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LPT: Want to play mobile games without ads then turn off your WiFi/data before playing.

submitted by Irish_lad_here to LifeProTips [link] [comments]

There is no way it’s my connection cause I have PERFECT connection. This happens too often for me to even enjoy this game anymore. I’m honestly disappointed and mad at how bad Bandai’s servers are. I can’t play a single game without having WiFi connected. This is on mobile data but I have full bars!

There is no way it’s my connection cause I have PERFECT connection. This happens too often for me to even enjoy this game anymore. I’m honestly disappointed and mad at how bad Bandai’s servers are. I can’t play a single game without having WiFi connected. This is on mobile data but I have full bars! submitted by martiansenpai69 to OPBR [link] [comments]

not only does this game have ads without mobile data or wifi on, they put it so for my phone you need to drag the bottom to get to the home button, so it takes you to the play store / website.

not only does this game have ads without mobile data or wifi on, they put it so for my phone you need to drag the bottom to get to the home button, so it takes you to the play store / website. submitted by mouldycheese45 to assholedesign [link] [comments]

LPT: If you want to play games on your phone without annoying ads, turn off mobile data.

I noticed this when I was abroad.
Edit: it seems there are better ways to achieve this LPT, like removing internet acces for the app itself. Moreover, this doesn't work for all apps.
However, as many phones have a quick and easy way to turn off connections (E.g. Airplane mode) it is a fast and simple way to do it.
Edit 2: I realize that the ads are there for a reason, and I respect developers for creating games. I am mostly referring to intrusive ads like unskippable videos.
submitted by Vivovix to LifeProTips [link] [comments]

want to play the free play game on your phone without the annoying adverts. Turn your WiFi/mobile data off whilst you play. The game cannot connect to the internet and the Ads won’t play, Karen.
submitted by LPTsForKaren to LPTforKaren [link] [comments]

want to play the free play game on your phone without the annoying adverts. Turn your WiFi/mobile data off whilst you play. The game cannot connect to the internet and the Ads won’t play, honey.
submitted by LPThoney to LPTHoney [link] [comments]

Want to play mobile games on your phone without seeing ads, but don’t want to pay for the game to be ad free? Turn off your WiFi and data while playing the game. The ads won’t be able to load but you’ll still be able to play the game, Karen.
submitted by LPTsForKaren to LPTforKaren [link] [comments]

Unable to play this game without consenting for them to take my data. (Mobile app:

Unable to play this game without consenting for them to take my data. (Mobile app: submitted by JustBlazeEveryday to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

LPT: If you want to play a mobile game that’s riddled with ADS, turn your mobile data and WiFi off while you play. You get ad free play without paying to get rid of them. - LifeProTips

LPT: If you want to play a mobile game that’s riddled with ADS, turn your mobile data and WiFi off while you play. You get ad free play without paying to get rid of them. - LifeProTips submitted by Know_Your_Shit to knowyourshit [link] [comments]

PLTR DD - brain cells required if you are an ape!

PLTR DD - brain cells required if you are an ape!
Hello fellow retards
I know these are difficult times for this sub and it’s almost impossible to post something solid which is not about the current meme stocks.
Instead of jerking to some porn i did some research on PLTR and want to share my DD with you. This might be a longer text for your love dopamine level so maybe you should grab some your Adderall before.
The following text might you give your eyes aids since English isn’t my native language. I will try my best.
Palantir as a Company – the beginnings
PLTR was founded by some people and one of them is Peter Thiel who worked alongside with our holy papa Elon at PayPal. As a payment-service they had concerns about money laundering and founded PLTR to tackle this issue early. The CIA also funded PLTR (they are always funding stuff like this – Siri as example). This actually might be the reason why people think that PLTR is a company which aggregates data and do data analysis for the government….but this is not accurate and not correct at all if you see the big picture. I will explain this point later.
You retard still reading? Nice here some rocket emoji’s to pump your dopamine and keep you happy. 🚀🚀🚀
Let’s start with the DD
First of all my POV is looking for a midterm to long term investment in PLTR. My valuation considers PLTRs current state and predicting from now on for the next few years.

  • 1. The Management
Before I start with the product I rather start with the management. You can sell the nicest thing in the world. I can guarantee you that the product definitely won’t be considered as the nicest thing after a while if you have a shitty management (Intel). With Peter Thiel on the leaderboard we got a competent asshole and CEO is Alex carp (co-founder) Peter Thiel is well known and Alex Karp is one of us. He yolod his heritage into some business and become a chad. Seriously tho, I trust Peter and if Peter holds on Alex since Decades so do I. Peter proved so many times how cunning he is and showed how to pick adapt problems early and create solutions.

  • 2. PLTR Business model/ products
Before we understand how important PLTRs products are we have to understand that we are simpeltons who don’t have any business with PLTRs. We create data. We don’t fuck with it. We creating with using our phones or working in the office. Only a few of us may working with accumulated big data. PLTRs customers’ base isn’t neighbor Joe or Aunt Nancy. The products they offer are not even for midcap companies they are more designed for whole industries and governments. That’s the reason why their products aren’t so tangible for many people.
PLTR basically offers systems to big companies/governments which import their data into these systems. PLTR doesn’t sends workers to the client to collect data and analyse it. They sell platforms. They got 2 Products called “Gotham” and “Foundry” You may think wtf is this guy talking about? Let me explain it in 2 examples:
First example is Syria with Gotham. It was impossible in the country to know who the good guys are and who the bad ones are. I know u muricans only know yourself and the rest of the world is the “rest of the world” for you. But this wasn’t so simple in Syria you had many factions with different intentions and some of them were allies and some of them were enemies. The lack of information or the ability of recognizing and sorting these information’s are crucial in a war. PLTR solved the struggle with creating a map which provided resilient information for the marines so they can operate safely. Civil problems over there could also be fixed.
Actually what the John Hopkins University does with the covid numbers and the map, is some sort of what PLTR offering with their solutions. There are rumors that the tracking of Covid and the vaccination will be done by PLTR.
In their S1 Form PLTR describes it this way
“Gotham, our first software platform, was constructed for analysts at defense and intelligence agencies. They were hunting for needles not in one, but in thousands of haystacks. And they did not have the software they needed to do their jobs. In Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers were mapping networks of insurgents and makers of roadside bombs by hand. Gotham enables users to identify patterns hidden deep within datasets, ranging from signals intelligence sources to reports from confidential informants, and helps U.S. and allied military personnel find what they are looking for.”
The second example is about “Foundry” and it’s directly from the S1 File of PLTR (page 121)
“An Airbus A350, for example, has five million parts and is built by hundreds of teams that are spread across four countries and more than eight factories. Companies routinely struggle to manage let alone make sense of the data involved in large projects. Foundry was built for them. The platform transforms the ways in which organizations interact with information by creating a central operating system for their data.”
Both of these systems solving big issues with less effort. The arms industry as example would took billions for drones and stuff in Syria for the same job. The important fact is that PLTR does not spend so much resources for new clients they only have to provide access and support for their services and the client feeding the “machine” with data.
The key point is to understand that PLTR benefits very huge from economy of scales. This is very important since their costs for additional revenue is basically flat while the profits growing exorbitant with new customers. They offer a software and platforms and not kind of services where they need man power. All they do is working on their platforms and improving it.

  • 3. PLTRs big issue during the last decade
Peter Thiel was a great supporter of Trump and funded his elections campaign. The market thought that when trump wins then PLTR will get all the government (especially military) contracts.
But this didn’t happened. Peter got cucked by the huge authority apparatus in pentagon. These dudes loves bureaucracy and they do it for a good reason. If you retire from your job in pentagon you usually get a high paid luxurious position at Lockheed, Raytheon or Bae Systems to make additional free money for your retirement. Many thousand people working in pentagon just to select and buy stuff for the government. They spending billions of dollars for purchases and then PLTR came around and said like „look guys we can do this job for a few millions instead billions“. Of course the arms industry was pissed and the pentagon boomers helped them out. PLTR got constantly scammed from boomers and didn’t get the contracts. This was also the „swamp „trump was talking about.
A fun fact to this matter: Before James Mattis got summoned as the Defense Secretary of the USA he was a general in Afghanistan. He ordered services from PLTR despite the fact the pentagon was against it. But the marines praised PLTRs software and valued it over the trash they used to know from the defense/arms industry.
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Even with a James Mattis as the defense secretary, trump as president and regardless that PLTR does it better and cheaper than the arms industry, it wasn’t possible for PLTR to get the government contracts.
How it’s ended? Well Peter’s wife doesn’t have a boyfriend because Peter is the fucking boyfriend of their wifes. All ended at the court and PLTR won. All this injustice ended at the court. The judgements on these cases are true circuit breakers for PLTR. Not only because PLTR spent shit tons of money for law suits. The lawsuits were perfect uppercut hits on the arms industry and they ended some fraudulent behaviors and „best practices „in the government
PLTR will profit from a Biden who wants to decrease the military expenditures. They will get the job done and at the same time the costs will go down. With the recent judgements the door looks open.

  • 4. Valuation problems
I could spam some multiplication on revenue or even a DCF but I think it’s not necessary. Expect the costs of research and development (maybe marketing) the costs of PLTR stood mostly flat in the last quarters. It’s a growth stock and the pricing is mostly in the perspective of PLTR. This is actually all we need to know that the revenue increases while the costs staying mostly flat. Check out the balance sheets at page 12 on the S Form 1.
Let’s talk about the market. The whole market seems overpriced but it isn’t tbh. Due to the low cost of capital there is no alternative than to throwing your money on stocks or on real estate. There is nothing with a solid interest rate around (not even in emerging markets). At the stock exchange like in 70s, the companies had to offer a return, a perspective which should be more attractive as putting your money on a saving account with 8% interests without risks. These times are gone since the 2000s. So before people discuss insane valuation they should check out the fiscal and economical policies.
Now back to PLTR and why the price is difficult to set (cheap imo). First of all PLTR did a direct listing without an investment bank for their share offerings. Its lacking of the valuation which they usually would get through such a process.
PLTR wanted to do IPO with Morgan Stanley but it was mess.
Morgan Stanley proved themselves many times as stubborn communists when it comes to valuations. I mean you guys remember their disgusting price targets for tesla like 100$ post split or stuff like that.
These guys are very focused on numbers and I know it’s difficult to price in the potential and perspectives. But you can’t ignore these things for a fundamental valuation. If you want to consider these things in the price you have to understand the business of the company.
This ended that one team at Morgan Stanley valuated PLTR with 5 billion while another team thought they worth 40 billion.
How is this difference possible and why is this happening? Because people don’t understand what they are valuating. This happened a lot in the last decade because the decision makers in these banks and many analyst don’t have any idea which metrics they should use on companies like that. They are using the metrics from classical industries on new business. They freaked out when Facebook was valued with 100 billion as IPO. Same with Twitter and in the last years it was Tesla. They said apple going to tank every damn year in the last decade. I honor Warren Buffet so much since he has the dignity to realize that he don’t understands something but at the same time he sees the potential and the trend. That’s why he hired 2 Chads who bought Snowflake for him. The transformation and the generation change didn’t happened yet. That’s why they try to use the metrics from Caterpillar on Tesla.
Guys the whole market is mooning with the cheap liquidity. Pennystocks and zombie companies transforming into billion dollar market cap companies. Facebook as IPO had a market cap of 104 billion back in 2012. At that time it wasn’t possible for Facebook to monetize their users with selling ads. They just paid 100 billion for the potential in more difficult market conditions.
Look at the IPOs like doordash, Bumble. I’m not going to call this a bubble. Just check out their business cases and use the metrics. Maybe its easier for people to understand Bumble and Doordash…
On page 12 of the S1 (balance sheet) Form you can already see the huge positive trends in PLTRs revenue and their costs. All this without all the positive events and contracts PLTR recently got.
PLTRs valuation is difficult and I think it’s miscalculated by pessimistic communist who don’t understand that their products are game changers for industries, governments and defense forces. Because of these points I think there is huge price potential for PLTR

