I say birthday.

Food & Drink: $218.48
Home: $322.19
Health, Beauty, Clothes: $96.51
Other: $86.52
Weekly Total: $723.70
submitted by edanroe to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Viva Italia: A Novel Coronavirus Novel Chapter 1-5

1. Lucressi for President
My name is Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, and if there’s one thing I definitely am, it’s Italian. Right now, I’m sitting on my balcony in a high-rise pretty close to the center of Milan. The sky is turning burnt orange in the dusk; it’s your standard evening sun: beautiful but groggy, with an energy akin to the cessation of day-drinking. Lazy and stupefied. On their balconies, my neighbors sip boiled tap water and munch stale garlic bread dipped in Extra-Chunky Praegu™ sauce. The scents tantalize my nostrils. But I am not tempted. I have no time for food. Sentinel duties preoccupy me completely. My binoculars are trained on the space between two nearby apartment buildings, through which I observe a craggy Italian mountain. A mostly barren mountain, spotted with patches of dark green grape vines. I notice a boy herding sheep up a rocky crag. He’s got a towel wrapped around his head as protection from the still-potent sun.
I run inside, find my telephone charging on the counter, dial 911.
“Police? Caio, Police,” I say. “There’s a boy on the loose. An ambulator. A violator of lockdown. A shitter-onner of decency. He’s walking sheep up a crag in the mountains. Yes, absolutely. Spreading coronavirus. Not even wearing a hazmat suit. My uncle, he’s 82! Highly at-risk. That prick’s gonna murder my uncle. You gotta do something, police. Which mountain is it? How am I supposed to know. Well, I live at the intersection of Sfumato Street and Leonardo Di Caprio Lane. And the mountain, from my vantage point, is visible between the two apartment buildings just north of me on Meatball Road. Does that narrow it down for you? It does? Great. You’re sending someone right now? Good, thank you.”
I return to my balcony. The boy has situated himself on the edge of an ancient stone well. He’s got a stick slung over his shoulder with a sack tied to the end. From the sack, he removes a loaf of bread and what appears to be a hunk of gorgonzola cheese. A little lamb nuzzles against his knee; he pats it on the head. No doubt, he’s just transmitted coronavirus to the lamb. And now whoever eats that lamb is gonna die. And whoever wears clothing made from its wool is gonna die. The boy is a murderer, plain and simple. He munches a bit of cheese, tears off a hunk of bread with his teeth, chews vigorously, with satisfaction. The smug satisfaction of a deranged psychopath. I watch him pull a flask from the sack and take a slug of wine before slipping off the edge of the well. He balls up his towel, lays it on the ground, reclines.
How can the boy nap peacefully, knowing full-well he’s murdering millions of people? I’m always astounded by the psychopath’s ability to maintain a clear conscience in the face of his unholy transgressions against humanity. Here I am, a man of high moral understanding and noble social concern, performing self-assigned sentinel duties for the good of the people, yet I can hardly sleep at night thinking of all the dead elderly. All the dead at-risk. And I’m not even responsible for killing them! How can this murderer slumber like a contented babe? A satisfied infant made drowsy by the rich milk of his loving mother’s teat. Murder nourishes his soul. What an ass-munch. A big stupid dummy. And a real jerk, to boot.
Rumbling. Chopping. A helicopter passes overhead. All of the good, moral folks out on their balconies: they point at the helicopter. What is its purpose? Why is it passing so low overhead? Has it located a dissenter? Why yes, it has. Thanks to me.
The helicopter slows as it approaches the mountain. The boy, conscious now of the whirly bird, rushes for cover amongst the grape vines. But his efforts prove futile. The helicopter unleashes a relentless barrage of machine gun fire. The boy rips in half. His head explodes like a balloon filled with red wine. His coronavirus-tainted blood seeps into the ground, defiling the earth. The helicopter has no choice but to fire six missiles into the vineyard, incinerating and purifying the soil. Eradicating the tainted sheep. Bringing salvation to the masses.
My compatriots, me and my scientifically aware and morally superior brethren, we erupt in cheers of gratitude and praise. Our government loves us. Our government has neutralized the threat so that someday—perhaps not this year and perhaps not next year or the next—but at least some year sometime at some point in the future, we will leave our apartments and once more roam the streets of Milan, attending fashion shows and admiring marble statues and watching soccer games and eating ravioli and, of course, drinking red wine brewed by our elderly grandfathers, who remain alive because of people like myself. Having by then cemented my reputation as a covid-eradicator, I will embark upon my political career. I will ride the coronavirus like a rocket to the moon. The moon being a metaphor for the Italian Presidency. Such is my destiny. Such is my fate.
When the cheers die down a bit, I can’t help but cry out, “I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, your highly scientifically aware and socially conscious brother, am responsible for the destruction of that corona-infested vermin. It is I who informed the police. It is I who saved your lives. And not just your lives, but, even more important, the lives of your at-risk, elderly loved ones. Viva Italia! Viva Milan!”
“All hail Lucressi Vicente Palamaro!” cry my neighbors. They lean over their balconies and throw imaginary food and imaginary gold and imaginary roses at me. A dark haired girl of 19, flanked on both sides by her approving parents, blows me kisses. In a year or twelve, once the curve has properly flattened, they will present their daughter to me, no doubt about it. They will make her available to me for courtship rituals. Me and the girl: we will go on rural walks and her parents and grandparents and siblings and uncles and dogs and cats will trail behind at a respectful distance. And I will pause and pluck a delicate daisy and place it behind my beloved’s ear. And her relatives, they will sigh plaintively, wishing they, for even just a single moment, could experience a love as pure as mine. Yes oh yes. I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, shall someday marry that girl. Unless a better option comes along in the meantime.
“You’re most welcome!” I shout. “And now, I have a special little surprise cooked up for you. Wait one moment.”
“What is it? What could the surprise be?” shout my balcony-imprisoned neighbors as I disappear into my apartment.
I return with a Spanish guitar, rest it in my lap, tilt one ear toward the guitar’s hole and one ear toward the heavens, channelling the muse of the angels. A chord, I strum. Such lush sounds. Everyone marvels at the beauty of this chord, the first chord of the traditional folk song Italians are the Best and Your Shit Country Can Eat a Dick.
A man clutching a saxophone leans over the edge of his balcony. He winks and nods at me before bringing the saxophone to his lips. How unexpected! How delightful! Me and the saxophone guy: we play as one, as a single heart; we symbolize the unity of the Italian people. Not just the unity, but the collective soul of Italians. More Italians procure their instruments. An accordion joins the fray. Yes! Then a keyboard. Housewives keep time with tambourines. Children clap rhythmically. Old men shuffle their feet, dancing. No wait. Scratch that. All the old men are dead from coronavirus. It’s actually men between the ages of 55-65 who shuffle their feet. Not young, but not particularly old either.
Every Wop within a four mile radius is on his or her balcony, playing along or listening. The coronavirus might confine our physical bodies. But it cannot confine our souls! Why? Because we are Italian! That’s why! We invented garlic bread. We invented mozzarella sticks. We invented chicken parm. We invented espresso. We invented the steam engine, the television, the printing press, modern dentistry, and iPhones! Once a peoples invents iPhones, that peoples’ soul is free forever. Not even coronavirus can crush the soul of iPhone inventors. Pepperoni Bagel Bites? That was us! Scissors? Us too! Though we did not invent running with them: no, no. That was the French. But airplanes? Hell yes, that was us. And Extra-Chunky Praegu sauce? 100% the product of Italian ingenuity.
We play through the song once, and then, on the second go-around, we begin to sing. Collectively. As one. Channelling all that we are: which is to say, Italian. It is our favorite traditional folk song, and it goes:
We are the Italians, and we’ve got gigantic dicks.
But your country? It slobs on knobs, your country is our bitch.
The French are homosexuals in scarves and lame berets.
And the Spanish are a bunch of Moors, not to mention latent gays.
Switzerland? Not even a country. It’s just parts of other ones.
And the British? They can’t cook for shit, those pompous limey bums.
America, Ashmerica. They’re faggots through-and-through.
But Italians? We’re the best, and we shit all over you.
A most heartwarming experience, all of us separate but together. Hopefully, someone is recording the proceedings and will post this evidence of our unity to various social media platforms. So the whole world understands that Italians are one heart and one mind. The adversary can cage Italians, but it cannot cage our souls. We know why the caged bird sings: because its heart is filled with eternal hope. The enemy will not overcome. And who is the enemy, the cager? Psychopathic sheep-herding boys. Middle aged women roaming alleys because they “need to stretch their legs.” Coughing toddlers intent on watching the world burn. Old men (well, actually men between 55-65) walking across grass just because their dogs need to shit. But really, these people are the mere henchmen of the true villain, which is invisible. Microscopic. Miniscule. Floating in the air. Attached to sneeze guards in restaurants. Hanging out on railings in shopping malls. Covertly hiding under table tops. Biding his time. Waiting to strike. Waiting to kill the at-risk and elderly and then…everyone else in the world. But the enemy will not succeed.
Why? Because I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, remain vigilant. I am the sentinel of my block. And the adjacent blocks. The sentinel of everything within binocular vision, really. And I have some powerful binoculars. 100x magnification. Or maybe 10x. The magnification factor is not printed on the binoculars themselves; I better check the manual. Yes, I will go do that now. It’s a matter of life and death. It’s a matter of the survival of the Italian people and 5,000 years of history. To think, the fate of the nation rests on the zoom capacities of my binoculars. A great responsibility weighs upon these shoulders of mine. But I am up to the task, for I am Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, and I am Italian.
2. Luigi’s Grave Error
Holy shit. They’re out there singing again.
I take a bong hit, exhale a milky stream through my nostrils.
They started with Italians are the Best and Your Shit Country Can Eat a Dick and now they’re onto I’ll Stay Inside Forever, For I Love My Fellow Man. After that, they’ll most likely do Please Government Contain Us and Save Us From Ourselves. They’re gonna be at it for hours. They always are. And I’ll bet I know who started it: that rat bastard Lucressi Vicente Palamaro. He’s one helluva royal douche, though I’ll admit he does more than his fair share in the fight against coronavirus.
But those tambourines, man! Once they get going, they never stop. If I die of coronavirus, at least I won’t have to hear tambourines anymore. Should I infect myself? Suicide by coronavirus? It’d probably be a lot easier to just jump off my balcony. I’ll do it while Lucressi’s out on his, making another speech about his own greatness. Land right on his fat head. Snap his neck. Break his back. Yes.
I’m going crazy. It’s this weed. No, it’s staying in my apartment 167.25 hours per week. For the last 6 months. With no end in sight. Only leaving my house once a month for my allotted trip to the supermarket. Draped in my (state-issued) hazmat suit. When the fuck is this curve gonna flatten?
I take another phat rip. It goes straight to my head. Feels real good.
Uh oh.
A cough coming on. Got a bit too greedy with that last hit. My lord, hacking up a lung would feel amazing right now. You know you’ve taken a good hit when your face turns red and you nearly suffocate from hacking. At least, that was a good hit 6 months ago. Now a hit like that could put me in a Rehabilitation Center.
I must, absolutely must, restrain myself. If my neighbors hear a cough, they’ll inform the police. I’ll have the fuzz beating down my door in less than two minutes.
My throat irritation grows stronger. I look like I’m laughing, my chest heaving up and down. But inside my heart is filled with panic. Water. I must have water. I lift up the container resting by my feet: it’s empty. Fuck. And I finished my last liter of cola last night. The tap water is infested with coronavirus, so it’s of no use. I should have boiled a fresh batch of tap water last night, but I was too lazy. There’s gotta be some other form of liquid that might soothe my throat.
I rush to the kitchen: I’ve got liquid dish soap, a bottle of Drainex, a bottle of Windex, and an aerosol can of Lysol. Those liquids won’t do. No no. In my pantry, between silent heaves, I find a jar of Extra-Chunky Praegu. Ole faithful. Every Italian has a jar of Extra-Chunky Praegu on standby. And now this jar is going to save my life.
Frantically, I twist the lid, but it won’t budge. My hands are too weak and tiny—the product of my mother’s prenatal crack addiction. And I’ve got tiny feet to boot. And a micro-penis. Not to mention man-boobs. Gynecomastia it’s called in medical parlance. And worst of all, if you lift up my ballsack, you will discover a half-developed vagina, its entryway leading nowhere. A vestigial vagina, one could say. Except it never had a use in the first place. It’s not the remnant of evolutionary forces, but the remnant of crack addiction. Specifically, my mother’s. Oh, why couldn’t Mamma love me enough to cease smoking crack for just 9 months? Why did she put her addiction before her unborn child? Why did she force me to live with the byproduct of her own weakness? It’s not fair! I hate you, Mamma! I hate you, Mamma! No, wait, I take that back. I love you Mamma! You are everything to me. My troubles are my own fault: I shouldn’t have rushed inside your egg before the other sperm had a chance. If I mind being born so much, I should have let another sperm live instead. You know, a sperm that actually appreciates what he’s given. A sperm that doesn’t act so entitled. Isn’t that what you always called me, Mamma? A self-entitled sperm? I should be grateful that I have hands at all. Some moms smoke so much crack, their babies are born with little nubs for arms. And two heads! And congenital heart defects. Pulmonary valve stenosis. At least I don’t have that. It could be worse. Isn’t that what you said? Oh, Mamma! Mamma! I love you, Mamma! Why didn’t you love me?
In my fit of self-loathing anger, I forget about the primary task at hand: soothing my raw throat. I lose sight of the goal completely. And as a result, I make a grave mistake. I cough. Not a big, heaping, hacking cough. Just a little soft cough. But it is enough. The music outside stops instantaneously. I feel more coughs coming on. I have to do something. If I cough again, cops in hazmat suits will put a battering ram to my door and take me away. Or just execute me on the spot.
I can’t think clearly. I must access the Extra Chunky Praegu. It’s the only way to soothe my throat. The tap water is five-parts coronavirus to one-part H20. It’s not an option. I throw the glass container against my kitchen floor. It shatters; I fall to my knees, lick Extra-Chunky Praegu off the floor.
Outside, my neighbors wail from their balconies: “A cough! Did you hear it? Someone in our very building has the coronavirus. Rabble rabble rabble! Rumble rumble rumble!”
“Silence!” shouts Lucressi Vicente Palamaro. “We won’t hear another cough over your wailing. If we want to identify the evildoer, we must listen for his cough. And yes, he WILL cough again, as one of the symptoms of coronavirus, assuming it is not asymptomatic, is a lingering dry cough that lasts for weeks, if not years. So cease your rumblings!”
The neighbors comply. Total silence reigns supreme. Thankfully, the Extra-Chunky Praegu, one of the finest inventions in the history of Italy, is doing its job. My throat is alleviated. I need not cough again.
On my hands and knees, I continue to lick away, grateful that I will live to see another day. But then, a terrible thought dawns on me. I pause mid-lick—my tongue still stuck to the floor—so that I can contemplate this terrible thought in more depth. The coronavirus lives on linoleum surfaces for up to 12 millennia. It’s a scientific fact verified by leading virologists from across the globe. And just 6 months ago, before the coronavirus pandemic really hit us, I had allowed friends and family and plumbers and prostitutes to traipse about on my linoleum floor. Without a doubt, the soles of their shoes carried infinite payloads of coronavirus. Which is now living on my floor. A floor to which, at this very moment, my tongue is attached.
Dear. Lord. I’ve just contracted coronavirus!
3. Mario the Innovator
The problem with hospitals is that they’re overwhelmed. The doctors in them: they don’t have time to develop coronavirus vaccines. They’re too busy treating the elderly and at-risk. That’s why it is up to me to develop a vaccine. Being retired, I’ve got time on my hands.
They told me a man can’t have a baby just because you unsewed his bellybutton and attached a synthetic vagina to his stomach. And then, using a turkey baster, you injected 6.5 fluid ounces of baboon sperm into his stomach. He lacks the internal organs necessary to carry a baby, they told me. And he produces no egg. And baboon sperm can’t inseminate human eggs in the first place. That’s what they, the scientific community, said. And you know what? They were right.