  • 5. Risks for PLTR
Despite the general market risks PLTR mentions at page 29 of the S1 Form the competitors as the main risk: “We face intense competition in our markets, and we may lack sufficient financial or other resources to maintain or improve our competitive position.” The S1 Form didn’t aged well. Actually I don’t think that PLTR would have any trouble with offering new shares. Also with Peter Thiel as one of the founders the financial side should be stable.
As PLTR competitor people use to mention IBM. The boomers from IBM already surrendered with their Windows95 computers and decided to cooperate. The biggest threat would be big tech with big money like AMZN or APPL. You all now the stories about APPL and Spotify or AMZN and all the merchants. Even if the big players would step into PLTR markets it would be difficult for them since PLTRs products doesn’t rely on an Amazon store or on apple devices. PLTR is years ahead with their products.
I think the greatest risk (still) are the boomerish arms industry and all the boomers in pentagon and other authorities.
There are very corrupt infrastructures when it comes to decision making and assigning contracts. People fear changes but they can’t avoid the changes. With the recent judgements we can see a turn on the tables but the transformation will still take time. It’s a circuit breaker with an avalanche effect.
The risk factors on page 16 on the S1 form mostly aren’t relevant anymore. People complained that PLTR wasn’t profitable for 18 years. Well PLTR was never designed to be profitable and Alex Karp once said “love us or leave us alone”.
But even this changed recently. PLTR became profitable in 2020 with 130,000,000§. Now the same people complaining about how high the stock price compared to the profits. Well just you wait.

  • 6. Conclusion and Outlook
If you still reading I have to admit that this was a lot text and i am sorry again about the lingo. Let’s connect the dots and bring this information to a point
  1. The boomer coalition in the pentagon and in the arms industry is taken down by PLTR. They will able to get the governments contracts and the classic arms/defense industry is no match for PLTR products. The judgements of lawsuits were catalyst and the effects should be already shown in the next earnings. These were such underrated events but I think there still will be some odds but PLTRs situation is much better as it was a time ago. The chains are off!
  2. Military expenditures rising worldwide
With Bidens presidency we will see more disruptive technologies chosen by the government. Biden want to reduce the military expenditures. PLTR is able to provide better service for lower cost. Not only the recent judgements also the political change will help PLTR. Ironic if you remember that Peter supported Trump and getting his tendies from Biden.
  1. PLTR superior products profits hugely from economy of scales. They don’t have any significant costs when they acquire new customers. Making the big data usable for decisions making is already very important and step by step people realize that this issue growing fast. We creating everyday more data than we did yesterday and leaving the majority of it as trace and unstructured data. We don’t work with it but big Institutions does.
Here is the passage from the S1 and I fully agree with it:
“The systemic failures of government institutions to provide for the public — fractured healthcare systems, erosions of data privacy, strained criminal justice systems, and outmoded ways of fighting wars — will continue to require both the public and private sectors to transform themselves. We believe that the underperformance and loss of legitimacy of many of these institutions will only increase the speed with which they are required to change.”
  1. PLTRs value. The current situation of the market with tons of liquidity seems like a bubble. People don’t know what to do with the cheap capital and people throwing it even on meme pennystocks.
Facebook had his ipo back in 2012 during much harder market conditions as now. The valuation of Facebook was over 100 billion and people called it insanely overvalued. They did it because Facebook didn’t had a way to monetize their users (especially on mobile platforms). Facebook has a market cap of over 750 billion now and nobody calling it over valued.
A remember the recent examples? Bumble?! Bruuuh. Don’t get me wrong if you invested in Bumble but they have nothing special to offer and their business case can easily copied or improved by others. Its shows the current state of our market with the crazy liquidity that even zombie companies got astronomic valuations. Use these metrics on PLTR with great products, great management, low cost base and less odds as ever before….
PLTR price is wrong imo especially in this market and with PLTRs current state and perspective.
  1. Do you use PLTR? Me Neither! It’s not designed for us and we have to inform us about the success. PLTRs new contracts and their future are shining bright. With the settled lawsuits the sky is clear for PLTR. But their customer base is not only America. I’m not a murican and 3 weeks before I just find out that the police departments in our state using PLTR products. I don’t need to link endless evidences here since you can google it by yourself and see how many contracts PLTR recently got. Especially after the circuit breakers we talked about.
I have genuinely trust into Peter Thiel and Alex Karp that their will make the best of PLTRs potential. The odds getting removed and the demand for PLTR is increasing.
If all these information would priced in correctly we would have a share price of at least 60-70$. With upcoming and ongoing positive events PLTR share price should soar more..
What’s next?
Now we have earnings ahead and the lock up period ending.
For the earnings I think the number will be fine and keep up the positive trend on revenue with a disproportionately trend of the costs. The most important part will be guidance for 2021. We should listen closely and see if the magic is already happening.
The second event is the ending of the lock up period. You all remember the end of the lock up period of Nikola? Just 1-2 days after they announced they don’t got the GM deal? The stock tanked – for a good reason. You know the guy Trevor Milton.
But in PLTRs case everything is different. Despite the successful deals they got, does a guy who says “love us or leave us alone” sounds like someone who going to drop his shares at the first possibility? I don’t expect such a behavior from Alex Karp and neither from Peter Thiel. If some employees drop their shares it should be fine.
I would appreciate if the stock prices would go below 3ß. It would create a healthy bullish chart pattern and would be actually a nice discount to get in or stock up. I don’t think that the shares going to dump a lot because of this event. The earnings and the guidance are more important and the key events if you want to invest mid – long term.
What does all this means for you? Nothing! Please don’t do any market activity based on my DD. I’m just sharing my knowledge and looking for critics so I can reevaluate my theses. This is not a financial advice.
My hearts bleeding for all the GME holders. My last Reddit account got banned because I criticized “the pumpers”. In one of the comments I called the mods gay and got banned permanently (bye bye 20 k karma). If you are new to this please don’t do any decision based on this so I can sleep gladly.
I’m not well positioned and not trying to pump this stock. I have 70 shares and a CSP. Fair play and fuck all the bots and pump and dumper we recently got in the sub!
Leave an upvote if this post helped you. I need some more karma to be able to shitpost everywhere again!
submitted by PutsOnYourWife to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

What is Citadel and where do I go to get away from them?

So, right now, you might be asking yourself "Fuck Robinhood. Where should I, Timmy from Charlotte, move my account? Fuck Robinhood. How do I get away from Citadel? Fuck Robinhood. What is going on? Fuck Robinhood." I'm not 100% sure where this post is going so I can't promise I'll answer any of those questions but my goal here is still coherent conversation so maybe someone else might have those answers in the comments. Idk.

What is Citadel and what do they do?

A hedge fund wrapped up with an advisory service, an execution venue, a market maker, an IPO partner, a sandwich shop, etc.. Such megacorps pay firms fractions of a cent to pass each order through them for execution. The more orders the brokerage passes along, the more they're paid. Money is involved because the more orders that pass through a particular execution venue first, the faster they can make decisions about the direction of the market on both the micro and macro scale. This is the current nature of the market. Order data for 'new' and 'small' traders using self-directed firms has been especially valuable the last 20 years because you do things institutions cannot. You can open a new position based on a tweet while the major advisory services need to whip out the scales and weigh the cost of moving assets for countless customers at once and that's even further complicated if they're designated fiduciaries because, in their book, reacting quickly implies that there's unknown risks involved. For example, they did the numbers on a particular company six months ago and decided it wouldn't be profitable in another six months. Even in 2021, they just can't move as fast as you but knowing what you're doing is a step closer to them being able to respond sooner with smaller changes rather than react with major changes when shit hits the fan. (BTW, the fatal flaw on $GME is that they tried to play the old 'cull the weak' game that worked for them for decades and absolutely chose to ignore the direction the market was moving until it was too late. If they'd used the order flow and other data they're paying so much cash to access and were as bright as they imagine they are, it would have been rough but even hardcore shorts could have lived through this week. Retail investors can pat themselves on the back for exploiting it but Melvin Capital got fucked by hubris and lack of awareness.)
Not to get all RZA between songs on it but that's why the title of this sub has been 'Welcome to the machine!' for a long time now. The major players know you dream of making it big, buying a car, having a steak, and all the other things Roger wrote about, just by doing something you enjoy (playing guitar but it could be your art, you talents in math or science, taps in a mobile game, or in this instance investing) and they'll welcome you in with open arms, convince you that they'll be a guide and there to help, knowing they'll get a cut just by letting you do what you do and finding a way to package it. People over simplify it with "if the service is free, you are the product" because they don't notice that the machine will also make you pay if it can. Money for order flow has made it easier for others to provide the space for you to do what you do without noticing they're cashing in even if you don't but don't forget that the machine can be other investors. The machine can be the large firms. The machine can be investment advice columnists. Hedge funds and brokerages aren't the only 'machine operators' in the financial industry.

Which firms use Citadel and which ones don't?

They all use Citadel.
I'm not joking, I've kept up to date on execution venues (people probably thought I was just lecturing them about understanding order flow here but I dislike Virtu as a venue and Apex as a clearing firm which I've talked about here for years) and the concentration of orders being fed to the short list of venues has not changed in a positive way because that's where the money is. The idea for this post came to me this morning because no news article, no TV interview, and not a single hot take on Twitter I've read so far has managed to mention just how embedded Citadel individually is in the modern market. I had AOC's live stream on in the background last night and even the guests seemed to imply that Citadel is a little firm propping up Robinhood and that nobody could have seen this blowing up one day. These relationships (even down to how much money is paid) are public by law. Every quarter, both sides are required to release data on order flow in 605 (raw), and 606/607 reports.
Here's a quick rundown of places I could come up with off the top of my head that use Citadel as their primary or secondary execution venue and what percentage of orders for S&P 500 listed securities they recently sent through Citadel:
Firm Market orders % Marketable* limit orders %
e*Trade 36.33 37.16
Schwab 31.61 30.06
TDA 60.04 59.25
Edward Jones 36.91 47.49
Webull 50.85 53.71
Interactive Brokers 25.34 11.24
Wells Fargo 35.02 32.85
Firsttrade # 0.95 0.60
TradeStation 28.14 26.90
ally 40.15 44.76
Robinhood 50.82 50.24
Alpaca $ 11.07 3.31
Fidelity 52.28 45.09
Apex clearing @ 40.97 42.76
Wealthfront 100 50.01
Tastyworks 59.97 61.18
* Marketable limit orders are those that immediately have a chance of executing against the current spread
# Firsttrade is predominantly a dark pool only sending orders away when they require liquidity
$ Alpaca is an API-first firm which I like and talk about on Discord sometimes because I wish RH would open their API but they're still backed by Apex which I dissuade everyone from getting involved with because Penson Financial Services.
% IEX is a closed loop exchange that internally clears orders among customers (great source for free order data to test algos)
@ Apex is the clearing agent for many smaller firms including, Betterment, Acorns, M1, Rize, Stockpile, Stash,
Now, when you look at that list, remember three things:

Where to go?

If IEX was larger, that would be a decent alternative for equities but they don't have a silly app that looks good in screenshots but tells you nothing useful. I can't think of a self-directed firm that can currently exist without Citadel and the rest. If you do, post about it, I guess.

More things I for sure do not know...

...but hope someone wants to talk about.


Doxxing myself more and more but I worked for a market analytics/quantitative research firm in the city that was eventually gobbled up by Virtu. I'd moved abroad months earlier anyway but we loved that job and they only wanted the algos we'd designed so fuck Virtu.
My current day job makes trading public companies complex (which is why I only talk about algotrading ETH on Discord). Most of my self-directed play money is still with TDA (haven't made a trade there or on RH in almost three years) but the majority of my family's assets, my retirement, my kid's inheritances and college funds, and on and on have been handled by GS for nearly two decades and likely will continue to be even after I return to the private sector. Now, what would be sweet is if Goldman Sachs would extend their investment arm (which sends orders directly to exchanges) to the general public like they have with their Marcus savings accounts. If they could devise a way to legally pass a good percentage of all (would be dependent on volume of the security, etc.) orders directly to the floor as a bundle, they'd break even at best on it but that would actually 'democratize the market.'
submitted by CardinalNumber to RobinHood [link] [comments]

Call of Duty: Mobile - February 5th Community Update & Public Test Build

Call of Duty: Mobile - February 5th Community Update & Public Test Build
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back today with your usual type of community update filled with info about recently released or upcoming events and modes, but this time we are also happy to share that the next public test build is here! We’ll have that in first section following the events schedule, but it is being released far earlier than normal, especially for one that is filled with content from the next major in-game update. However, for Season 1: New Order the biggest release this week is the featured event, Fight For Humanity.
This new event, released yesterday, asks you to pick a side and join the fight alongside your fellow players while you earn points in an attempt to control territories. There are many unique rewards to snag this time, both as a team and solo, and we’ll have more details about that event below in its own section of the update.
In this update we also have responses for recent feedback and bug reports alongside various event, store, mode, and playlist updates that recently released or are coming soon. First off though, we want to say thank you to the many players who have reported a variety of bugs and created discussions to give feedback about new features, modes, balance changes, or other aspects unique to this season.
Members of our development teams who create these events, make balance changes, add new pieces of content, game modes, and more, also read your responses and feedback. Thank you all for your dedication, passion, and commitment to making this game better through so many different ways. With that said, let’s jump into this update!
Here is a quick look at all of the new events starting today and others launch soon:
  • 02/03 – 02/09 ~ 10v10 Collection (MP)
  • 02/03 ~ Two New Seasonal Challenges
    • Deadly Mist (Gas Grenade) and Premier Operator
  • 02/05 – 02/11 ~ 3v3 GunFight (MP)
    • Check out the Gunfight Trio event
  • 02/05 – 02/11 ~ BR Sniper Only
  • 02/05 – 02/19 ~ Fight For Humanity event
  • 02/05 – 02/18 ~ System Overload Draw
    • The brand-new Ether – Network is here!
  • 02/08 – 02/14 ~ Grind Baby, Grind! (MP)
  • 02/10 – 02/16 ~ Russian Nuketown 24/7 (MP)
  • Coming Soon – Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year store content
*All Dates UTC
We covered a number of these topics in the last community update, but we’ll go over some again if it is launching today or if we have some new information to share. First though, just a reminder that for Battle Royale we have limited modes launching every week in February and the newest mode, Blitz, will be back later in February.
February 5th - Public Test Build We are back quite early in the season with a public test build ready to go for our next update, which does not release until March. This test build will be larger than the last couple in relation to the player limit and new playable content, much of which may release in one of the next two seasons.
We are thrilled this time to announce that we have added iOS to the mix! You'll need Test Flight to access it, but otherwise it should be a relatively straight forward install. Here are all of the usual details, but please note that we have two different APKs to download this time.
  • Begins today on February 5th (PT)
    • Test end date not specified
  • Available for Android and iOS devices
  • Download Size: 2 gigabytes, Wifi connection is highly recommended
  • Player Registration Limit: 40,000 (30K Android, 10K iOS)
  • Content suited for ages 16+
  • All information and player data collected during this test will be deleted
This time around we have two different versions, 32 bit and 64 bit. For anyone unfamiliar, 64 bit is more suited for higher-end/newer devices while 32 bit is generally more suited for lower-end/older devices. We recommend that you only download the 64 bit version if you have no issues running the current version of CODM on the more demanding (high/highest) graphical settings.
With all of that said, the 64 bit version is the ideal version we would like players to test during this specific public test build. If you can, please download and use that version of the build. Please find all of those download links below along with the player registrations limit per version.
  • (Priority) Android - Downloadable via 64 Bit APK here: (Registration Full)
    • 20,000 Player Limit
  • Android - Downloadable via 32 Bit APK here: (Registration Full)
    • 10,000 Player Limit
For iOS players, you’ll just need to have Apple’s Testflight application installed on your phone and this link below should take you to the correct page to download the test build.
  • iOS Testflight Link: (Registration Full)
    • 10,000 Player Limit
We do have a general cap (as listed above) on how many players can enter into both the iOS and Android versions of this test. You unfortunately won’t be able to see if that limit has been met until you try to register an account at the login screen. We’ll update the page here once registration is closed, but this is just a heads up for anyone who manages to download after we’ve hit that limit.
In this build you’ll be able to find a variety of new content, but some of the main ones you might notice are: Shoothouse (MP Map), Shipment 2019 (MP Map), updated Night Modes, Sword & Stones mode, the Truck in BR, new perks, and the new Bull Charge Operator Skill. Of course, there are plenty of smaller changes or new additions hidden in there too, but this is just a glimpse at what you’ll be able to try out.
Some general tips for downloading this rather large file:
  • Do your best to make sure you on a secure uninterrupted connection so that the whole package is downloaded without any issues
  • Try to turn off or stop your device from going into any kind of rest mode
  • If you are running into issues download the file, try using a different browser
  • Make sure you have 5-6 gigabytes of data free on your device
This file and build is independent of the main build, you do not need to remove or do anything with your main CODM application. It will install as another application that is executed separately.
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to help us test out this new content and please make sure to report any feedback or bug through the in-game options, like the in-game survey that may not be available right off the bat but will show up once the beta has been out for a while.
Fight for Humanity Sides have been drawn, the field of battle has been laid bare, and the Fight for Humanity has begun! Your first choice is simple, Atlas Corporation or Cordis Die, where will your loyalties lie? Pick one of the two sides, open up the map, see what territory is currently being fought over, and what tasks you can complete to help your side win that battle.
Each side will have its own set of Faction rewards available and they are broken down into milestones, winning prizes, and leaderboard rewards. Each faction has its own version of the Cordite to grab (seen above) and the Russian Merc operator. Additionally, the faction that wins it all will snag the ATV – Override and the those who reach the top of the leaderboards can snag the Legendary Calling Card — Rupture. Through all of those different methods there are many rewards to grab by participating in this global battle of territory control!
Lastly, you can boost your points by using various weapon sets that are indicated in the top right of this event page in-game. If you’d like to get the upper hand with some tips and tricks then head on over to our Fight For Humanity blog post.
Good luck out there and may the best faction win!
Seasonal Challenges Two seasonal challenges are already out in the wild as of last week and now this week two are more coming your way! The first challenge, Premier Operator, is more of your usual type of seasonal challenge with a variety of rewards and tasks, while Deadly Mist is a unique one due to the fact that you can earn a new piece of a tactical equipment the Gas Grenade by completing it. Find the details below!
Premier Operator This six-part seasonal challenge is all about using different operators in Battle Royale and Multiplayer modes. The tasks all vary, ranging from just playing BR matches to getting kills with the S36 while using Outrider. You can earn nearly 20K Battle Pass XP for completing these tasks plus the following rewards:
  • (Uncommon) Mechanic – Warp
  • (Uncommon) S36 – Warp
  • (Rare) Charm – E-Chatter
  • (Rare) Special Ops 5 – Trance
Deadly Mist This five-part seasonal challenge went live a few days ago and it is your rare chance to grab a brand-new piece of equipment. The gas grenade is a tactical grenade that slows down your enemies with debilitating smoke that also provides cover. Complete a variety of tasks related to equipment, scorestreaks, and perks, and you’ll be able to snag this new tactical grenade along with the following items:
  • (Uncommon) Smoke Grenade – Warp
  • (Rare) Calling Card – Dystopia on TV
  • (Common) Gas Grenade
3v3 Gunfight Mode This tactical showdown played on perfectly symmetrical small maps has returned, but this time around each team is bringing an extra teammate with them for this competitive challenge. This team-based mode released yesterday on 2/5 (UTC) and for anyone unfamiliar with it we have a new video just to show off the basic rules and objectives. Take a look!
While you are playing 3v3 Gunfight make sure to check out the Gunfight Trio featured event in order to earn some rewards while you are challenging yourself to intense tactical gameplay. There are eight tasks to this event and they are all straight-forward, like get kills or play matches, and by completing these you can earn the following rewards:
  • (Uncommon) Frag Grenade – The Numbers
  • (Uncommon) Knife – Warp
  • (Rare) Kilo Bolt-Action – Cosmic Wave
  • (Epic) Cyber Clown Frame
System Overload Draw While we rarely highlight any draws, crates, or bundles through these community updates, it is hard not to bring up the System Overload Draw. This draw brings with it the second blueprint for the newest assault rifle, the FR .556 - Superhighway, and of course the highly sought-after new operator, Ether - Network. Here is a glimpse at those two main new pieces of content:
Another unique aspect of this draw, related to the Fight for Humanity event, is the Breach Set. If you acquire the three breach camos for Outlaw, the EMP, and the Karambit then you’ll receive a weapon set bonus for that featured event.
That specific weapon set increases the points earned from battles between factions by 50%. You can find all of the information in-game on this new draw or in the featured event. Get a jump on it while everything is still active.
Feedback Since the Season 1 launch we’ve primarily been focused more on reporting bugs, but there are still a few feedback-related topics we’ve seen come up and have been trying to respond to on a one-to-one basis whenever we are able to. Let’s jump in!
  • Voice Overs – We’ve brought up this topic numerous times in previous updates or on social media channels, but we keep seeing interest in upcoming voice overs, updating current (or missing) voices, and of course brand-new operators. We are of course working on all of those, just like we released many updated voice overs alongside some new ones in Season 1, but we are also working on ways to provide more visibility about all of that in future updates.
  • China Version Content – As you may see in the public test build (if you manage to snag a spot before it is full) we have some content coming in future updates that is also in the Chinese version of CODM, like Trucks in BR. Most likely, we won’t always keep content the same in each version of the game, but the teams managing the game are always working together to coordinate, discuss, and decide what content should release in each version.
  • Cheater Reports – For whatever reason, most of the time we release an update we see an increase in cheater reports. These have traditionally tapered off one or two weeks into the season, but we have seen no abnormal increases in cheaters. We will always keep an eye out for reports in community areas, so please keep sharing, but also please keep reporting in-game as well and we’ll keep monitoring and acting to make sure your experience isn’t compromised.
  • Master of All Event – A special shout-out to those who have been giving feedback back about the unique rewards on this event (6000 credits and BP XP as the final reward). The team was looking to see if this type of reward felt valuable to players and so far all we’ve seen is positive feedback about it, which may pave the way for similar reward setups in the future.
  • Next Update – While we cannot confirm any dates for our next season or update, it is always a moving target for a variety of reasons, we can confirm that the next update will be in March.
Bug Reports We’ve been going through many smaller bug reports lately thanks to threads, PMs, and posts sharing details, videos, or screenshots explaining the issue. We don’t have any huge issues to bring up this week, at least nothing new or seemingly troublesome, but we are working with our teams to investigate many of those smaller issues and please do keep sharing. It is always appreciated!
  • Battle Royale Bugs – We’ve seen a variety of BR related bugs come in over the past two weeks and they vary greatly in relation to the types, the severity of them, and how widespread they seem to be experienced. While we can’t list it all here, we just wanted to give a general shout-out and thank you to several community members who have spent a significant amount of time making videos, screenshots, and posts to highlight these issues clearly.
  • Black Screen Issues – We are happy to say that we have seen fewer reports of these types of issues after the Season 1 release after we implemented some general stability improvements for all players in that update. We’ll have more on that front coming in the next major update (next month) and we’ll be monitoring both in-game and external channels for reports.
  • Blitz Mode Performance – We have seen various discussions about performance issues in Blitz mode due to the changes made to put more players and items in a smaller area. This seems to be a similar issue to why some devices struggle with Warfare mode. We recommend experimenting with different graphical settings before jumping into these modes to see if that helps performance, but we’ll also see if there is anything we can do to help improve performance in these types of modes.
Support Options Lastly, thank you to everyone who have been reporting various issues since Season 1 released and please do keep using our support channels on top of community areas to repot issues. In the off-chance you haven’t seen this information in every single one of our community updates 😉, here are our main support channels:
One of our greatest pleasures each week is looking through various community areas to see the latest and greatest in CODM memes, but also to see the latest and greatest art designs created by some extremely talented community members! This week, we are thrilled to be able to highlight Sarcstoon, who you may know as Sagar in certain community areas.
Urban Tracker by Sarcstoon
Sarcstoon is a character artist and their online portfolios are filled to the brim with impressively detailed pieces of art that range from CODM operators to commission pieces for real life couples. One thing is clear through all of their pieces, their style is unique and in particular for faces and expressions.
Park Safehouse by Sarcstoon
Whether it is Helen Park or Urban Tracker, they’ve blown us away with their vibrant, welcoming, and charming pieces of work that make us proud that CODM is lucky enough to be a receipent of their designs. If you’d like to see more of Sarcastoon then you have plenty of options to see their work:
Thank you all once again for being the type of community that supports artists and designers by providing positive feedback, supportive words, or even just upvotes or positive reactions. There are so many talented folks in the community and we are always eager to look for more each week.
With all of that said, we’ve come to the end of yet another community update! We plan to return next week with more and with some info on our upcoming Valentine’s Day events & activities. You know us, we love to use holidays as an excuse to design new content, create giveaways, or just create engaging events with the general community.
We’ll see you all next week and for those of you in the public test build make sure to jump on that before we hit that player limit! Thank you all and stay safe out there.
-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team
submitted by COD_Mobile_Official to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