But this time, I will prove the scientific community wrong. They say developing a vaccine is nearly impossible since the coronavirus mutates 36 times per nano-second. By the time we have a vaccine, it will have morphed into a different variety of coronavirus, most likely the dreaded covid-20, and then our vaccine will be worthless.
Our preeminent virologists must invent a special type of vaccine, one that mutates along with the virus. But again, they’re too busy saving the at-risk and elderly. The acute crisis has diverted them from finding a long-term solution. It’s a hopeless situation, they say. A retired anesthesiologist (that’s me) does not possess the requisite knowledge to create such an advanced vaccine, they say.
They are wrong! Never underestimate anesthesiologists! And never underestimate me, the esteemed Dr. Mario Vicci. Italian born, Dominican Republic educated. Winner of the Western Milan Community Hospital Employee of the Month Award, October 1984. Seducer of 13 different nurses between the years 1974-2004. Vanquisher of pain. Bringer-onner of unconsciousness before surgery. Imagine having your arm amputated without anesthesia. You wouldn’t like it, would you? Thanks to me and my anesthesiologist brethren, you’ll never have to face such an abominable tribulation.
But my capacities are not limited to anesthesiology. I am a medical innovator in the wider sense. A breaker of new ground. Thanks to me, it has been definitively proven that baboon semen cannot impregnate human males. Yes, other scientists may have theorized that this was the case. But those were mere theories. I PROVED the incompatibility of baboon sperm and men. I am an intrepid explorer of biology. A fearless, innovative wunderkind of the medical world.
Because of my fearlessness, I have already learned something very important about coronavirus. Everyone knows not to look at coronavirus under a microscope. If you do, its radioactive emissions will interact with the lactose in your retinas, inducing terminal seizures of the most violent nature. Immediate death. Not even sunglasses block the radiation. Not even polaroid sunglasses block the radiation. Everyone who has laid eyes upon coronavirus in its magnified form is dead. But if that’s the case, how could scientists warn the public of its radioactive properties in the first place? Those who have gained said knowledge would be dead, right? See, something does not add up there. Something is off. I theorized that scientists made up the radioactive thing to discourage regular folks from handling the coronavirus. In absence of discouragement, many armchair doctors would attempt to create a vaccine themselves, would attempt to handle the virus and observe it under a microscope. And in doing so, accidentally infect themselves. Because these laymen don't know how to take proper precautions. And then these laymen: they would further infect the elderly and at-risk. Those with underlying health issues. Further inundating the already overwhelmed hospitals. Destroying the work-life balance of our virologist doctors and greatly reducing the probability of us Italians ever finding a vaccine.
So yes, the scientific establishment’s lies are backed by good intentions. Nobody wants to put the elderly and at-risk at more risk. And no one wants to force doctors to work 30 hour days when they’re already working 26 hours per day. 26 hours is enough for one day. I understand that fully. So their lies are benign in intent. “But wait!” you say. “They’re not lying. Coronavirus really is radioactive. Its properties do interact with the lactose in your retinas, inducing seizures. Their lies are not well-intentioned, for their lies are not lies in the first place. Their truths are well-intentioned!”
Wrong! You are wrong! For the thing that I have discovered is this: when viewed with the naked eye, the coronavirus does not induce seizures. It has no radioactive properties. And how do I know this? Get ready for the big reveal: I know this because I have seen coronavirus with my own eyes! Yes, that is the truth. My suspicions about its radioactivity, combined with my unconditional love for mankind and his well-being, combined with my gargantuan balls and unmatched bravery, allowed me to throw precaution to the wind and observe coronavirus under my microscope.
It was not difficult to find a sample, given that our tap water is five-parts coronavirus to every one-part H20. I dribbled water onto a slide and, body trembling (for I knew I was risking my life for the sake of saving humanity), I peered at the microscopic enemy of the world. And there they were: thousands of them flitting about in the water. They looked like little red balls with tiny mushrooms sprouting off them. 19 mushrooms sprouting from each ball—hence the name Covid-19. That’s where the 19 comes from: 19 tiny mushrooms. Each coronavirus ball/molecule/thing has a little tail, providing it freedom of movement via flagellation. They look kind of like sperm to be honest. Virus-sperm. Or perhaps, sperm are really viruses. Which would imply that we humans, along with many other life forms, are actually just complex viruses. To discover humans are viruses: that would be a world changing revelation unto itself. But I must push aside that line of inquiry. For now, I have only one task: to invent a coronavirus vaccine and save the world.
At this very moment, I’m about to dribble Extra-Chunky Praegu onto the virus. The virus lives by destroying humans. So anything that nourishes humans, I theorize, will conversely destroy the virus. And nothing is more nourishing to Italians than our beloved Extra-Chunky Praegu sauce. I, for one, cannot go a single day without ingesting this zesty—not to mention economical—delicacy.
I’ve got my dropper loaded with sauce. I’ll start by adding just a single drop to my coronavirus specimen. Gentle now…gent—
Huh? What is that? That banging!
I pull out my right earplug (I always wear earplugs when engaged in scientific experimentation [environmental noises break my concentration]).
My god, no! It’s tambourines! They’re at it again with their incessant banging and strumming and plucking and pounding and singing. How am I to concentrate when earplugs can’t even drown out the infernal racket? My neighbors are going to retard scientific progress by a century, those imbeciles. If I can’t concentrate, a cure will never be found. Never! Those tambourines will be the extinction of humanity.
I fall to me knees and cry out, “I hate tambourines! Shut up! Shut up! In the name of science, in the name of all that is good and holy, quit it with the fucking tambourines!”
Then I burst into tears. I cry for humanity. But most of all, I cry for the elderly and at-risk. Those with underlying conditions.
4. Luigi’s Resolution
Ok Luigi. It’s official now: you’ve got coronavirus.
Despondent, I return to my couch and bring the bong to my lips. A good ole rip always settles the nerves. But what if I cough again? I set the bong on the table, un-ripped.
Moments ago Lucressi announced, “I believe it was a false alarm. It wasn't a cough. Someone just banged his tambourine incorrectly. I implore you: handle your tambourines with respect and care. I have a sneaking suspicion it was you, Mamma Ravioli, on the balcony of apartment B22, who banged your tambourine erroneously, in a manner mimicking a cough. You have early onset Parkinson's, do you not Mamma Ravioli? Perhaps, due to your affliction, you should stay inside and refrain from joining us in song. The video of our playing is likely to go viral. And if our tambourines sound like coughs, the authorities will assume the infected live among us. And they will take us away to Infection Rehabilitation Centers. From which we’ll never return. And we don’t want that, do we Mamma Ravioli?
What’s that you say? Playing your tambourine is the only thing that brings you joy in this time of tribulation? It makes you feel at one with your fellow man? I personally don’t think you give a flying fuck about your fellow man. Because if you did, you wouldn’t endanger us by coughing with your tambourine. But you didn’t make a mistake, you say? You swear it wasn’t you? Liar! Selfish liar, trying to cover your tracks! You’re willing to send us all to Rehabilitation Centers just so you can have a little fun on your tambourine? You’re just as bad as the wretches who to take their dogs for walks. You’re on the same level as sheep-herding boys intent on infecting the world. What’s that? You’re sorry? You’ll go back inside and isolate yourself? Good. That’s a good girl, Mamma Ravioli. Be gone with you. Now, my brethren, let us resume playing. How about we do Shaking Hands Should Be a Capital Offense? I really love that tune. 1-2-3…”
And then they started banging away on their instruments again. That’s everything Lucressi said exactly as he said it. I have a very good memory. So for now, it seems, I am safe from suspicion. But poor Mamma Ravioli! How she loves to sing. And what a fine woman too! Before the lockdown, when I saw her around the neighborhood, she always implored me to visit her apartment for some of her world-famous cannoli. I only took her up on the offer once or twice—because I was a free man then, and I had much else to do—but boy were those cannoli delicious. Totally lived up to their reputation. I used to take those cannoli for granted, but now I’d do anything for a single bite. And honestly, it’s not the cannoli I desire. What I really want is to spend some face-to-face time with Mamma Ravioli. What a sweetheart. Reminds me of my great Aunt Helgavicci. To spend time with Mamma Ravioli—with anyone, really—to look into her eyes. To give her a kiss on the cheek. To hug her. To receive a supportive pat on the back. I’d do anything for some human contact! Anything! I haven’t touched another human in six months. Woe to me! Woe to Mamma Ravioli! Woe to Italy!
I bring the bong to my mouth, a reflexive act of consolation. But I quickly realize my error and refrain from lighting up.
I’ve got two weeks until the virus’s symptoms manifest. At that point, I won’t be able to control my coughs. And my neighbors will sniff me out. Should I just hand myself over to the authorities now? Get things over with? The Coronavirus Infection Task Force will take me away to a Rehabilitation Center…and no one comes back from those places. I’m afraid of those rehab centers. But I have a moral obligation to remove myself from this building, save my neighbors from the threat of infection. Yes, I had better hand myself in to the authorities. Admit that I licked the floor and got coronavirus. Take my fate like a man. I’m gonna die of the disease in the near future anyway. A painful, brutal death. Might as well do it in a rehab center, away from my healthy neighbors.
I recline on the couch pitifully and reflect on my existence.
I’ve lived a wonderful life these last 26 years, made innumerable good friends. Well, four friends to be exact. And two won’t speak to me anymore. But still, I’ve got friends. Not to mention a wonderful family. A father who taught me the value of corporal punishment. A mother who, despite smoking crack during her pregnancy, has many admirable qualities. She showed me how to finish a cigarette in two drags and how to make wine from fruit punch Kool-aid mixed with rotten bananas stolen from the dumpster behind the supermarket. That was quite a valuable skill…before the quarantine days. When a man still had enough freedom to steal from a dumpster. Ah, how I miss my mother. I wish I could visit her in the psych ward before I die.
And I can’t overlook my many accomplishments. 4th place in the 3rd grade spelling bee. It was ‘Botticelli’ that tripped me up, as I recall. By that’s not even a word! It’s just a last name. I still say there was a conspiracy against me. The other kids got easy words, like ‘gatta' and ‘mucca.’ It was Sig. Rossi, my language teacher and chair of the spelling bee, who plotted against me. He hated me because I preferred the Shakespearean sonnet structure over the Italian sonnet. But still I came in 4th place! I am a great man. A true success. A winner!
But what is my greatest accomplishment of all? Undoubtedly, my prolificness as a masturbator. Since the age of 12, I’d estimate I’ve beaten off 2.7 times per day. That’s roughly 13,797 ejaculations. And let’s not forget that I’ve slept with 4 different women, 7 including prostitutes. And one of those women, I banged multiple times, as we dated for a full 2 months. So that puts me closers to 13,850 ejaculations. Toss in a few wet dreams here and there, and we’re at 13,875. I wonder if I can make it to 14,000 ejaculations before I die? With hard work and determination, it can be done.
I reach into my pants, begin stroking, try to imagine a fresh, tight vagina…but images of my own demise pervade my thoughts. I see myself in a hospital bed, intubated. A ventilator breathing for me. A respirator wedged up my ass. Surrounded by impersonal doctors in masks. Who know not who I am. Who know nothing of my masturbatory virtuosity. Who have never seen my purple ribbon from the spelling bee. I will die alone. In an antiseptic rehabilitation center. Without saying goodbye to my crack-addicted, suicidal mother. Or my strop-loving father. Or my dear Aunt Helgavicci. Or my four friends, two of whom don’t speak to me but still technically count as friends.
No, I cannot allow myself to suffer that lonely fate! I will not hand myself in to the authorities. I will find a way to overcome this coronavirus. They say it can’t be done, but I will find a way. For I have much life yet to live. Many more goals to accomplish. And many more ejaculations to spurt.
5. Lucressi’s Promise
Excellent playing, my scientifically aware and morally superior brethren. That was the most beautiful rendition of 1 Billion Scientific Models Can’t Possibly Be Wrong I’ve ever heard. And what a lovely message it preaches: we no longer believe in ludicrous superstitions, worshiping some bearded old man in the clouds. The new religion is science. A religion based on 100% accurate facts. We don’t read the bible for edification. Instead, we turn to models. Generated by scientists of the highest prestige. With the most degrees. And the most smartness. With the best data. Which they input into their highly precise models, which are always correct. Did you see the latest model released by La Academia de Italiano Scientifico? It says at least 7.8 billion out of the earth’s 8 billion inhabitants will die by the end of the year. Thankfully, we are quarantining and treating the virus with due respect. So we shall be among the 200 million who live. I pity the remaining 7.8 billion heretics, who dare step outside their apartments without hazmat suits. They do not worship science. They are not wise like us. Brilliant like us. Perfect human specimens, we are. That’s how I’d describe us.”
“Yes Lucressi,” cry my neighbors in unison. “We are perfect human specimens. And you are the most perfect specimen of all!”
“Why thank you. Your compliments warm my heart. But now, the sun dips behind the smoking mountain. The night rests its dark veil upon us, and the virus comes out to play. So our musical communion is finished for this day. Everyone return inside and make preparations for bedtime. Tomorrow, we shall take up our instruments once more. And the day after that. And the day after that. And then for hundreds and thousands of days thereafter. For that is how long the quarantine shall last. Another year at the very least. But most likely decades.”
“Do you really mean it, Lucressi?” wail my neighbors.
“Yes, decades. According to the latest models. Released by La Academia of Italiano Scientifica. This is the new normal.”
“Oh joyous news! We get to spend 10 more years inside, saving our fellow man. We love saving our fellow man! And we love singing on our balconies!”
“As do I. As do I. Good night my beloveds. I will see you tomorrow. On your balconies. When the sun shines again.”
“We love you Lucressi! We love you! Thank you for keeping watch over us. Thank you for saving us from ourselves. And from Mamma Ravioli.”
“You are most welcome.”
Inside, I boil a pot of water, removing the 5-parts coronavirus. Well, that singing session went well. Once again, the rabble supports me as the #1 coronavirus eradicator and the #1 friend of the state. Their fearless protector. That bastard Marco in apartment D78: he won their favor last week by killing a dog-walking dissenter. Killed him right dead with a marble fired from a self-made slingshot. Fairly ingenious, I have to give Marco credit. I must make a slingshot myself, so I know the direct pleasure of killing dissenters. Tomorrow is my supermarket day. I’ll try to find the necessary supplies.
Yes, that prick Marco won much of their favor last week. But I won it back through devotion to my sentinel duties and the destruction of the sheep herder. And my beautiful guitar strumming—it always melts my neighbors’ hearts. And I can’t overlook the value of my innate leadership skills. Yes, thanks to my many gifts and talents, I am once again the undisputed king of this apartment block. Marco was just the flavor of the week. I am the flavor of the decade. And soon I shall have a slingshot of my own. Maybe I can kill Marco with it? Brilliant idea, Lucressi.
I take a sip of piping-hot, freshly boiled tap water. It tastes metallic. It tastes antiseptic. It tastes like the smell of a doctor’s office. And I love it. Life is good.
Except for one minor problem. Actually a major problem: the cough. Without a doubt, I heard a cough during our music session. I blamed it on Mamma Ravioli’s tambourine playing, but I know she was not the culprit. I only blamed her to put the real culprit at ease. Make him feel like the heat’s off. So that he lets his guard down. And perhaps gets careless and coughs again. At which point I will locate and eradicate him.
Among our own ranks, we harbor an untouchable. This person: he knows he must hand himself in to the police. That’s the proper protocol, the government rule. But he won’t do that. He’s not a good citizen. He does not respect the authority of the government or the health of the elderly and at-risk. He’s an evildoer: I could tell by the sound of the cough. It was the cough of the devil. Yes, the devil’s cough.
But he won’t be an issue for long. For I, Lucressi Vicente Palamaro, shall locate the menace and eradicate the threat. Stamp out the problem. Which isn’t really a problem, per se. Because, in destroying him, I shall win more of my neighbors’ respect and love. I will eternally cement my place as the leader of this apartment block. I will lay the foundation for my political career.
Cougher: your ass shall be mine. That I promise you. That I promise.
submitted by JimmyMangrove to u/JimmyMangrove [link] [comments]