$PLTR DD have fun :)

$PLTR DD have fun :)
Hello fellow retards
I know these are difficult times for this sub and it’s almost impossible to post something solid which is not about the current meme stocks.
Instead of jerking to some porn i did some research on PLTR and want to share my DD with you. This might be a longer text for your love dopamine level so maybe you should grab some your Adderall before.
The following text might you give your eyes aids since English isn’t my native language. I will try my best.
Palantir as a Company – the beginnings
PLTR was founded by some people and one of them is Peter Thiel who worked alongside with our holy papa Elon at PayPal. As a payment-service they had concerns about money laundering and founded PLTR to tackle this issue early. The CIA also funded PLTR (they are always funding stuff like this – Siri as example). This actually might be the reason why people think that PLTR is a company which aggregates data and do data analysis for the government….but this is not accurate and not correct at all if you see the big picture. I will explain this point later.
You retard still reading? Nice here some rocket emoji’s to pump your dopamine and keep you happy.
Let’s start with the DD
First of all my POV is looking for a midterm to long term investment in PLTR. My valuation considers PLTRs current state and predicting from now on for the next few years.

  • 1. The Management
Before I start with the product I rather start with the management. You can sell the nicest thing in the world. I can guarantee you that the product definitely won’t be considered as the nicest thing after a while if you have a shitty management (Intel). With Peter Thiel on the leaderboard we got a competent asshole and CEO is Alex carp (co-founder) Peter Thiel is well known and Alex Karp is one of us. He yolod his heritage into some business and become a chad. Seriously tho, I trust Peter and if Peter holds on Alex since Decades so do I. Peter proved so many times how cunning he is and showed how to pick adapt problems early and create solutions.

  • 2. PLTR Business model/ products
Before we understand how important PLTRs products are we have to understand that we are simpeltons who don’t have any business with PLTRs. We create data. We don’t fuck with it. We creating with using our phones or working in the office. Only a few of us may working with accumulated big data. PLTRs customers’ base isn’t neighbor Joe or Aunt Nancy. The products they offer are not even for midcap companies they are more designed for whole industries and governments. That’s the reason why their products aren’t so tangible for many people.
PLTR basically offers systems to big companies/governments which import their data into these systems. PLTR doesn’t sends workers to the client to collect data and analyse it. They sell platforms. They got 2 Products called “Gotham” and “Foundry” You may think wtf is this guy talking about? Let me explain it in 2 examples:
First example is Syria with Gotham. It was impossible in the country to know who the good guys are and who the bad ones are. I know u muricans only know yourself and the rest of the world is the “rest of the world” for you. But this wasn’t so simple in Syria you had many factions with different intentions and some of them were allies and some of them were enemies. The lack of information or the ability of recognizing and sorting these information’s are crucial in a war. PLTR solved the struggle with creating a map which provided resilient information for the marines so they can operate safely. Civil problems over there could also be fixed.
Actually what the John Hopkins University does with the covid numbers and the map, is some sort of what PLTR offering with their solutions. There are rumors that the tracking of Covid and the vaccination will be done by PLTR.
In their S1 Form PLTR describes it this way
“Gotham, our first software platform, was constructed for analysts at defense and intelligence agencies. They were hunting for needles not in one, but in thousands of haystacks. And they did not have the software they needed to do their jobs. In Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers were mapping networks of insurgents and makers of roadside bombs by hand. Gotham enables users to identify patterns hidden deep within datasets, ranging from signals intelligence sources to reports from confidential informants, and helps U.S. and allied military personnel find what they are looking for.”
The second example is about “Foundry” and it’s directly from the S1 File of PLTR (page 121)
“An Airbus A350, for example, has five million parts and is built by hundreds of teams that are spread across four countries and more than eight factories. Companies routinely struggle to manage let alone make sense of the data involved in large projects. Foundry was built for them. The platform transforms the ways in which organizations interact with information by creating a central operating system for their data.”
Both of these systems solving big issues with less effort. The arms industry as example would took billions for drones and stuff in Syria for the same job. The important fact is that PLTR does not spend so much resources for new clients they only have to provide access and support for their services and the client feeding the “machine” with data.
The key point is to understand that PLTR benefits very huge from economy of scales. This is very important since their costs for additional revenue is basically flat while the profits growing exorbitant with new customers. They offer a software and platforms and not kind of services where they need man power. All they do is working on their platforms and improving it.

  • 3. PLTRs big issue during the last decade
Peter Thiel was a great supporter of Trump and funded his elections campaign. The market thought that when trump wins then PLTR will get all the government (especially military) contracts.
But this didn’t happened. Peter got cucked by the huge authority apparatus in pentagon. These dudes loves bureaucracy and they do it for a good reason. If you retire from your job in pentagon you usually get a high paid luxurious position at Lockheed, Raytheon or Bae Systems to make additional free money for your retirement. Many thousand people working in pentagon just to select and buy stuff for the government. They spending billions of dollars for purchases and then PLTR came around and said like „look guys we can do this job for a few millions instead billions“. Of course the arms industry was pissed and the pentagon boomers helped them out. PLTR got constantly scammed from boomers and didn’t get the contracts. This was also the „swamp „trump was talking about.
A fun fact to this matter: Before James Mattis got summoned as the Defense Secretary of the USA he was a general in Afghanistan. He ordered services from PLTR despite the fact the pentagon was against it. But the marines praised PLTRs software and valued it over the trash they used to know from the defense/arms industry.
Even with a James Mattis as the defense secretary, trump as president and regardless that PLTR does it better and cheaper than the arms industry, it wasn’t possible for PLTR to get the government contracts.
How it’s ended? Well Peter’s wife doesn’t have a boyfriend because Peter is the fucking boyfriend of their wifes. All ended at the court and PLTR won. All this injustice ended at the court. The judgements on these cases are true circuit breakers for PLTR. Not only because PLTR spent shit tons of money for law suits. The lawsuits were perfect uppercut hits on the arms industry and they ended some fraudulent behaviors and „best practices „in the government
PLTR will profit from a Biden who wants to decrease the military expenditures. They will get the job done and at the same time the costs will go down. With the recent judgements the door looks open
  • 4. Valuation problems
I could spam some multiplication on revenue or even a DCF but I think it’s not necessary. Expect the costs of research and development (maybe marketing) the costs of PLTR stood mostly flat in the last quarters. It’s a growth stock and the pricing is mostly in the perspective of PLTR. This is actually all we need to know that the revenue increases while the costs staying mostly flat. Check out the balance sheets at page 12 on the S Form 1.
Let’s talk about the market. The whole market seems overpriced but it isn’t tbh. Due to the low cost of capital there is no alternative than to throwing your money on stocks or on real estate. There is nothing with a solid interest rate around (not even in emerging markets). At the stock exchange like in 70s, the companies had to offer a return, a perspective which should be more attractive as putting your money on a saving account with 8% interests without risks. These times are gone since the 2000s. So before people discuss insane valuation they should check out the fiscal and economical policies.
Now back to PLTR and why the price is difficult to set (cheap imo). First of all PLTR did a direct listing without an investment bank for their share offerings. Its lacking of the valuation which they usually would get through such a process.
PLTR wanted to do IPO with Morgan Stanley but it was mess.
Morgan Stanley proved themselves many times as stubborn communists when it comes to valuations. I mean you guys remember their disgusting price targets for tesla like 100$ post split or stuff like that.
These guys are very focused on numbers and I know it’s difficult to price in the potential and perspectives. But you can’t ignore these things for a fundamental valuation. If you want to consider these things in the price you have to understand the business of the company.
This ended that one team at Morgan Stanley valuated PLTR with 5 billion while another team thought they worth 40 billion.
How is this difference possible and why is this happening? Because people don’t understand what they are valuating. This happened a lot in the last decade because the decision makers in these banks and many analyst don’t have any idea which metrics they should use on companies like that. They are using the metrics from classical industries on new business. They freaked out when Facebook was valued with 100 billion as IPO. Same with Twitter and in the last years it was Tesla. They said apple going to tank every damn year in the last decade. I honor Warren Buffet so much since he has the dignity to realize that he don’t understands something but at the same time he sees the potential and the trend. That’s why he hired 2 Chads who bought Snowflake for him. The transformation and the generation change didn’t happened yet. That’s why they try to use the metrics from Caterpillar on Tesla.
Guys the whole market is mooning with the cheap liquidity. Pennystocks and zombie companies transforming into billion dollar market cap companies. Facebook as IPO had a market cap of 104 billion back in 2012. At that time it wasn’t possible for Facebook to monetize their users with selling ads. They just paid 100 billion for the potential in more difficult market conditions.
Look at the IPOs like doordash, Bumble. I’m not going to call this a bubble. Just check out their business cases and use the metrics. Maybe its easier for people to understand Bumble and Doordash…
On page 12 of the S1 (balance sheet) Form you can already see the huge positive trends in PLTRs revenue and their costs. All this without all the positive events and contracts PLTR recently got.
PLTRs valuation is difficult and I think it’s miscalculated by pessimistic communist who don’t understand that their products are game changers for industries, governments and defense forces. Because of these points I think there is huge price potential for PLTR.