The processes of restaurants ensuring food and staff safety during the coronavirus outbreak

During the COVID-19 (coronavirus) episode, we as a whole need to do our part to keep laborers, consumers, and the public health safe and sheltered, so we can stop the spread and plan to revive the region when we are prepared.
The following is a set of tips and practices to support food and staff safety during the coronavirus outbreak and work together to revive the business on track.
Everybody working in the eatery and food administrations area including, staff, chef, cleaner, managers, drive-through administrators and upkeep staff need to consider how to forestall the spread of COVID-19 at work
To ensure the food and staff safety, everybody ought to agree to prerequisites under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with related guidelines and general wellbeing, orders gave by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
As we know, coronaviruses are spread through close physical contact with others. Here are some useful hints to help forestall the spread of germs:
· Wash your hands frequently with cleanser or liquor based hand sanitizer.
· Disinfect frequently, between every exchange if conceivable.
· Wash or disinfect hands in the wake of making or getting deliveries.
· Sniffle and hack into your sleeve.
· In the event that you utilize a tissue, dispose of promptly and wash your hands a while later.
· Abstain from contacting your eyes, nose, or mouth.
· Keep away from contact with individuals who are debilitated.
· Maintain a strategic distance from high-contact zones, where conceivable, or guarantee you clean your hands a while later.
· Where mask, hand gloves while interfacing with high-contact zones. Try not to contact your face with gloved hands. Take care while expelling gloves. Guarantee you wash your hands in the wake of expelling them.
· Keep the restaurant surface as clean as possible.
Restaurant Surface sanitation
Coronaviruses are spread individual to individual through close contact. While businesses consistently commit to keeping up clean worksites, that commitment is under more keen concentration due to COVID-19.
Here are a few hints for managers to utilize:
· Instruct to appropriately clean hands, by giving access to cleanser and water or liquor based hand sanitizer.
· Offer staff, administrators, conveyance staff, and other clients confronting staff with hand sanitizer for their utilization as it were.
· Have all representatives and guests washed their hands altogether with cleanser and water before entering the restaurant.
· Give a sheltered spot to clients to discard utilized purifying wipes and individual protective elements.
· Clean washroom offices, kitchen, and inventory.
· Clean ordinarily contacted surfaces or zones, for example, passages, counters, washrooms, and kitchens.
· Clean shared gear (where sharing of hardware can't be maintained a strategic distance from).
· Post cleanliness directions in locale language so everybody can see how to do their part.
· Present all the more natural air by expanding the ventilation framework's air admission or opening entryways and windows. Maintain a strategic distance from a focal distribution where conceivable.
submitted by ShelyRiya to u/ShelyRiya [link] [comments]

Socially Responsible & Ethical Companies during COVID-19

I am trying to curb any unnecessary spending during Shelter in Place as I do not want to put retail workers at risk. I have also seen bad press about some companies (AMAZON!) and how they are not supporting workers during the current pandemic. I realize this is larger than just ethical fashion, but figured this would be a good place to ask.
I am having a tough time discerning what companies are actually doing good, and which are just saying, or advertising, that they are supporting workers. Does anyone have any links or resources for socially responsible retailers who are rising to the challenge of the Coronavirus pandemic?
In particular, I would like to support companies that are giving pay raises or hazard pay for those who are still working in retail, and those are are actually giving proper PPE and extended sick leave policies. to support their essential workers. I realize that any spending/engagement does in fact put workers at risk-how do others feel about this issue and are they similarly conflicted?
I found this on article, but am hoping for help compiling a more complete list:
*Burger King is offering two complementary kid’s meals for each adult meal purchased online or through the Burger King app.
*In the absence of major sports league seasons like the NBA and the NHL, leagues are offering free access to certain programming. NFL is offering free access to NFL Game Pass, including access to past regular and postseason NFL games. Basketball fans will get a free preview of NBA League Pass. The MLB has pledged $30 million to help cover the lost wages of ballpark employees.
*Hootsuite is providing free access to its Professional Plan to nonprofits and small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
*Influencer marketing platform Takumi is developing two pro-bono influencer campaigns that deliver critical health messages to the public: a #safehands partnership with the WHO to help spread information about proper handwashing and a Takumi-owned initiative to promote mental health and mindfulness amidst anxiety and misinformation about the pandemic.
*Dunkin is encouraging ordering to go through its app, also as a way to reward loyalty members.
*To encourage staying in shape while at home, Popsugar is offering up its monthly Active subscription for free to encourage social distancing. Likewise, after closures of its gyms, Planet Fitness is offering live-streamed home “work-ins” from 4pm to 7pm daily.
*Starbucks has delayed the expiration of its “Star” loyalty member points until June 1, 2020. It also announced April 1 that it’s donating $3 million toward fighting the virus.
*Jameson is pledging $500,000 to support the charity of the United States Bartenders’ Guild and also matching every dollar donated by consumers to the cause, up to $100,000 total. Molson Coors is also donating $1 million to the Guild.
*Mint Mobile is providing all current and new customers free unlimited high-speed data.
*T-Mobile is donating from $300,000 to $500,000 to charity Feeding America when consumers engage with its promotional program, T-Mobile Tuesdays. It’s also providing unlimited data to customers for the next 60 days in addition to data for mobile hotspot users.
*Kraft Heinz has committed to donating $12 million to food bank charities across the globe.
*KFC is working with Blessings in a Backpack to provide bags of food for children in need. The brand donated at total of $400,000.
*Facebook is offering $100 million in cash grants and credits to up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in 20 countries. It’s also offering another $100 million in grants and advertising credits to publishers.
*Grocery store chains, including Dollar General and Stop & Shop, are offering specific hours early in the morning for seniors to shop before the general public is allowed to enter.
*Chipotle launched virtual hangouts on video-conference app Zoom, called “Chipotle Together,” that offer free burrito giveaways, special guests and Q&As.
*Many automakers have stepped up to the plate to help potential buyers, current customers and workers. Hyundai’s Assurance Job Loss Protection program makes up to six car payments for current customers and its lender arm will defer payments if needed. Ford created a “Built to Lend a Hand” program to assist with payments. And, in light of recent automotive closures, Ford, GM and Tesla are in talks with the Trump administration to begin producing much-needed ventilators for people infected by the virus.
*Ally Bank is deferring payments for auto and mortgage customers for 120 days and has pledged $3 million in financial aid to local communities and organizations.
*Walgreens is offering free shipping, free delivery for prescriptions, a free pharmacy chat about symptoms and healthcare provider consultations. In addition, it’s working with the government to create dedicated spaces at and around stores to conduct COVID-19 testing.
*Amazon launched the AWS Diagnostic Initiative to support its customers working on diagnostic research and development and has initially invested $20 million.
*Microsoft and Adaptive Biotechnologies are working to map adaptive immune responses to the disease in order to better understand, treat and prevent the virus from spreading.
*Internet providers like Comcast, AT&T and Sprint are offering up free data or suspending shutoffs.
*IKEA is donating 50,000 face masks that it found in a warehouse in one of its furniture stores in Sweden.
*With Vita Coco sales skyrocketing during the crisis, the brand has decided to pay it forward by donating $1 million to Feeding America and No Kid Hungry. CEO Michael Kirban has also challenged other businesses that have profited from COVID-19, like Netflix and Charmin, to put their profits into relief efforts. (Netflix did just announce a $100 million relief fund for the creative community.)
*Walmart is providing cash bonuses to its employees as its stores experience unprecedented demand. Trader Joe’s has followed suit.
*Under Armour has donated $1 million to Feeding America and $1 million to Good Sports. It’s also staging an at-home fitness challenge.
*Hanes is working with the government to use its factories to make masks for health care workers in order to meet the high demand for protective gear in hospitals.
*Shopify is offering employees $1,000 to buy supplies for a work-from-home office in order to ease the transition to remote work.
*Tito’s Vodka is donating $1 million to four organizations that support the service industry, CORE, USBG Foundation, Southern Smoke, and World Central Kitchen, and is allocating another $1 million to organizations in need.
*Apple has donated $15 million to communities affected, pledged a two-to-one corporate match of funds donated by employees toward COVID-19 relief and has committed to source much-needed medical supplies for health care workers. It also released a COVID-19 screening tool and has sourced and donated 10 million face masks to the medical community in the US and Europe.
*Headspace is offering health care professionals free access to Headspace Plus, a subscription for its meditation app, for 2020.
*AB InBev is donating millions of gallons of alcohol to manufacturers for the purpose of making hand sanitizer and disinfectants. It’s also donating $5 million to the American Red Cross to help fight the virus and created a PSA announcing that the company is shifting dollars from sports investments to helping organizations on the front lines.
*Bacardi Rum is also helping by committing to produce more than 1.7 million 10-ounce bottles of hand sanitizer.
*Gap Inc. has pledged to use its factories to make essential gear, clothing and equipment for health care workers.
*Twitter is protecting and supporting journalists during this time by giving $1 million to the Committee to Protect Journalists and the International Women’s Media Foundation.
*CVS, publisher brands like the NY Times and Uhaul were some of the first companies to step up.
*Twitch is holding “Stream Aid 2020,” a 12-hour streaming event on March 28 featuring big talent from gaming, music and sports, to benefit the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO powered by the United Nations Foundation.
*Airbnb is providing free or subsidized housing for 100,000 health care workers who are fighting the pandemic.
*Dyson is creating 15,000 ventilators for distribution in the UK and other countries.
*Wendy’s is shifting marketing spend originally allocated for its new breakfast menu toward support and relief for its franchises.
*ADT updated its logo to reflect social distancing behavior, launched a new social media campaign promoting the spread of kindness and positivity, ceased all door-to-door sales and invested in new technologies for salespeople working from home.
*Salesforce is making some of its technology free and has pledged not to do significant layoffs for 90 days.
*Chaco Footwear pivot from repairing and making custom sandals to producing protective equipment needed by healthcare workers. Meanwhile, Crocs is donating its footwear to medical professionals.
*Pornhub is donating 50,000 surgical masks New York City workers and is making its service free.
*FedEx is moving test specimens to 50 test centers across the country and UPS is setting up a drive-through testing program.
*Harbor Freight is donating 44 million pairs of gloves and hundreds of thousands of masks and face shields to hospitals in the 1,000 communities served by its stores.
*Employees at Neiman Marcus and Joann stores are making nonsurgical masks, gowns and scrubs at Neiman Marcus alterations facilities in California, New Jersey and Florida.
*Amazon is partnering with Lyft to recruit drivers to deliver packages and groceries during government-mandated lockdowns.
*In partnership with the World Health Organization, teams from Microsoft, Slack, Pinterest, Twitter and TikTok are building tools to address the challenges brought on by the outbreak through a #BuildforCOVID19 hackathon.
*Campari has donated $1 million to Another Round Another Rally, a nonprofit organization raising funds for hospitality workers, bars and hotels.
*Burberry, Emporio Armani and Dior are making masks and gowns for hospital workers within its factories. Burberry is also using its global supply chain network to fast-track delivery of 100,000 masks to the NHS in the UK.
*Google has pledged to donate $800 million toward small- and medium-sized businesses, health organizations, governments and health care workers on the front lines.
*Johnson & Johnson has partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to create a billion doses of a vaccine, committing more than $1 billion in investment to co-fund the research.
*Home Depot has halted the sale of its N95 masks and is now donating them to hospitals, health care workers and first responders treating patients. It’s also donating millions of dollars in personal protective equipment and other products.
*Unilever is contributing 100 million pounds ($124 million) worth of donations of soap, sanitizer, bleach and food toward COVID-10 relief.
*Nestle is donating food, medical nutrition products and bottled water to communities most in need, putting CHF 10 million ($10.3 million) to countries most in need and matching Red Cross donations.
*TikTok is donating $10 million to the WHO’s Solidarity Response Fund as well as assisting with distribution of food support for families affected by the crisis. It then pledged $250 million toward supporting medical workers, educators and communities affected by the crisis.
*Dutch Bros coffee is donating all profits it makes for the month of April toward supporting medical responders.
*Given the decline of rideshare use, Uber has launched a “Work Hub” to help connect drivers to other employment opportunities from companies like McDonald’s, FedEx, UPS, Pepsi, Hertz and Walgreens. It also has waived delivery fees for restaurants and is providing free transportation to healthcare workers.
*Nike is working with Oregon Health & Science University to create personal protective equipment, including face shields and air-purifying respirator lenses, out of Nike-owned materials and within the brand’s manufacturing facilities.
*Intel is committing $50 million toward a pandemic response technology initiative that aims to help patient care, scientific research and online learning for students.
*Boll & Branch bedding company is manufacturing pillows and mattresses to give emergency medical operations.
*Verizon Media is donating $10 million in ad inventory to support mental and public health organizations and donate creative and staff to build campaigns for partner organizations.
*General Mills’ foundation is donating $5 million in charitable gifts in the form of meals for children and community programs, in addition to previous grants across the globe to increase food bank capacity.
*Mercedes Formula One is working with University College London engineers and clinicians to build Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) breathing devices.
*PepsiCo is donating $45 million toward food and other resources, including 20 million meals to communities in need through The PepsiCo Foundation’s Food for Good program, a partnership with No Kid Hungry.
*Bud Light Seltzer is partnering with Call of Duty on the Bud Light Seltzer Charity Royale Tournament. From April 21-May 7, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday night, major athletes will raise money for charities helping workers on the frontlines.
*Subaru of America is donating 50 million meals to communities in need. https://www.chiefmarketer.com/cause-marketing-in-the-era-of-covid-19/
submitted by myfelinesnores to ethicalfashion [link] [comments]