  • 5. Risks for PLTR
Despite the general market risks PLTR mentions at page 29 of the S1 Form the competitors as the main risk: “We face intense competition in our markets, and we may lack sufficient financial or other resources to maintain or improve our competitive position.” The S1 Form didn’t aged well. Actually I don’t think that PLTR would have any trouble with offering new shares. Also with Peter Thiel as one of the founders the financial side should be stable.
As PLTR competitor people use to mention IBM. The boomers from IBM already surrendered with their Windows95 computers and decided to cooperate. The biggest threat would be big tech with big money like AMZN or APPL. You all now the stories about APPL and Spotify or AMZN and all the merchants. Even if the big players would step into PLTR markets it would be difficult for them since PLTRs products doesn’t rely on an Amazon store or on apple devices. PLTR is years ahead with their products.
I think the greatest risk (still) are the boomerish arms industry and all the boomers in pentagon and other authorities.
There are very corrupt infrastructures when it comes to decision making and assigning contracts. People fear changes but they can’t avoid the changes. With the recent judgements we can see a turn on the tables but the transformation will still take time. It’s a circuit breaker with an avalanche effect.
The risk factors on page 16 on the S1 form mostly aren’t relevant anymore. People complained that PLTR wasn’t profitable for 18 years. Well PLTR was never designed to be profitable and Alex Karp once said “love us or leave us alone”.
But even this changed recently. PLTR became profitable in 2020 with 130,000,000§. Now the same people complaining about how high the stock price compared to the profits. Well just you wait.

  • 6. Conclusion and Outlook
If you still reading I have to admit that this was a lot text and i am sorry again about the lingo. Let’s connect the dots and bring this information to a point
  1. The boomer coalition in the pentagon and in the arms industry is taken down by PLTR. They will able to get the governments contracts and the classic arms/defense industry is no match for PLTR products. The judgements of lawsuits were catalyst and the effects should be already shown in the next earnings. These were such underrated events but I think there still will be some odds but PLTRs situation is much better as it was a time ago. The chains are off!
  2. Military expenditures rising worldwide
With Bidens presidency we will see more disruptive technologies chosen by the government. Biden want to reduce the military expenditures. PLTR is able to provide better service for lower cost. Not only the recent judgements also the political change will help PLTR. Ironic if you remember that Peter supported Trump and getting his tendies from Biden.
  1. PLTR superior products profits hugely from economy of scales. They don’t have any significant costs when they acquire new customers. Making the big data usable for decisions making is already very important and step by step people realize that this issue growing fast. We creating everyday more data than we did yesterday and leaving the majority of it as trace and unstructured data. We don’t work with it but big Institutions does.
Here is the passage from the S1 and I fully agree with it:
“The systemic failures of government institutions to provide for the public — fractured healthcare systems, erosions of data privacy, strained criminal justice systems, and outmoded ways of fighting wars — will continue to require both the public and private sectors to transform themselves. We believe that the underperformance and loss of legitimacy of many of these institutions will only increase the speed with which they are required to change.”
  1. PLTRs value. The current situation of the market with tons of liquidity seems like a bubble. People don’t know what to do with the cheap capital and people throwing it even on meme pennystocks.
Facebook had his ipo back in 2012 during much harder market conditions as now. The valuation of Facebook was over 100 billion and people called it insanely overvalued. They did it because Facebook didn’t had a way to monetize their users (especially on mobile platforms). Facebook has a market cap of over 750 billion now and nobody calling it over valued.
A remember the recent examples? Bumble?! Bruuuh. Don’t get me wrong if you invested in Bumble but they have nothing special to offer and their business case can easily copied or improved by others. Its shows the current state of our market with the crazy liquidity that even zombie companies got astronomic valuations. Use these metrics on PLTR with great products, great management, low cost base and less odds as ever before….
PLTR price is wrong imo especially in this market and with PLTRs current state and perspective.
  1. Do you use PLTR? Me Neither! It’s not designed for us and we have to inform us about the success. PLTRs new contracts and their future are shining bright. With the settled lawsuits the sky is clear for PLTR. But their customer base is not only America. I’m not a murican and 3 weeks before I just find out that the police departments in our state using PLTR products. I don’t need to link endless evidences here since you can google it by yourself and see how many contracts PLTR recently got. Especially after the circuit breakers we talked about.
I have genuinely trust into Peter Thiel and Alex Karp that their will make the best of PLTRs potential. The odds getting removed and the demand for PLTR is increasing.
If all these information would priced in correctly we would have a share price of at least 60-70$. With upcoming and ongoing positive events PLTR share price should soar more..
What’s next?
Now we have earnings ahead and the lock up period ending.
For the earnings I think the number will be fine and keep up the positive trend on revenue with a disproportionately trend of the costs. The most important part will be guidance for 2021. We should listen closely and see if the magic is already happening.
The second event is the ending of the lock up period. You all remember the end of the lock up period of Nikola? Just 1-2 days after they announced they don’t got the GM deal? The stock tanked – for a good reason. You know the guy Trevor Milton.
But in PLTRs case everything is different. Despite the successful deals they got, does a guy who says “love us or leave us alone” sounds like someone who going to drop his shares at the first possibility? I don’t expect such a behavior from Alex Karp and neither from Peter Thiel. If some employees drop their shares it should be fine.
I would appreciate if the stock prices would go below 3ß. It would create a healthy bullish chart pattern and would be actually a nice discount to get in or stock up. I don’t think that the shares going to dump a lot because of this event. The earnings and the guidance are more important and the key events if you want to invest mid – long term.
What does all this means for you? Nothing! Please don’t do any market activity based on my DD. I’m just sharing my knowledge and looking for critics so I can reevaluate my theses. This is not a financial advice.
This is not a financil advise!
I’m not well positioned and not trying to pump this stock. I have 70 shares and a CSP. Fair play and fuck all the bots and pump and dumper we recently got in the sub!
Leave an upvote if this post helped you. I need some more karma to be able to shitpost everywhere again!
submitted by PutsOnYourWife to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

GME MOASS (Potential) Price Target. Shorts, you have been warned.

GME MOASS (Potential) Price Target. Shorts, you have been warned.
GME, where shorts are about to get gang-banged to bankruptcy ad infinitum ∞
Shorts, after many failed attempts, we are warning you now, again, more than ever. (Do you guys just hate making money or what?) WSB, in all its retarded wisdom, will not stop to see this thesis play through to its completion. Now, the whole world is watching this Infinity War play through, and you're at the wrong end of the $ROPE. You guys keep on gluing yourselves into a corner, and the bulls are about to go Muhammad Ali on your ass. Even Jim fucking Cramer said it.
\"[that is just] game over for the shorts ... when you have people shooting at it like this...\" -Jim Cramer*
Likewise, to my fellow GameStop/GME GANG BULLS: The longer we wait, the bigger our reward. Let me explain.
Let's assume shorts haven't even covered yet (and many analysts say they haven't), then the bigger our initial investment capital to be multiplied to theoretical infinity, and that's not even counting our call options (juicy gamma squeeze, anyone?). Now, let's do some math.
• Assume C(n) is 'zero point', prior to squeeze; where 'C' is initial capital, and 'n' is all the compounded multiplier prior to the deadly short squeeze. Basically, it's just your total capital multiplied by organic % growth. It's some king shit. Let's say that C(e) is ending capital. Remember the 'compound interest is king' worship on subs like investing? Well, my fellow retards, this is compound interest on fucking steroids so scientifically advanced it hasn't even been birthed yet.
• Assume days-to-cover is about 6 as per avg. daily volume and number of shares shorted needing to be unwound, under a 100% of float shorted scenario (which, in our case, is actually 250%-300%+. Who knows how that shit plays out. (I like to play conservative: positive surprise is better than negative.)) (edit: some folks say that the average volume in the past few days has risen by 'x' amount. Might be true, but it could also die down to an averaged baseline since the volume spike was more organic buying imo. Also, consider that the current short % of float is 260.91%***\* as of writing (Yahoo! Finance, Dec. 20, 2020 data). That's good for Longs, absolutely fucking terrifying for shorts given current circumstances. Take from that as you will.)
•Assume 50% increase in share price (SP) per day during short squeeze panic. (Even that's probably conservative, but, who knows. I'm not a fortune teller.)
MOASS (conservative) Price Target (PT) = (SP)(1.5)^6
and C(e) = C(n) x ((SP)(1.5)^6)/SP)
Think about that for a sec.
Now, let's assume shorts will start to cover for their goddamn souls by SP=$50. Then;
Price Target (PT) = ($50)(1.5)^6
Price Target (PT) = $569.53.*\*
Let's stagger this down to steps by change-per-day so it's easier to visualize, following above assumptions:
Day 0 (D0): $50 (+0%, zero point)
Day 1 (D1): $75 (+50% from D0) = 1.5-bagger
Day 2: $112.50 (+50% from D1) = 2-bagger
Day 3: $168.50 (+50% from D2) = 3-bagger
Day 4: $253.125 (+50% from D3) = 5-bagger
Day 5: $379.6875 (+50% from D4) = 7-bagger
Day 6: $569.53125 (+50% from D5) = 11-bagger
Literally an 11-bagger in a matter of 6 days by conservative day-over-day 'squeeze' growth estimates. (edit: I'm adding a variation factor, or randomness factor as I want to call it, of +-$200 on the 11-bagger mark, just to cover our bases. I've read more on other people's MOASS PTs, and the 11-bagger seems to be on the upper end (I will not retract the PT though, and I am confident in the mathematical power of exponential compounding, esp. in this historical short squeeze data on GME). I enjoy the fact, however, that by consensus, we all agree on the whopping potential multiples this short squeeze can generate.*****\*) (edit: There's been comments about the massive sell-walls at $420.69, hence, it could curtail any share price growth beyond that point. If it even reaches that point, that would be fucking hilarious. Even funnier at $694.20.)
$TSLA performance 1-yr to date is an 8-bagger. (Shoutout to our TSLA brothers, we love you and shit. GME gang will join you in tendie-land soon.)
The legendary VW Short Squeeze was a little under 5-bagger over the course of several days, and even then,
I will quote DOMO Capital*** on a recent example:
it took $APRN 3-4 days to squeeze.
Day 1: Up as high a 86%, closed up 68%
Day 2: Up as high as 96% closed up 71%
Day 3: Up as high as 198% closed up 148%
Day 4: Up as high as 77% closed down 12%
$2.25 to $28.84 at peak
That was without >100% SI
You read that right. That was without >100% SI. And in this example, $APRN was a 13-bagger (+1281.77%) over the course of 3-4 days. Meanwhile, our hypothetical GME scenario above yielded an 11-bagger (+1100%) after 6 days, on (imo) conservative day-over-day short squeeze spikes of 50%. I know that +1000%+ looks almost impossible on paper. Sure, maybe as an isolated, singular event. But stretch that over to multiple days with compounding interest overwhelmingly in your favor, and you can get there in no time (if you're still confused about that, re-read the visualized step-by-step change-per-day above). That's why you can have small initial capital amounts grow into millions of dollars after many years of passive investing, but, that's for investing to talk about.
+7% YoY index investing growth until age 65? We don't do that here. 1000%+ or bust bitch
GME right now is like a lottery ticket, where the statistical impossibility of winning it big has been replaced by the function probability of time, where time decay is in your favor; inversely proportional to shorts. They have to cover eventually, and the water boils hot by the second.
What catalysts can be 'surpriseful' enough to lead shorts to cover to their deaths, you might ask? Who knows. What I do know, however, and something which has NOW BEEN PROVEN to be validated by (at the very least) recent price action alone, is that sweet sugar daddy Ryan Cohen and our CHWY daddies Alan Attal and Jim Grube know what they're doing. Who knows what kind of walls they'll be breaking in these coming days, weeks, or months. And each and any of them can become the flashy red nuclear button to send this bitch running. (edit: Jim Cramer had a segment on Mad Money today about the ripe-ness of GME to fucking SQUEEZE INTO MOASS.***** You read that right: GME + MOASS potential + CRAMER. He also seems to love WSB, and probably jacks off to our gains. Hi Cramer! See link below: thanks to u/CPTHubbard for sharing the link.)
Then again, I might be retarded as fuck, take these assumptions with a grain of salt. Long live WSB, and long live GME gang.
Bonus: "but u/fieryskyes, how do I know when the tip has topped?"
My answer: Who knows. Feel free to set yourself a limit sell, or not. Just remember that MM's and many other advanced traders can see your limit sells (e.g. $420.69) via Level II data. If (and that's an if) and when the MOASS starts to happen, you will know. WSB will be going apeshit about it. With regards to my own personal strategy, I'll be watching the price spike actively over the span of the days it squeezes. No limit sell, no stop loss.. I'd rather see the price peak to the highest peak, knowing it has maxed out, and then catch it as it freefalls, than SELLING too early without having even seen the peak yet. Seeing the glorious green dildo peak is ejaculatory enough for me, and I'll be ready to unwind shortly [pun intended] as it falls. But then again, that's just my personal preference on the play. There could be better plays, in which I'd be open to exploring.
TL;DR: Under the assumptions written above, GME MOASS Price Target is potentially an 11-bagger on conservative estimates over a 6-day period, and the short squeeze (reportedly) hasn't even begun yet. GME right now is like a lottery ticket, where the statistical impossibility of winning it big has been replaced by the function probability of time, where time decay is in your favor; inversely proportional to shorts. Join now, or die in FOMO forever.
GME = WHALE-MAKER 🐳 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
*-Link to Cramer tweet: Katherine Ross on Twitter: ""You see something like [Gamestop $GME] and that is over for the shorts, theoretically, when you have people shooting at it like this..." @jimcramer said." / Twitter
**- for our fundamentalists, $BBY (Best Buy) as of writing is currently at $114.84 with $29.72B Market Cap. $GME (GameStop) at $39.46 is at $2.752B market cap. BBY is just about 11x of GME. At 11x Mkt Cap, GME would be priced at roughly ~$430. A lot of assumptions here, sure, but I'm putting this here just to put share and market cap sizing into context.
***- Link to DOMO Capital tweet:
****-GME Yahoo Finance stats. See "short % of float". Link: GME 39.91 8.51 27.10% : GameStop Corporation - Yahoo Finance
*****- Cramer's GME Short Squeeze segment: Full 5 min clip on Short Squeeze - WSB @ 4 min : wallstreetbets ( / Jim Cramer breaks down the short busting in GameStop, Bed Bath & Beyond - YouTube
******: possibly final edit: I've been browsing through other MOASS Price targets, and seems like my range is up the upper end so far. For that reason, I'm including a variation range of +-$200 on the 11-bagger mark, to account for randomness, and just to cover our bases. The key thing to note is that MOASS price targets are in whopping multiples of current SP. I will not retract the 11-bagger PT, as it just shows the power of exponential compounding interest in a once-in-a-lifetime MOASS scenario, given our current data on GME and its boiling rocket fuel.
edit: formatting adjustments. also, how tf do you remove the stupid blue apron picture on this post lol. shit's pretty retarded looking on mobile. oh well
edit 2: added an Infinity War picture for our retarded brothers who can't read
edit 3: please note, this post is for entertainment purposes only, and not investment advice. only go full retard by your own personal discretion
submitted by fieryskyes to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (02/12)