What's Also Worse Than the #Corona #Virus? By Dr. Legend, M.D

What's Also Worse Than the #Corona #Virus? By Dr. Legend, M.D
What's Also Worse Than the #Corona #Virus?By Dr. Legend, M.D

. If you thought #covid 19, #coronavirusmisbehaved, then you better read this!
An article composed by Dr. Saga MD
. After you read this short article, I HIGHLY recommend everybody acquisition a HIGH-QUALITY air purification system, like an air cleanser that can ELIMINATE #airborne #viruses, as well the dreadful #corona #virus. As well as, let me point out, anyone who attempts telling you the #coronavirus is not an #airborne #virus, is DEAD MISDOING!
When an individual cough or sneeze, research studies reveal the #coronavirus remains in their air for time! Again, a GOOD #air #purifier couldn't hurt. In addition, after you check out these other awful #airborne #viruses, the #corona #virus does not even contrast to the several of the complying with. Also, an #air #purifier in todays culture, taking into consideration all the germs, microorganisms, infection, as well as air pollution within the office or home, just provides credence to the necessity of having a home #air #purifier as well as or a home air cleanser as well as anti-bacterial machine.
First is first, let me discuss what an #airborne #virus is.
You can capture some conditions just by breathing. These are called airborne diseases
Airborne disease can spread out when individuals with specific infections cough, sneeze, or talk, gushing nasal and also throat secretions into the air. Some infections or microorganisms fly and also hang in the air or come down on other individuals or surfaces.
When you take in airborne pathogenic microorganisms, they reside inside you. You can also pick up bacteria when you touch a surface area that harbors them, and then touch your own eyes, nose, or mouth.
Due to the fact that these illness travel in the air, they're hard to control. Maintain reading to get more information about the common sorts of air-borne conditions as well as what you can do to protect on your own from catching them.
Sorts of airborne diseases.
Many illness are spread out with the air, consisting of these:
#Coronavirus and COVID-19
A swiftly spreading out coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, as well as the disease it creates, COVID-19, continue to trigger extensive concern as of early 2020. Info on coronavirus as well as COVID-19 is frequently being updated as a result.
One of the most typical signs of COVID-19 consist of high temperature, coughing, tiredness, and also shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms, see a physician right away.
The cold
Millions Trusted Resource of situations of the common cold occur yearly in the United States. Most grownups get two or three colds a year. Youngsters have a tendency to get them much more often.
The acute rhinitis is the leading reason for absences at college and also work. There are numerous infections that can cause a cool, but it's typically a rhinovirus.
A lot of us have some experience with the influenza. It spreads so quickly because it's transmittable about a day prior to you see the initial signs. It remains transmittable for another 5 to 7 days. If you have a weakened body immune system for any reason, you can spread it to others longer than that.
There are lots of pressures of the flu, and also they are constantly transforming. That makes it challenging for your body to develop immunities.
Mumps is an additional really transmittable viral disease. You can spread it prior to signs appear and also for as much as 5 days after. Mumps made use of to be fairly usual in the United States, yet rates have actually decreased by 99 percent Relied on Resource due to inoculation.
From January 1 to January 25, 2020, 70 situations in the United States were reported to the CDC. Episodes tend to take place in largely booming environments.
Chickenpox is triggered by the varicella-zoster infection. If you have chickenpox, you can spread it for a day or more prior to you get the obvious breakout. It uses up to 21 days after exposure for the condition to develop.
Lots of people obtain chickenpox just when, and then the virus goes inactive. Needs to the virus reactivate later on in life, you get an agonizing skin problem called roof shingles.
If you have not had chickenpox, you can get it from someone with tiles.
Measles is a very infectious illness, specifically in jampacked problems.
The virus that causes measles can continue to be energetic in the air or on surface areas for approximately 2 hours. You have the ability to transfer it to others up to 4 days prior to as well as 4 days after the measles breakout appears.
The majority of people get the measles only once.
Measles is a leading cause of death among youngsters worldwide and was responsible for 140,000 deaths Trusted Resource in 2018. It's estimated that the measles vaccine avoided around 23 million deaths from 2000 to 2018.
The illness is less usual in the United States and occurs mostly in individuals who have not been immunized. There were 1,282 cases Trusted Resource reported in 2019. Since March 2, 2020, there have actually been 12 verified cases in 2020.
Whooping cough (pertussis).
This respiratory system illness causes swelling of the air passages that causes a relentless hacking cough. It goes to the elevation of contagiousness for regarding 2 weeks after the coughing starts.
Worldwide, there have to do with 24.1 million Relied on Resource situations of whooping coughing yearly, causing 160,700 deaths.
In 2018Trusted Source, there were over15,000 reported cases in the United States alone!
Tuberculosis (TB).
TB, likewise known as intake, is an air-borne disease. This is a microbial infection that does not spread easily. You normally should be in close contact with an individual that has it for a very long time.
You can get TB without coming to be unwell or transmitting it to others.
Well over 1 billion people worldwide have TB. A lot of aren't ill. About 10 million individuals worldwide have active TB.
Individuals with a weakened immune system have the best danger of developing the disease. Signs can show up within days of direct exposure. For some, it takes months or years to activate.
When the disease is energetic, bacteria swiftly increase as well as strike the lungs. It can spread out via your bloodstream and also lymph nodes to other body organs, bones, or skin.
When a significant reason for health issues and also death in kids, diphtheria is currently unusual in the United States. As a result of widespread inoculation, fewer than 5 instances have been reported in the past years.
Worldwide, there had to do with 7,100 situations Relied on Resource of diphtheria in 2016, yet it may be underreported.
The disease harms your respiratory system as well as can harm your heart, kidneys, and also nerves.
Signs and symptoms.
Airborne conditions normally cause one or more of the adhering to signs:.
- swelling of your nose, throat, sinuses, or lungs.
- coughing.
- sneezing.
- congestion.
- runny nose.
- sore throat.
- puffy glands.
- frustration.
- body aches.
- loss of appetite.
- high temperature.
- exhaustion.
Chickenpox causes an itchy breakout that typically begins on your upper body, face, and also back prior to topping the rest of your body. Within a couple of days, fluid-filled blisters form. The sores ruptured and also scab over in about a week.
The measles breakout can take as long as 7 to 18 days to appear after you have actually been revealed. It usually begins on your face and neck, and afterwards spreads over the training course of a couple of days. It fades within a week.
Serious problems of measles consist of:.
- ear infections.
- diarrhea.
- dehydration.
- serious respiratory system infection.
- loss of sight.
- swelling of the brain, or encephalitis.
Whooping cough gets its name from its main sign, an extreme hacking coughing, which is normally followed by a forceful consumption of air.
Signs of TB vary relying on which body organs or body systems are influenced and also might include spending sputum or blood.
Diphtheria can cause significant swelling in your neck. This can make it difficult to take a breath and also swallow.
Problems from air-borne diseases are most likely to affect the very young, the very old, as well as individuals with an endangered body immune system.
Therapy for common air-borne conditions.
For a lot of airborne diseases, you'll need plenty of remainder and also liquids. More therapy relies on your particular ailment.
Some air-borne illness, such as chickenpox, have no targeted treatment. Nevertheless, medicines and various other encouraging treatment can aid ease signs and symptoms.
Some, such as the flu, can be treated with antiviral medications.
Therapy for babies with whooping coughing can consist of antibiotics, as well as hospitalization is typically required.
There are medicines to treat and also heal TB, although some strains of TB are drug immune. Failing to complete the program of medicine can result in medicine resistance as well as return of signs.
If caught early enough, diphtheria can be successfully treated with antitoxins and also anti-biotics.
Nonetheless, wouldn't it be a lot simpler to do something that would STOP an individual from obtaining any one of the for stated viral conditions? Specifically now with the prevalent Coronavirus, also known as Cobid-19?
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submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Friday 10th April

Happy Good Friday everybody. It’s the Easter weekend. Official advice in many countries is to avoid spreading Covid-19 by not going to places of worship this weekend.
(Sorry about no post yesterday, my day job exploded in my face and demanded all of my attention). PS I still feel absolutely fine, no virus for me yet. I hope to keep it that way, I’m being careful on isolating.

Virus news in depth

New York sees record coronavirus deaths again as Cuomo warns economic toll 'worse than 9/11' - The Guardian reports that whilst the death rate in New York state continues to set new records on a daily basis, the hospitalisation admission rate is beginning to stabilise, suggesting that self isolation and lockdown procedures are beginning to have an effect. New York State Governor Cuomo was quick to sound a note of caution. “Remember, the 1918 Spanish flu came in three waves,” Cuomo said. “We’re on the first wave. Everybody is assuming, well, once we get through this, we’re done. I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that. This virus has been ahead of us from day one.” New York City has since the 19th century used Hart Island to bury New Yorkers with no known next of kin or whose family are unable to arrange a funeral. In a typical week 25 bodies are interred by low-paid jail inmates working on the island, which sits off the east shore of the city’s Bronx borough and is accessible only by boat. That number began increasing in March rapidly and the city is now burying about two dozen bodies a day five days a week and is also using contractors for the work (due to an outbreak of the virus in the island’s jail plus for additional safety reasons). In a Reuters article on the New York City situation, Diana Torres, a nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, the center of the nation's worst outbreak said “Patients look fine, feel fine, then you turn around and they're unresponsive," said. "I'm paranoid, scared to walk out of their room."

Virus news in brief

Supply chain news in depth

Levi’s adjusts its supply chain approach to account for impacts from the virus - Supplychaindive reports that order reductions, ship-from-store capability and supply chain visibility will help Levi's "emerge from the storm strong or stronger than going into it," CEO Chip Bergh said on a Tuesday earnings call. The company also became the latest to withdraw any financial projections whilst 70% of its 565 stores are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Levi's will ship some e-commerce orders from stores starting next week to move inventory trapped in closed stores and hedge against any changes in local regulations that could shut down fulfillment centers not shipping essential goods, Bergh said. Direct to consumer e-commerce accounts for more than 40% of the company's sales total sales, he added.