Here you can ask questions/seek advice about Azur Lane; help each other and grow together!

Helpful Resources
Azur Lane Wiki
Azur Lane Official English Twitter
Quick Beginner's Starting Guide by Ruvicante (Ignore "Grind stage X until level X" advice)
Azur Lane Community Discord Server
Azur Lane Official English Discord Server

Other Megathreads
Littorio's Luxurious Lounge - Gacha, Dorm Screenshots and Discussions


JP players can bind via binding code or Twitter account; EN players can bind via Twitter account, Facebook account or Yostar account. These options are in Settings.

Use at least one account bind option; use multiple if you want to be safe. If your device is lost, damaged, or a game update breaks the app and forces you to reinstall you could permanently lose your account. EN accounts are easiest to recover with an account bind; make sure to bind your account in the settings and only use the login screen binding buttons to reconnect your account. Using the login screen buttons without a bound account will create a new account for you and effectively erase your progress with no way of recovering it outside of contacting customer support. JUST DO IT.
NOTE: It's also a good idea to remember your server and take a screenshot of your resume so that customer support has an easier time recovering your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I reroll? How do I do it?
No. There are a few reasons for this:
Is X ship good?
Take a look at this gallery that shows good, permanently available ships or this tier list for a general indication of any ship's power. For research ships there's also a list showing off how useful they are depending on their development level.
All ships are usable with proper development; just know that some ships/compositions are far less viable in later Worlds.
Should I be spamming Construction or saving cubes?
Saving cubes is crucial as you'll want a large stockpile of them to attempt limited constructions that appear during events. Outside of events, spend 1 cube per day (4 on Sunday) to satisfy the daily build mission; in doing so you'll complete the weekly mission which gives 6 cubes.
However, players starting out should spam construction for the first 2 or 3 days in order to expand their options for fleet setups.
Should I keep duplicate ships?
I'm struggling on X stage, what should I do?
How should I set up my fleet?

Main Fleet (Backline)
Aircraft Carriers (CV, CVL) - Clears the screen of enemy projectiles and weaker ships; Airspace Control Value (ACV) improves damage dealt by your carriers and reduces hostile encounters.
Battleships, Battlecruisers (BB, BC, BBV, BM) - Concentrated damage better suited for high-value targets; secondary gun protects backline from suicide ships.
Vanguard Fleet (Frontline)
Destroyers (DD) - Cheap; low gun damage with high-damage torpedoes; high evasion with poor armor and HP; speeds up your fleet and helps avoid ambushes.
Light Cruisers (CL) - Balanced stats with high anti-air capability.
Heavy Cruisers (CA, CB) - Expensive; high damage and/or large HP pool; some utility.
For the frontline position put your tankiest ship on the left and second tankiest on the right; for the backline try to have your strongest ship in the middle (flagship) position; battleships with a barrage skill should be in the center because it greatly improves their aim.
Make sure that your support (yellow) skills are useful to the rest of the fleet; most only affect certain class, nationality or weapon types and often don’t stack.
While at the beginning it doesn't matter - in fact you'd be better off using both of your fleets equally to level them up - your two fleets should eventually be split up into a mob-killer fleet and boss-killer fleet; the mob-killer fleet sacrifices firepower for sustain so use (self-)healing ships to survive the 4-7 fights needed to summon the boss for the boss-killer fleet.
When should I Limit Break?
This depends on your playstyle; Limit Breaking increases a ship's stats and capabilities at the price of increased Oil costs. Therefore:
These guidelines only apply to your main use fleets; farming fleets will have a different approach as explained in the next question.
NOTE: Regardless of your playstyle, Limit Break when your ships are approaching level cap (70/80/90) to avoid losing XP.
What are good fleets to use for farming?
Farming fleets are designed to clear stages with as little fuel use as possible. Therefore:
Popular vanguard ships: Phoenix, Leander, Cassin, Downes, Fletcher DDs Popular main fleet ships: Erebus, Terror, Nelson, Rodney, Tirpitz, Duke of York, Yorktown
For high-level farming add healers (Akashi, Vestal, Unicorn, Shouhou, Ryuuhou, Arizona) and a strong boss-killer fleet.
When farming for gear blueprints/ships/event points, is it better to full clear a stage or just clear enough mobs until the boss spawns?
Except when getting the third star on a map, you should always go for the boss as soon as it spawns. Only the boss fleet and event elites can drop SR gear blueprints, and the boss has a chance to drop two. Only boss fleets can drop SR ships/boss-only ships, and clearing the boss fleet with an S-rank guarantees a ship drop. Killing the boss fleet is what gives points (specialized cores, core data, event points, etc.); the amount of points is bound to the map, not to the amount of mobs killed.
What should I be equipping?
You can try following these guides. Otherwise, use what you have.
How do I get more Oil?
Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. If you run dry consider running less ships in your fleets, running ships with lower rarity/fewer limit breaks and taking a break.
How do I get Coins?
Aside from generation via the Merchant, large coin drops come from Daily Raids and the 8-10 hour commission (costs 800+ fuel). A popular method is farming map 7-2 until all the "?" nodes appear, collecting the nodes and retreating.
What should I spend Gems on?
Priority list:
Spending Gems on anything not listed here isn't recommended (ESPECIALLY Oil/Gold). However, it's mostly personal preference.
What should I spend Medals of Honor on?
Buy the featured SSR if you want heneed a duplicate for limit breaking. Otherwise, solid purchases are gold and purple Bulins (if needed), T3 Skillbooks, T2 Retrofit Blueprints (T3 if needed), PR Blueprints and Dorm food; anything else isn't recommended though your needs may vary.
What are Retrofit Blueprints? How do I use them?
Retrofit Blueprints are used in retrofitting and consumed in the Retrofit tree found in ship details. Note that not all ships have a retrofit. It's recommended to save your blueprints and only retrofit ships you plan on using as higher tier blueprints can be hard to come by.
What is the best use of Core Data?
You'll want several Oxytorps and Black/White shells, the F4U Corsairs) are currently the best fighters in the game. Other useful items include Fairey Swordfish 818) which slow enemies on hit and the Homing Beacon for synchronizing airstrikes. The Seal of the Four Gods, improves Anshan class ships but otherwise is not worth buying.
All of the ships currently in the core shop are obtainable through war archives and/or aren't useful to a new player.
Why can't I rank up past Captain?
For Rear Admiral Lower Half and higher in addition to meeting the rank score requirement you must be high enough on the player leaderboards to rank up. For Rear Admiral Lower Half that means you need to be in the top 1000; all ranks and thresholds can be found here.
When is the daily/weekly reset?
[EN] Daily reset is at midnight PDT; weekly reset is Sunday at midnight PDT.
How to get Akashi?
Tap on her 30 times in the shop menu to get started. And you might want to hold on to 10 purple and 5 gold Sakura tech packs.
How do I unlock the last few memories in X event?
After clearing B3/D3/the last of the non-EX stage of the event, try beating it a few more times.
How do I earn Tech Points?
Tech Points are gained by obtaining, max limit breaking and max levelling (level 120) ships. You can see how many points each ship will give you in the Lab > Fleet Tech tab. As a rule of thumb big ships such as CVs or BBs will give you more tech points than little ships regardless of rarity. MLBing a ship gives you the largest amount of points out of the 3 step process; PR1 ships requirements are generally easier to meet than PR2/PR3 ships' fleet tech thresholds.
How do I earn experience for research ships?
PR EXP is only earned through oil-consuming PvE content (& Operation Siren) with the ships specified under the EXP objectives in the Shipyard. PvP matches, Dorm EXP, Lecture EXP and commissions do not count. The EXP goals are rather large; be prepared for a long grind. Ships who are at an EXP/level cap (i.e. 70/80/90/100~120 depending on limit break, cognitive awakening or EXP hard cap) will still contribute EXP to PR EXP objectives, even if it displays +0 EXP in the combat results.
What types of researches are best?
Here is the list for the best researches for earning PR blueprints. There is also a list for those who are looking to grind gear blueprints specifically. Note that PR ships are an endgame goal; investing cubes and coins into research projects early on will greatly impede your progress with little benefit so free researches are a better option while starting out.
What is the drop rate of X?
The only known drop rate is for Akagi & Kaga; each have a 0.75% chance to drop after defeating the boss of 3-4. No other drop rates are currently known.
Is X getting a rerun?
Most major events get a single rerun per region. You can check the Azur Lane Wiki to see if an event has already reran on your server's region. Reruns generally occur at least a year after the event's first debut; after the rerun is concluded ships from that event will slowly come to permanent construction pools. The exception to this rule are collaboration events which - so far - haven't seen any reruns due to licensing deals.
How do I get retrofit items for Sandy/Warspite/X?
UR retrofit item are acquired through limited-time events. They will have reruns, if you missed them you will have a chance to obtain them in the future. After having a rerun these items are permanently added to the prototype shop.
What is the next big event? Is there an event roadmap?
There is no known roadmap for any of the regions; big events are usually announced a week or two at most before the event itself is released.
submitted by AutoModerator to AzureLane [link] [comments]

Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (02/13)

Here you can ask questions/seek advice about Azur Lane; help each other and grow together!

Helpful Resources
Azur Lane Wiki
Azur Lane Official English Twitter
Quick Beginner's Starting Guide by Ruvicante (Ignore "Grind stage X until level X" advice)
Azur Lane Community Discord Server
Azur Lane Official English Discord Server

Other Megathreads
Littorio's Luxurious Lounge - Gacha, Dorm Screenshots and Discussions


JP players can bind via binding code or Twitter account; EN players can bind via Twitter account, Facebook account or Yostar account. These options are in Settings.

Use at least one account bind option; use multiple if you want to be safe. If your device is lost, damaged, or a game update breaks the app and forces you to reinstall you could permanently lose your account. EN accounts are easiest to recover with an account bind; make sure to bind your account in the settings and only use the login screen binding buttons to reconnect your account. Using the login screen buttons without a bound account will create a new account for you and effectively erase your progress with no way of recovering it outside of contacting customer support. JUST DO IT.
NOTE: It's also a good idea to remember your server and take a screenshot of your resume so that customer support has an easier time recovering your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I reroll? How do I do it?
No. There are a few reasons for this:
Is X ship good?
Take a look at this gallery that shows good, permanently available ships or this tier list for a general indication of any ship's power. For research ships there's also a list showing off how useful they are depending on their development level.
All ships are usable with proper development; just know that some ships/compositions are far less viable in later Worlds.
Should I be spamming Construction or saving cubes?
Saving cubes is crucial as you'll want a large stockpile of them to attempt limited constructions that appear during events. Outside of events, spend 1 cube per day (4 on Sunday) to satisfy the daily build mission; in doing so you'll complete the weekly mission which gives 6 cubes.
However, players starting out should spam construction for the first 2 or 3 days in order to expand their options for fleet setups.
Should I keep duplicate ships?
I'm struggling on X stage, what should I do?
How should I set up my fleet?

Main Fleet (Backline)
Aircraft Carriers (CV, CVL) - Clears the screen of enemy projectiles and weaker ships; Airspace Control Value (ACV) improves damage dealt by your carriers and reduces hostile encounters.
Battleships, Battlecruisers (BB, BC, BBV, BM) - Concentrated damage better suited for high-value targets; secondary gun protects backline from suicide ships.
Vanguard Fleet (Frontline)
Destroyers (DD) - Cheap; low gun damage with high-damage torpedoes; high evasion with poor armor and HP; speeds up your fleet and helps avoid ambushes.
Light Cruisers (CL) - Balanced stats with high anti-air capability.
Heavy Cruisers (CA, CB) - Expensive; high damage and/or large HP pool; some utility.
For the frontline position put your tankiest ship on the left and second tankiest on the right; for the backline try to have your strongest ship in the middle (flagship) position; battleships with a barrage skill should be in the center because it greatly improves their aim.
Make sure that your support (yellow) skills are useful to the rest of the fleet; most only affect certain class, nationality or weapon types and often don’t stack.
While at the beginning it doesn't matter - in fact you'd be better off using both of your fleets equally to level them up - your two fleets should eventually be split up into a mob-killer fleet and boss-killer fleet; the mob-killer fleet sacrifices firepower for sustain so use (self-)healing ships to survive the 4-7 fights needed to summon the boss for the boss-killer fleet.
When should I Limit Break?
This depends on your playstyle; Limit Breaking increases a ship's stats and capabilities at the price of increased Oil costs. Therefore:
These guidelines only apply to your main use fleets; farming fleets will have a different approach as explained in the next question.
NOTE: Regardless of your playstyle, Limit Break when your ships are approaching level cap (70/80/90) to avoid losing XP.
What are good fleets to use for farming?
Farming fleets are designed to clear stages with as little fuel use as possible. Therefore:
Popular vanguard ships: Phoenix, Leander, Cassin, Downes, Fletcher DDs Popular main fleet ships: Erebus, Terror, Nelson, Rodney, Tirpitz, Duke of York, Yorktown
For high-level farming add healers (Akashi, Vestal, Unicorn, Shouhou, Ryuuhou, Arizona) and a strong boss-killer fleet.
When farming for gear blueprints/ships/event points, is it better to full clear a stage or just clear enough mobs until the boss spawns?
Except when getting the third star on a map, you should always go for the boss as soon as it spawns. Only the boss fleet and event elites can drop SR gear blueprints, and the boss has a chance to drop two. Only boss fleets can drop SR ships/boss-only ships, and clearing the boss fleet with an S-rank guarantees a ship drop. Killing the boss fleet is what gives points (specialized cores, core data, event points, etc.); the amount of points is bound to the map, not to the amount of mobs killed.
What should I be equipping?
You can try following these guides. Otherwise, use what you have.
How do I get more Oil?
Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. If you run dry consider running less ships in your fleets, running ships with lower rarity/fewer limit breaks and taking a break.
How do I get Coins?
Aside from generation via the Merchant, large coin drops come from Daily Raids and the 8-10 hour commission (costs 800+ fuel). A popular method is farming map 7-2 until all the "?" nodes appear, collecting the nodes and retreating.
What should I spend Gems on?
Priority list:
Spending Gems on anything not listed here isn't recommended (ESPECIALLY Oil/Gold). However, it's mostly personal preference.
What should I spend Medals of Honor on?
Buy the featured SSR if you want heneed a duplicate for limit breaking. Otherwise, solid purchases are gold and purple Bulins (if needed), T3 Skillbooks, T2 Retrofit Blueprints (T3 if needed), PR Blueprints and Dorm food; anything else isn't recommended though your needs may vary.
What are Retrofit Blueprints? How do I use them?
Retrofit Blueprints are used in retrofitting and consumed in the Retrofit tree found in ship details. Note that not all ships have a retrofit. It's recommended to save your blueprints and only retrofit ships you plan on using as higher tier blueprints can be hard to come by.
What is the best use of Core Data?
You'll want several Oxytorps and Black/White shells, the F4U Corsairs) are currently the best fighters in the game. Other useful items include Fairey Swordfish 818) which slow enemies on hit and the Homing Beacon for synchronizing airstrikes. The Seal of the Four Gods, improves Anshan class ships but otherwise is not worth buying.
All of the ships currently in the core shop are obtainable through war archives and/or aren't useful to a new player.
Why can't I rank up past Captain?
For Rear Admiral Lower Half and higher in addition to meeting the rank score requirement you must be high enough on the player leaderboards to rank up. For Rear Admiral Lower Half that means you need to be in the top 1000; all ranks and thresholds can be found here.
When is the daily/weekly reset?
[EN] Daily reset is at midnight PDT; weekly reset is Sunday at midnight PDT.
How to get Akashi?
Tap on her 30 times in the shop menu to get started. And you might want to hold on to 10 purple and 5 gold Sakura tech packs.
How do I unlock the last few memories in X event?
After clearing B3/D3/the last of the non-EX stage of the event, try beating it a few more times.
How do I earn Tech Points?
Tech Points are gained by obtaining, max limit breaking and max levelling (level 120) ships. You can see how many points each ship will give you in the Lab > Fleet Tech tab. As a rule of thumb big ships such as CVs or BBs will give you more tech points than little ships regardless of rarity. MLBing a ship gives you the largest amount of points out of the 3 step process; PR1 ships requirements are generally easier to meet than PR2/PR3 ships' fleet tech thresholds.
How do I earn experience for research ships?
PR EXP is only earned through oil-consuming PvE content (& Operation Siren) with the ships specified under the EXP objectives in the Shipyard. PvP matches, Dorm EXP, Lecture EXP and commissions do not count. The EXP goals are rather large; be prepared for a long grind. Ships who are at an EXP/level cap (i.e. 70/80/90/100~120 depending on limit break, cognitive awakening or EXP hard cap) will still contribute EXP to PR EXP objectives, even if it displays +0 EXP in the combat results.
What types of researches are best?
Here is the list for the best researches for earning PR blueprints. There is also a list for those who are looking to grind gear blueprints specifically. Note that PR ships are an endgame goal; investing cubes and coins into research projects early on will greatly impede your progress with little benefit so free researches are a better option while starting out.
What is the drop rate of X?
The only known drop rate is for Akagi & Kaga; each have a 0.75% chance to drop after defeating the boss of 3-4. No other drop rates are currently known.
Is X getting a rerun?
Most major events get a single rerun per region. You can check the Azur Lane Wiki to see if an event has already reran on your server's region. Reruns generally occur at least a year after the event's first debut; after the rerun is concluded ships from that event will slowly come to permanent construction pools. The exception to this rule are collaboration events which - so far - haven't seen any reruns due to licensing deals.
How do I get retrofit items for Sandy/Warspite/X?
UR retrofit item are acquired through limited-time events. They will have reruns, if you missed them you will have a chance to obtain them in the future. After having a rerun these items are permanently added to the prototype shop.
What is the next big event? Is there an event roadmap?
There is no known roadmap for any of the regions; big events are usually announced a week or two at most before the event itself is released.
submitted by AutoModerator to AzureLane [link] [comments]

Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ - Please read!