Time is running out to lift travel restrictions on seafarers and keep global trade moving - In a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus, ports around the world continue to restrict when crew can disembark, while the collapse in passenger flights has drastically reduced the options for repatriating seafarers, preventing the normal frequency of crew changes. Wilhelmsen Ship Management is among the many shipowners and managers to defer crew changes, and CEO Carl Schou said it was with “a heavy heart” that he made the announcement last week. “We have bought ourselves a time window – for now,” said Mr Schou. “We should not have to ask the crew for another deferral. This is unacceptable… The authorities must make travel ban exemptions for seafarers.” (Loadstar link). Supplypro.ca reports a similar story in Canada; Canadian crews aboard most Canadian-flagged cargo vessels have agreed not to leave their ships when they arrive at their destinations, which means they can be restricted to their vessels for up to three months at a time. The crews on some foreign-flagged ships, meanwhile, are being told they’ll be stuck on their ships — without shore leave — for up to nine months. “It’s a real stressful situation,” Jim Given, president of the Seafarers’ International Union of Canada, said in an interview Wednesday. “That outside contact is being lost for those seafarers. As a maritime community, we’re going to have to figure out how we handle this. Everybody is trying their best, but it’s very difficult.” The charity is trying to support foreign crew members, most of whom are desperate for a sim card to facilitate overseas calling to talk to family members.

The Loadstar reports on Deutsche Post DHL’s latest financial numbers - the group (seen as a bellwether in the supply chain industry) says it’s getting hit hard in all its divisions but they are all continuing to make a profit. As has happened with Levi’s (see above), the group has nevertheless abandoned all profit guidance for the year. DHL Global Forwarding and Freight saw revenue decline by around €30m, year on year, in the quarter and posted a divisional ebit of €70m. Supply Chain also saw sales decline €30m, but its performance was more varied as it posted an ebit of €100m. The breadth of DHL’s capabilities and interests has insulated it to a degree from the worst effects. “The development in contract logistics differs with regards to regions and sectors. While fashion and automotive recognized negative effects due to suspended production and reduced demand, the retail grocery segment as well as the healthcare industry showed positive effects,” the company said. However, there are improved prospects for its Post & Parcel and E-commerce divisions, where it said “due to the shutdown of stationary retail stores, the e-commerce business and the corresponding parcel volumes grew dynamically”.

SCMP editorial: Why the coronavirus crisis won’t weaken China’s position in the global supply chain - An editorial by a Chinese professor (link) has been published in the South China Morning Post. He argues that

Supply chain news in brief

Good news section

Boris Johnson (UK Prime Minister) is continuing to recover from the virus and is now out of intensive care (multiple sources). (I'm not a fan of his politics at all but it's neverthless good news to see he's recovering).


Several asked if they can send me $/£/€ via Patreon (in some cases because I've saved them time or money, others for no reason at all). I don't need the cash (that's lovely though) but food bank charities are getting really hit hard with all this panic buying. Please consider giving whatever you'd have given me to a foodbank charity instead:
UK: https://www.trusselltrust.org/
France: https://www.banquealimentaire.org/
Germany: https://www.tafel.de/
Netherlands: https://www.voedselbankennederland.nl/steun-ons/steun-voedselbank-donatie/
Italy: https://www.bancoalimentare.it/it/node/1
Spain: https://www.fesbal.org/
Australia: https://www.foodbank.org.au/
Canada: https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/
USA: https://www.feedingamerica.org/
Thanks in advance for any donations you give. If there's foodbank charities in your country and it's not listed above, please suggest it and I will include it going forward.
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

SIX-- Flat-out LIE's as well as Misconceptions Regarding the #Coronavirus!

SIX-- Flat-out LIE's as well as Misconceptions Regarding the #Coronavirus!
SIX-- Flat-out LIE's as well as Misconceptions Regarding the #Coronavirus!
Without reservation Lie 1-- Covid-19 Is As Well AIR-BORNE! Coronavirusairborne.com

Misconception 1.
The virus doesn't stay alive on surface areas, just accessible. And it's not airborne. FALSE
A research released Tuesday in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a new variation of COVID-19, extreme acute respiratory disorder coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is extra resilient than ever. However it might survive much longer on particular surfaces.
The study discovered the new coronavirus might make it through on plastic and also steel surfaces for approximately 72 hours. The good news is, for Amazon consumers as well as postal workers, the research revealed the coronavirus seldom survived longer than 24-hour on cardboard; and for those scared of capturing the virus using cents, the study located coronavirus did not endure past eight hrs on copper surface areas.
" It can still be spread from surfaces for hrs as well as perhaps even days," Joshi claimed.
But can you capture it by breathing it in? Perhaps.
The same research study found coronavirus fragments could stay put on hold in the air for approximately half an hour prior to landing on a surface, meaning you can come to be contaminated if you experience coronavirus fragments that stick around in the air.
Possible solution:
A GREAT #Air #Purifier or UV Light Sanitizer is EXTREMELY Recommended!
Myth 2.
It only affects older individuals. Kids can't get it. FALSE
Early studies of the episode in China showed youngsters represented the least and least serious cases of COVID-19 infections. These exact same studies revealed that the infection has a tendency to have a lot more terrible effect on grownups above age 70. A a lot more recent research of over 2,000 kids who evaluated favorable for COVID-19 in China, nonetheless, located that children (those under age 10) as well as infants were especially at risk to having severe situations of infection.
Jen Caudle, a family doctor as well as associate professor at Rowan University School of Medicine, says the public's concentrate on the most impacted populace may have helped fuel the rumor that populations can not be affected.
" This myth has actually continued because we maintain speaking about the high-risk nature of older individuals and people with underlying clinical problems. These are people who have a tendency to do even worse when they get it. I think, somehow, individuals have actually been led to believe that implies youngsters or young people are not being contaminated which is false," Caudle stated. "Kid, babies, young adults, teens, individuals in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or any type of age can obtain coronavirus."
Myth 3.
Prescription antibiotics, vitamins, and at-home treatments can kill the virus. Environments eliminate the infection. FALSE
One point that all the experts agree on: Anti-biotics do not eliminate COVID-19. Coronavirus is an infection, not germs. Prescription antibiotics stop infections caused by bacteria.
But what about other homemade treatments that individuals are proclaiming as effective versus the illness? Individuals have actually declared everything from consuming specific foods or rinsing salt water, to consuming gallons of water each time or massaging on your own down with alcohol can act as a cure for the infection.
Caudle claims, wage care.
" I think it's truly important that we eat a well balanced diet plan on any kind of offered day, and for some people, taking a multivitamin for optimal health and wellness might be recommended," she described. "Nevertheless, there's no evidence to sustain taking a specific vitamin or supplement like garlic, vitamin C or elderberry especially to cure, stop or treat coronavirus."
Likewise, the idea that warm weather condition or winter can kill the virus, has also been proven false. According to the WHO, the virus can be sent in any type of climate.
Misconception 4.
COVID-19 is not that severe. It's just a number of buzz. FALSE
The numbers represent themselves. To date, a minimum of 8,800 individuals in 145 nations have actually passed away from COVID-19. This week, Italy reported 368 COVID-19 fatalities in a solitary day, which indicates a person in Italy passed away every 4 minutes from the virus that day. Yet individuals that downplay the impact of coronavirus typically indicate the fact that not every person that gets contaminated with COVID-19 will certainly die. This is true. While more than 210,000 people have actually been infected with the infection, including reported cases in all 50 states as well as Washington, D.C., an estimated 82,000 individuals have recouped.
Aditi Joshi, an emergency situation medicine medical professional at Jefferson Wellness as well as medical director of its telehealth platform Jeff Attach, claims even if the virus has differing degrees of intensity, doesn't imply preventative steps should be neglected.
Misconception 5.
The procedure for testing is too challenging or terrifying. FALSE
It's clear that medical facilities across the U.S. have battled to get coronavirus test packages as well as discover places to administer them securely, but the process of coronavirus testing itself is simple.
According to Sahiwal, the process of testing involves having a medical care worker make use of a cotton bud to take an example of the back of the nose to look for the infection. It is not uncomfortable yet can be briefly awkward and also some clients could cough during or after the test. In conclusion, the test normally takes less than 30 seconds to finish.
It's not even as deadly as the influenza. RATHER REAL, BUT ...
The CDC estimates as lots of as 55,000 Americans may die from flu by the end of this influenza season. So yes, also conventional price quotes make it appear that the flu is more deadly than the coronavirus.
Nevertheless, COVID-19 has confirmed to be far more contagious than the flu primarily due to the fact that individuals that have coronavirus can increase to 2 week with no signs and symptoms, making it extremely most likely that they will unknowingly pass the infection on to numerous others before being diagnosed. Signs and symptoms for the influenza typically appear within two days of initial infection, leaving a much shorter home window for the virus to be passed along.
It's likewise worth keeping in mind that as a result of the fast spread as well as lack of COVID-19 examinations, the mortality price for coronavirus could be grossly undercounted.
" The exact mortality rate from this health problem is still being exercised. Initial reports on mortality rates only utilized laboratory-confirmed infected patients and also as a result of evaluating restrictions, only the sickest clients were at first checked," Sahiwal said. "As our screening capacities increase and we hopefully can examine a lot more individuals we ought to obtain a much more accurate measurement of the overall death rate."
Myth 6.
Your body's body immune system can not battle the coronavirus. FALSE
Having a wellness as well as solid immune system is critical to whether you can obtain the coronavirus. Exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, and also a great workout can only increase your body's capability to defend itself versus nearly any unwanted health and wellness condition!
Whole body vibration machines as well as PEMF machines can RAISE the body's body immune system PROMPTLY and also with little initiative!
To obtain devices as well as product to aid shield you as well as your household from the coronavirus see.
For high-grade #air #purifiers developed to FILTER-OUT and also ELIMINATE #viruses like the #coronavirus, you will not find air purifiers eBay, air cleansers kohls, or air purifiers amazon, you require to head to a specialized firm like
see all #airpurifiers, #aircleaners, as well as UV Light sanitizers like the ones used in health center operating rooms!'
submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

6-- Flat-out LIE's and also Myths Regarding the Coronavirus!

6-- Flat-out LIE's and also Myths Regarding the Coronavirus!
6-- Flat-out LIE's and also Myths Regarding the Coronavirus!
Flat-out Lie 1-- Covid-19 Is Too AIRBORNE! Coronavirusairborne.com

Misconception 1.
The infection does not survive on surfaces, just handy. And it's not air-borne. FALSE
A study published Tuesday in the New England Journal of Medicine located that a new variation of COVID-19, serious intense respiratory disorder coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a lot more resistant than ever before. Yet it might endure much longer on specific surfaces.
The research study found the new coronavirus can survive on plastic and steel surface areas for approximately 72 hours. Fortunately, for Amazon.com consumers and postal workers, the research revealed the coronavirus rarely survived longer than 24 hr on cardboard; and also for those scared of capturing the infection via cents, the study located coronavirus did not survive beyond 8 hrs on copper surfaces.
" It can still be spread out from surfaces for hours and also maybe even days," Joshi stated.
Yet can you capture it by breathing it in? Perhaps.
The exact same study located coronavirus particles could stay put on hold in the air for as much as thirty minutes before landing on a surface, implying you can come to be contaminated if you run into coronavirus bits that stick around airborne.
Possible solution:
A GOOD Air Purifier or UV Light Sanitizer is VERYSuggested!
Myth 2.
It just influences older people. Kids can not get it. FALSE
Early research studies of the break out in China revealed kids accounted for the least and also the very least severe instances of COVID-19 infections. These same studies disclosed that the infection has a tendency to have a lot more devastating result on adults above age 70. A much more recent research of over 2,000 kids that tested positive for COVID-19 in China, nevertheless, found that young children (those under age 10) and infants were particularly vulnerable to having extreme situations of infection.
Jen Caudle, a family physician and associate professor at Rowan College of Medicine, claims the general public's concentrate on one of the most impacted populace might have helped sustain the rumor that other populaces can not be affected.
" This myth has actually persisted since we maintain discussing the risky nature of older individuals and people with underlying medical conditions. These are people that often tend to do worse when they get it. I think, in some way, people have been converted that implies kids or youngsters are not being contaminated and that is incorrect," Caudle stated. "Kid, infants, young adults, young adults, people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or any age can obtain coronavirus."
Myth 3.
Prescription antibiotics, vitamins, and home solutions can eliminate the infection. Environments eliminate the infection. FALSE
One point that all the specialists settle on: Antibiotics do not kill COVID-19. Coronavirus is an infection, not bacteria. Antibiotics quit infections caused by bacteria.
Yet what about various other homemade treatments that individuals are proclaiming as efficient against the disease? People have actually claimed every little thing from eating certain foods or gargling seawater, to consuming alcohol gallons of water at once or rubbing on your own down with alcohol can serve as a cure for the virus.
Caudle states, wage caution.
" I think it's really important that we eat a balanced diet on any kind of given day, and also for some people, taking a multivitamin for ideal wellness might be recommended," she discussed. "Nonetheless, there's no evidence to support taking a particular vitamin or supplement like garlic, vitamin C or elderberry especially to heal, stop or treat coronavirus."
Likewise, the concept that cozy weather condition or cold weather can kill the virus, has also been proven false. According to the WHO, the virus can be transmitted in any kind of climate.
Misconception 4.
COVID-19 is not that severe. It's simply a bunch of buzz. FALSE
The numbers represent themselves. To date, a minimum of 8,800 people in 145 nations have actually died from COVID-19. Today, Italy reported 368 COVID-19 deaths in a single day, which implies a person in Italy died every 4 minutes from the infection that day. But people that minimize the effect of coronavirus usually point to the fact that not everyone that obtains infected with COVID-19 will certainly pass away. This is true. While greater than 210,000 people have been contaminated with the virus, consisting of reported instances in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., an approximated 82,000 individuals have actually recuperated.
Aditi Joshi, an emergency medicine physician at Jefferson Health and medical supervisor of its telehealth platform Jeff Attach, claims even if the virus has differing levels of severity, doesn't mean preventative measures ought to be neglected.
Misconception 5.
The procedure for screening is also difficult or terrifying. FALSE
It's no secret that medical facilities across the U.S. have actually battled to acquire coronavirus examination sets and also locate locations to provide them securely, but the procedure of coronavirus screening itself is simple.
According to Sahiwal, the process of testing involves having a medical care worker use a cotton swab to take an example of the rear of the nose to check for the infection. It is not excruciating however can be quickly unpleasant and also some patients may cough during or after the examination. Altogether, the examination typically takes less than 30 seconds to finish.
It's not even as dangerous as the influenza. RATHER REAL, BUT ...
The CDC approximates as several as 55,000 Americans may pass away from influenza by the end of this flu period. So indeed, also conventional quotes make it show up that the influenza is a lot more dangerous than the coronavirus.
Nonetheless, COVID-19 has confirmed to be far more transmittable than the influenza mainly due to the fact that people who have coronavirus can rise to 14 days without signs and symptoms, making it highly likely that they will unconsciously pass the virus on to numerous others prior to being detected. Signs for the influenza usually appear within two days of initial infection, leaving a much shorter window for the infection to be passed along.
It's likewise worth noting that because of the fast spread and also lack of COVID-19 examinations, the mortality rate for coronavirus could be blatantly undercounted.
" The exact death rate from this health problem is still being worked out. Preliminary reports on death rates just used laboratory-confirmed infected individuals as well as due to testing limitations, just the sickest clients were originally tested," Sahiwal stated. "As our screening abilities raise as well as we hopefully can check more clients we should obtain a more exact measurement of the general death rate."
Myth 6.
Your body's immune system can not fight off the coronavirus. FALSE
Having a wellness as well as strong immune system is vital to whether you can get the coronavirus. Exercise, a healthy diet plan, and also a good workout can only raise your body's capability to safeguard itself against practically any type of unwanted health problem!
Whole body vibration machines and also PEMF machines can INCREASE the body's immune system SWIFTLY as well as with little effort!
To get equipment and also product to aid safeguard you as well as your family members from the coronavirus browse through.
all #air #purifiers are here!
submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Thursday 2nd April

Virus news in depth

3M continues to ramp up production and speed supply of N95 respirators - Supply chain quarterly says that 3M is continuing all out efforts to speed up manufacturing and distribution of respirators, aiming to produce 50m per month in the US alone by June. In a statement Tuesday, 3M CEO Mike Roman outlined steps the company is taking to increase production of the vital respirators as well as address wider supply chain issues, including delivery and pricing. Roman said 3M plans to double its capacity over the next 12 months to produce 2 billion respirators globally per year, adding that some of the additional capacity will come online in the next 60 to 90 days. The increase follows a doubling of the company's global output in January to a level of 1.1 billion per year, or 100 million per month. Despite such efforts, Roman says demand for respirators is higher than the industry's ability to deliver, and that 3M and others are working to address new ways to protect healthcare workers, including working with sterilization companies to find ways for hospitals to safely clean, reuse, and extend the life of N95 respirators. The company is also working to boost production of its powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs), which are highly specialized and designed for "the most demanding healthcare environments," Roman said. Challenges extend beyond supply and delivery to pricing, with industry-wide reports of counterfeiting and price gouging. A recent market forecast for PPE products estimates that prices for some items have increased as much as 10 times due to shortages and demand surges. Roman said in his statement that 3M has not raised its prices for respirators and is taking steps to fight both counterfeiting and price gouging.

China forced to lockdown recently reopened counties after new infections - Bloomberg says that a county in central China has been put under lockdown again after a flare-up in coronavirus cases, pointing to the difficulty of sustaining outbreak containment in the face of carriers who show no signs of sickness. Jia county, whose population numbers around 640,000, issued a directive on Wednesday asking all residential compounds to be sealed off and those visiting and leaving homes to produce identity cards, wear masks and submit to temperature checks. Car traffic will also be limited. (Personal note: Reuters is reporting the same thing).

Weather forecast accuracy is deteriorating due to grounded planes - Airlive.net has a piece explaining that planes automatically report weather conditions around them as they fly. With so many now grounded, this valuable data set has been temporarily lost. Without this precious data, predicting the weather during the week is much more difficult. A similar problem happened in 2010 when the Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted in Iceland causing a block of air traffic across much of Northern Europe and North America.

A scandal seems to be erupting in the UK over insufficient testing - Senior political journalists from both left and right wing sources seem (to me) to be aligning against the UK government over Covid-19 testing. Robert Peston (political editor for ITV, a major TV station) reports that whilst Michael Gove (senior UK cabinet minister) says tests can’t be produced due to a lack of reagants, the Chemical Industries Association (which represents the UK's very substantial chemicals industry) say they can easily ramp up production if asked - but they haven’t been asked to. Labour MP’s in opposition are querying this (example tweet) whilst the UK Huffington Post political editor reports that just 1.6% of NHS workers have been tested for the virus. Meanwhile, the Telegraph (which is a strong broadsheet supporter of Tory governments) has put the minister from yesterday’s daily Q&A on the front page with the headline “Questions without answers”. (Personal note: For context, CNN in its daily blog reports that The organisation’s medical director Paul Cosford told Sky News that the UK is testing nearly 15,000 people a day and aims to reach 175,000 a week by the middle of April but in contrast, Germany leading virologist Christian Drosten says his country is already testing 500,000 a week).

There is also confusion in the UK over how many ventilators we have - Robert Jenrick (a cabinet minister) told Sky News there were 12,000. Less than an hour later he told BBC news there were 8,000. Separately the Guardian is reporting on today’s live blog that an unnamed major NHS hospital almost ran out of oxygen for its Covid-19 patients on ventilators because it was treating so many people with the disease who needed help to breathe.

Virus news in brief

People infected with the novel coronavirus can transmit the infection one-to-three days before symptoms start to appear, according to a study published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Jakarta Post link). The study looked at 243 cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, reported in Singapore between January 23 to March 16 and identified seven "clusters" where pre-symptomatic transmission was likely.

Turkmenistan has banned its media (considered the least free in the world) from using the word “coronavirus”. NPR has more, including the fact that plainclothes police officers are also arresting people who wear face masks or discuss the pandemic in public.

Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic have all made masks obligatory in public spaces and the Czech zeal for the new practice is such that when a group of nudists gathered at a lake during last weekend's unusually warm weather, police ordered them to cover up -- their mouths (link).

An Australian private hospital company has made 800 staff redundant (putting 8,000 beds at 34 private hospitals across Australia at risk) after the federal government cancelled elective surgeries in response to the COVID-19 spread - 9News reports that Chinese billionaire Liu Dian Bo bought Healthe Care for $900 million AUD in 2015. Now, the company, which 9News understands was already facing financial pressure, is putting the heat on federal and state government for help. "We have received no firm proposals," the company's letter to staff said. "Regrettably, this has driven us to these immediate actions." Other private hospitals are threatening to follow suit.

UK: A man has been jailed for stealing PPE from ambulance and assaulting a NHS security guard near a London hospital (link)

The Wimbledon tennis tournament has become the latest major sport event to be cancelled (link).

English premier league footballer clubs have been accused of living in a "moral vacuum", with players urged to take their share of the financial hit from the coronavirus pandemic as non-playing staff begin to feel the pinch (link). Players at Barcelona have taken a 70 percent pay cut during Spain's state of emergency and will make additional contributions to ensure other employees receive full wages. The squad of Italian champions Juventus, including Cristiano Ronaldo, have agreed to have their wages stopped for four months while players at German giants Bayern Munich accepted a 20 percent pay cut.

Personal data protection is a (very) thorny subject in privacy-loving Germany, but the country is nevertheless considering using a smartphone app to help manage the spread of the new coronavirus. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel -- who often refers to her youth in surveillance-ridden communist East Germany -- said Wednesday that if it turns out to be a helpful way of tracking the spread of the virus "I would... of course be willing to use it for myself". (Personal note: they are so hot on their privacy that you can force Google to blur pictures of your home on streetview, so this is a really big deal socially for Germany). Link

It turns out you can’t run from a global pandemic says Bloomberg - here’s an article from a Hong Konger who fled the outbreak and flew to Dallas only to find it soon caught up to her.

A Canadian couple who tried to flee to the remote Yukon village of Old Crow also found out you can’t run from a pandemic - when Old Crow residents asked the man and woman what had brought them to town, they were shocked by the response: The pair had driven across the country to Whitehorse and then flown to Old Crow to seek refuge from the coronavirus pandemic — a journey inspired by a dream. Town leaders isolated the couple for two days before putting them back on a plane to Whitehorse, where they remain in self-isolation. “They perceived our community as a life raft from COVID-19,” Dana Tizya-Tramm, chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, told the Star. In the Arctic community of roughly 280 people, Old Crow has only one nursing station and a doctor who flies in once every couple of months; they can’t risk the chance of a coronavirus outbreak.

The Pentagon is sourcing 100,000 body bags (link). American deaths are estimated (at this time) to eventually be around 200,000.

The US Navy aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has been mostly evacuated due to the virus (link) - it’s currently moored in Guam. A skeleton crew will left onboard to run critical systems. If crew members are required to quarantine for 14 days, on a rotational basis, the Roosevelt could be out of duty for weeks.

The New York State unemployment office typically gets 50,000 calls a week. Last week, it got almost 8 million says Business Insider.

US students who defied coronavirus warnings to keep partying on Florida beaches during their spring break have been crowned the year's "most foolish" Americans in a new survey -- tied with President Donald Trump (link).

Facing calls to declare a coronavirus state of emergency, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was flamed on social media on Thursday for instead offering people free cloth masks, pointing to growing frustration for some over his handling of the crisis. "If your family has more than two people, what are you supposed to do - fight over them?" posted user Yosuke. (Link)

Hong Kong authorities are warning more business closures could soon result - with beauty parlours likely to be next says the SCMP (link).

A lack of tourists in Thailand may cause elephants involved in tourism to go hungry (link).

Chinese police officers from two different forces clashed with each other and members of the public on Friday in a dispute over the reopening of a provincial border, following weeks of lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19. According to local government reports, the incident happened on the 1st Yangtze River Bridge that separates Huangmei county in Hubei – the province at the epicentre of the initial coronavirus outbreak – with the city of Jiujiang in Jiangxi. Several police vehicles were overturned (link). Poor communication from local governments is being blamed.

The Chinese city of Shenzhen has banned the eating of dogs and cats as part of a wider clampdown on the wildlife trade since the emergence of the new coronavirus (Bangkok Post)

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned the country's inhabitants in a TV message that anyone caught violating coronavirus lockdown measures would be shot. "My orders to the police and military ... if there is trouble and there's an occasion that they fight back and your lives are in danger, shoot them dead," he said. "Is that understood? Dead. Instead of causing trouble, I will bury you." (Deutsche World link)

Supply chain news in depth

Manila terminal chief pleads with owners to collect cargo as reefers pile up - Loadstar is reporting that The Philippines gateway of Manila has emerged as a new hot spot of reefer container congestion, as carriers stop unloading at the port. In a message to customers, MSC said that there were now no available reefer plugs at the port as haulage collections of import containers had been hampered by a city-wide lockdown set to run until mid-April at the earliest. The port’s two container terminal operators are ICTSI and Asian Terminals, and in a letter last week to carriers, forwarders and shippers, ICTSI executive vice president Christian Gonzalez outlined the extent of the problem: “Unfortunately, we have now come to a point where it is becoming impossible to operate in an efficient manner”...”“Those who are able must please clear and remove your containers immediately,” he wrote. In response, CMA CGM (major container ship operating company) yesterday slapped a $1,400 per reefer port congestion surcharge on shipments to Manila and Subic Bay ports (Personal note: that’s a very high fee, CMA CGM is not messing around), and urged shippers whose cargo had arrived at Manila to arrange to pick it up “as soon as possible to avoid accumulating demurrage fees”. Rival MSC said it had now reached a point where it was applying a ‘suspension of carriage’ clause and would have to unload reefer containers at other ports – it will advise shippers and their forwarders “where your container(s) may be collected”.

MSC offers storage in terminal yards to help prevent import congestion at ports - In a related article, Loadstar also reports that as consumer demand in Europe and North America drops off a cliff, fears have grown among logistics operators of an impending container congestion crisis at import destinations as shipments arranged before widespread social lockdowns have continued towards their destinations. In response, MSC has introduced a suspension of transit (SOT) programme to help shippers and their freight service providers prevent container exports out of Asia building up at ports, by offering terminal yard storage capacity. The line has secured capacity at some of its terminals at six ports – Bremerhaven in Germany, Busan in South Korea, King Abdullah Port in Saudi Arabia, Lome in Togo, Rodman PSA Panama International in Panama and Tekirdag Asyaport in Turkey. Its customers can store laden containers there until port operations at import terminals are able to resume processing them. NB: Splash247 has the same story (link).

Australian dockers' union in quarantine dispute over Chinese box ship - Loadstar reports that citing coronavirus concerns, dockworkers in Melbourne have refused to unload a containership carrying “critical medical supplies” from China, despite the vessel being cleared for entry by the Australian Border Force. Cosco’s 5,668 teu Xin Da Lian left Shanghai on 17 March and called Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 19 March, before arriving at DP World’s Melbourne terminal yesterday. Under current rules in Australia, this was permitted as the call was after the 14-day quarantine period for ships’ crew leaving mainland China – none of them had left the ship in Taiwan, meaning they qualified for having been “at sea” for 14 days. However, the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) claimed the call was in breach of quarantine and its members refused to unload the vessel “on safety grounds”. DP World said the ship was carrying critical imports, such as medical supplies, and the MUA’s safety concerns were unfounded. “The directions are very clear and we don’t make the rules, these are defined by Australian Border Force,” said Andrew Adam, chief operating officer.

Airlines feel pressure to maintain minimum level of domestic service - Freightwaves has an interesting piece on why airlines still need to fly despite a collapse in demand for passengers. Reasons include moving medical staff and cargo around, maintaining pilots certification to fly (they need to have a minimum amount of hours over a given time) and in the case of the US airlines, part of the $2 trillion bailout included support for them and they need to abide by its stipulations to get the financial aid. There’s more in the article for anyone interested including requirements for air traffic control tower manning but an article in theaircurrent.com is scathing about the need to fly empty airlines in the US to meet the government bailout requirements.

Supply chain news in brief

- Aircargo volumes are continuing to plummet worldwide says the Loadstar. YoY (Year on year, i.e. comparison vs this time last year) volumes are down 48%. Tradelane drops vary; Asia - Europe is least affected, Europe to North America is the worst affected but there are a few outliers; Hong Kong to Europe is above pre-CNY levels (CNY = Chinese New Year).

The UK’s East Midlands Airport (EMA) has revealed that in the week following the UK government’s imposement of social distancing measures (March 16), the number of cargo aircraft movements at EMA increased by 10%. Then, during the two weeks leading to March 29, cargo aircraft movements at EMA increased by an average of 7.4% per day.

AirCargoNews has made its April edition free to read for all. You can read it if interested here.

The government of Dubai has announced a cash injection into Emirates airline to help it survive the grounding period (airlive.net)

Ocean services continuing to deteriorate; Freightwaves says that not only are “blank” (canceled) container-ship sailings surging spiking from 45 to 120 in the past three days — but schedule reliability for non-canceled sailings is poised to deteriorate. According to Sea-Intelligence CEO Alan Murphy, February reliability fell to 65.1%, “the lowest recorded global score since Sea-Intelligence introduced the score in 2011.”

Canada: Auto parts and paint company Uni Select furloughs half of its 6,000 employees - Supply pro reports that auto parts and paint company Uni Select has furloughed half of its 6,000 employees in Canada, the US and the UK. Most of the rest are on reduced operating hours.

How supply chains are adapting - Supply chain movement has an article co authored by Ralf W. Seifert (Professor of Operations Management at IMD) about the impacts of the virus on supply chains, what they’re doing to mitigate the bullwhip disruption and even opportunities that are available for some going forward. If you’re a student or new to supply chain, this will likely be of interest (link).

Good news / Humour section

A Russian Air Force Antonov An-124 carrying medical equipment has landed in New York JFK - Defense one reports that an AN-124 (the largest military plane in the world) has landed at New York JFK. Russian state media said the plane was carrying “60 tons of medical equipment, ventilators, masks & other protection gear.” The shipment to New York — the state with the most coronavirus cases — followed a Monday call between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We sincerely thank you for all of the assistance you’re bringing in,” a New York air traffic controller said shortly before the plane, an Antonov An-124 landed. “You’re welcome and thanks,” the pilot responded. Critics of Trump have accused him of walking into a propaganda bonanza.

The SanLucar group and its closest partners are taking action to support European truck drivers in the development of their daily work - Loadstar says that SanLucar and its closest partners (which between them are major producers of fruit and vegetables across four continents) nd have started to distribute an individual parcel of food, drink and fresh fruit, available to these professionals in the loading and unloading platforms that the company has in Spain, Germany and Austria. “At SanLucar, we know that truckers are facing new challenges these days, enduring long queues at border crossings or the absence of open bars and restaurants along the way. And even so, they continue to strive, aware of how crucial the work they do is. They are our anonymous heroes”, explains Stephan Rötzer, founder and owner of the SanLucar group.

Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device - The Guardian is reporting (Link) that an Australian astrophysicist has been admitted to hospital after getting four magnets stuck up his nose in an attempt to invent a device that stops people touching their faces during the coronavirus outbreak. Dr Daniel Reardon, a research fellow at a Melbourne university, was building a necklace that sounds an alarm on facial contact, when the mishap occurred on Thursday night. The 27 year-old astrophysicist, who studies pulsars and gravitational waves, said he was trying to liven up the boredom of self-isolation with the four powerful neodymium magnets.


Several asked if they can send me $/£/€ via Patreon (in some cases because I've saved them time or money, others for no reason at all). I don't need the cash (that's lovely though) but food bank charities are getting really hit hard with all this panic buying. Please consider giving whatever you'd have given me to a foodbank charity instead:
UK: https://www.trusselltrust.org/
France: https://www.banquealimentaire.org/
Germany: https://www.tafel.de/
Netherlands: https://www.voedselbankennederland.nl/steun-ons/steun-voedselbank-donatie/
Italy: https://www.bancoalimentare.it/it/node/1
Spain: https://www.fesbal.org/
Australia: https://www.foodbank.org.au/
Canada: https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/
USA: https://www.feedingamerica.org/
Thanks in advance for any donations you give. If there's foodbank charities in your country and it's not listed above, please suggest it and I will include it going forward.

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do air purifiers help stop the spread of covid video

Can air purifiers help protect against viruses like COVID-19? The answer here lies in knowing how how air purifiers work and how viruses, in particular COVID-19, are transmitted. Then, you can assess whether an air purifier will help protect you from viruses in the air. How mucus-based viruses are transmitted. COVID-19 is a newly emerging disease. Studies show that wearing a mask properly and consistently practicing good social distancing can significantly reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) through droplet transmission. But concerns about possible aerosol transmission have many people thinking about air purifiers, too. So, how do the various types of air cleaners work? And remember that personal air cleaners also remove chemicals, allergens and dust. For Karan, even without randomized, controlled trials to prove that portable air cleaners help prevent COVID-19 ... That’s because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that “COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person ... Do HEPA Air Purifiers Kill COVID-19 Virus In ... Are air purifiers effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19? Experts weigh in on whether air purifiers with HEPA filters and air cleaners can help. To answer the question in the most basic terms: yes, air purifiers generally filter particulate out of the air effectively -- especially if they use a HEPA filter (more on those in the next... When used properly, air purifiers can help reduce airborne contaminants including viruses in a home or confined space. However, by itself, a portable air cleaner is not enough to protect people from COVID-19. When used along with other best practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, operating an air cleaner can be part of a plan to protect yourself and your family. But portable air purifiers alone can’t prevent Covid-19 transmission. Air purifiers with HEPA, or “high-efficiency particulate air” filters are the best option for consumers, because they ... When used properly, air cleaners and HVAC filters can help reduce airborne contaminants including viruses in a building or small space. By itself, air cleaning or filtration is not enough to protect people from exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Air purifiers can remove droplets and viruses from the air, but they cannot prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a mass gathering. Steven Novella on June 24, 2020 Shares

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