Welcome to the /Bitcoin Sticky FAQ

You've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments.
It all started with the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following articles/books/videos as a good starting point for understanding how bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential:
Some other great resources include Michael Saylor's "Bitcoin for Everybody"' course, Jameson Lopp's resource page, Gigi's resource page, and James D'Angelo's Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series. Some excellent writing on Bitcoin's value proposition and future can be found at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute.
If you are technically or academically inclined check out developer resources and peer-reviewed research papers, course lectures from both MIT and Princeton as well as future protocol improvements and scaling resources. Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here, here and here. MicroStrategy's Bitcoin for Corporations is an excellent open source series on corporate legal and financial bitcoin integration.
You can also see the number of times Bitcoin was declared dead by the media (LOL) and what you could have earned if you didn't listen to them! XD

Key properties of Bitcoin

Where can I buy bitcoin? and are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular resources are below, also check out the bitcoinity exchange resources for a larger list of options for purchases.
You can also purchase in cash with local ATMs. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use Bitwage.
Note: Bitcoin are valued at whatever market price people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

Securing your bitcoin

With bitcoin you can "Be your own bank" and personally secure your bitcoin OR you can use third party companies aka "Bitcoin banks" which will hold the bitcoin for you.
Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!
2FA requires a second confirmation code or a physical security key to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes.
Avoid using your cell number for 2FA. Hackers have been using a technique called "SIM swapping" to impersonate users and steal bitcoin off exchanges.
Google Auth Authy OTP Auth andOTP
Android Android N/A Android
Physical security keys (FIDO U2F) offer stronger security than Google Auth / Authy and other TOTP-based apps, because the secret code never leaves the device and it uses bi-directional authentication so it prevents phishing. If you lose the device though, you could lose access to your account, so always use 2 or more security keys with a given account so you have backups. See Yubikey or Titan to purchase security keys.
Both Coinbase and Gemini support physical security keys.

Watch out for scams

As mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the r / btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins (shitcoins) are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. As they say in our community, "Don't trust, verify".

Common Bitcoin Myths

Often the same concerns arise about Bitcoin from newcomers. Questions such as:
All of these questions have been answered many times by a variety of people. Here are some resources where you can see if your concern has been answered:

Where can I spend bitcoin?

Check out spendabit or bitcoin directory for millions of merchant options. Also you can spend bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the CashApp card or Fold card. Some other useful site are listed below.
Store Product
Bitrefill, Gyft Gift cards for thousands of retailers worldwide including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc.
Spendabit, Overstock and The Bitcoin Directory Retail shopping with millions of results
NewEgg and Dell For all your electronics needs
Piixpay,, Bylls,, LivingRoomofSatoshi, Coinsfer, and more Bill payment
Menufy and Takeaway Takeout delivered to your door
Expedia, Cheapair, Destinia, Abitsky, SkyTours, the Travel category on Gyft and 9flats For when you need to get away
Cryptostorm, Mullvad, and PIA VPN services
Namecheap, Porkbun Domain name registration
Stampnik Discounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postage
Coinmap and AirBitz are helpful to find local businesses accepting bitcoin. A good resource for UK residents is at
There are also lots of charities which accept bitcoin donations.

Merchant Resources

There are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant;
If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available;

Can I mine bitcoin?

Mining bitcoin can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to folding at home. If you want to learn more about mining you can read the mining FAQ. Still have mining questions? The crew at /BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out.
If you want to contribute to the bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions you can run a full node. You can view the global node distribution for a visual representation of the node network.

Earning bitcoin

Just like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoin by being paid to do a job.
Site Description
WorkingForBitcoins, Bitwage, Cryptogrind, Coinality, Bitgigs, /Jobs4Bitcoins, BitforTip, Rein Project Freelancing
Lolli Earn bitcoin when you shop online!
OpenBazaar,, Bitify, /Bitmarket Marketplaces
/GirlsGoneBitcoin NSFW Adult services
A-ads, Advertising
You can also earn bitcoin by participating as a market maker on JoinMarket by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoin for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoin).

Bitcoin-Related Projects

The following is a short list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the bitcoin space.
Project Description
Lightning Network Second layer scaling
Liquid, Rootstock and Drivechain Sidechains
Hivemind Prediction markets
Tierion and Factom Records & Titles on the blockchain
BitMarkets, DropZone, Beaver and Open Bazaar Decentralized markets
JoinMarket and Wasabi Wallet CoinJoin implementation
Decentralized exhanges Decentralized bitcoin exchanges
Keybase Identity & Reputation management
Abra Global P2P money transmitter network
Bitcore Open source Bitcoin javascript library

Bitcoin Units

One Bitcoin is quite large (hundreds of £/$/€) so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below:
Unit Symbol Value Info
bitcoin BTC 1 bitcoin one bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshis
millibitcoin mBTC 1,000 per bitcoin used as default unit in recent Electrum wallet releases
bit bit 1,000,000 per bitcoin colloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin (μBTC)
satoshi sat 100,000,000 per bitcoin smallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventor
For example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10000 for one Bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal:
For more information check out the Bitcoin units wiki.
Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly Mentor Monday thread. If you decide to post a question in /Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit.
Note: This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification you can edit it here and it will be included in the next revision pending approval.
Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy!
submitted by BitcoinFan7 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (01/21)

Here you can ask questions/seek advice about Azur Lane; help each other and grow together!

Helpful Resources
Azur Lane Wiki
Azur Lane Official English Twitter
Quick Beginner's Starting Guide by Ruvicante (Ignore "Grind stage X until level X" advice)
Azur Lane Community Discord Server
Azur Lane Official English Discord Server

Other Megathreads
Littorio's Luxurious Lounge - Gacha, Dorm Screenshots and Discussions


JP players can bind via binding code or Twitter account; EN players can bind via Twitter account, Facebook account or Yostar account. These options are in Settings.

Use at least one account bind option; use multiple if you want to be safe. If your device is lost, damaged, or a game update breaks the app and forces you to reinstall you could permanently lose your account. EN accounts are easiest to recover with an account bind; make sure to bind your account in the settings and only use the login screen binding buttons to reconnect your account. Using the login screen buttons without a bound account will create a new account for you and effectively erase your progress with no way of recovering it outside of contacting customer support. JUST DO IT.
NOTE: It's also a good idea to remember your server and take a screenshot of your resume so that customer support has an easier time recovering your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I reroll? How do I do it?
No. There are a few reasons for this:
Is X ship good?
Take a look at this gallery that shows good, permanently available ships or this tier list for a general indication of any ship's power. For research ships there's also a list showing off how useful they are depending on their development level.
All ships are usable with proper development; just know that some ships/compositions are far less viable in later Worlds.
Should I be spamming Construction or saving cubes?
Saving cubes is crucial as you'll want a large stockpile of them to attempt limited constructions that appear during events. Outside of events, spend 1 cube per day (4 on Sunday) to satisfy the daily build mission; in doing so you'll complete the weekly mission which gives 6 cubes.
However, players starting out should spam construction for the first 2 or 3 days in order to expand their options for fleet setups.
Should I keep duplicate ships?
I'm struggling on X stage, what should I do?
How should I set up my fleet?

Main Fleet (Backline)
Aircraft Carriers (CV, CVL) - Clears the screen of enemy projectiles and weaker ships; Airspace Control Value (ACV) improves damage dealt by your carriers and reduces hostile encounters.
Battleships, Battlecruisers (BB, BC, BBV, BM) - Concentrated damage better suited for high-value targets; secondary gun protects backline from suicide ships.
Vanguard Fleet (Frontline)
Destroyers (DD) - Cheap; low gun damage with high-damage torpedoes; high evasion with poor armor and HP; speeds up your fleet and helps avoid ambushes.
Light Cruisers (CL) - Balanced stats with high anti-air capability.
Heavy Cruisers (CA, CB) - Expensive; high damage and/or large HP pool; some utility.
For the frontline position put your tankiest ship on the left and second tankiest on the right; for the backline try to have your strongest ship in the middle (flagship) position; battleships with a barrage skill should be in the center because it greatly improves their aim.
Make sure that your support (yellow) skills are useful to the rest of the fleet; most only affect certain class, nationality or weapon types and often don’t stack.
While at the beginning it doesn't matter - in fact you'd be better off using both of your fleets equally to level them up - your two fleets should eventually be split up into a mob-killer fleet and boss-killer fleet; the mob-killer fleet sacrifices firepower for sustain so use (self-)healing ships to survive the 4-7 fights needed to summon the boss for the boss-killer fleet.
When should I Limit Break?
This depends on your playstyle; Limit Breaking increases a ship's stats and capabilities at the price of increased Oil costs. Therefore:
These guidelines only apply to your main use fleets; farming fleets will have a different approach as explained in the next question.
NOTE: Regardless of your playstyle, Limit Break when your ships are approaching level cap (70/80/90) to avoid losing XP.
What are good fleets to use for farming?
Farming fleets are designed to clear stages with as little fuel use as possible. Therefore:
Popular vanguard ships: Phoenix, Leander, Cassin, Downes, Fletcher DDs Popular main fleet ships: Erebus, Terror, Nelson, Rodney, Tirpitz, Duke of York, Yorktown
For high-level farming add healers (Akashi, Vestal, Unicorn, Shouhou, Ryuuhou, Arizona) and a strong boss-killer fleet.
When farming for gear blueprints/ships/event points, is it better to full clear a stage or just clear enough mobs until the boss spawns?
Except when getting the third star on a map, you should always go for the boss as soon as it spawns. Only the boss fleet and event elites can drop SR gear blueprints, and the boss has a chance to drop two. Only boss fleets can drop SR ships/boss-only ships, and clearing the boss fleet with an S-rank guarantees a ship drop. Killing the boss fleet is what gives points (specialized cores, core data, event points, etc.); the amount of points is bound to the map, not to the amount of mobs killed.
What should I be equipping?
You can try following these guides. Otherwise, use what you have.
How do I get more Oil?
Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. If you run dry consider running less ships in your fleets, running ships with lower rarity/fewer limit breaks and taking a break.
How do I get Coins?
Aside from generation via the Merchant, large coin drops come from Daily Raids and the 8-10 hour commission (costs 800+ fuel). A popular method is farming map 7-2 until all the "?" nodes appear, collecting the nodes and retreating.
What should I spend Gems on?
Priority list:
Spending Gems on anything not listed here isn't recommended (ESPECIALLY Oil/Gold). However, it's mostly personal preference.
What should I spend Medals of Honor on?
Buy the featured SSR if you want heneed a duplicate for limit breaking. Otherwise, solid purchases are gold and purple Bulins (if needed), T3 Skillbooks, T2 Retrofit Blueprints (T3 if needed), PR Blueprints and Dorm food; anything else isn't recommended though your needs may vary.
What are Retrofit Blueprints? How do I use them?
Retrofit Blueprints are used in retrofitting and consumed in the Retrofit tree found in ship details. Note that not all ships have a retrofit. It's recommended to save your blueprints and only retrofit ships you plan on using as higher tier blueprints can be hard to come by.
What is the best use of Core Data?
You'll want several Oxytorps and Black/White shells, the F4U Corsairs) are currently the best fighters in the game. Other useful items include Fairey Swordfish 818) which slow enemies on hit and the Homing Beacon for synchronizing airstrikes. The Seal of the Four Gods, improves Anshan class ships but otherwise is not worth buying.
All of the ships currently in the core shop are obtainable through war archives and/or aren't useful to a new player.
Why can't I rank up past Captain?
For Rear Admiral Lower Half and higher in addition to meeting the rank score requirement you must be high enough on the player leaderboards to rank up. For Rear Admiral Lower Half that means you need to be in the top 1000; all ranks and thresholds can be found here.
When is the daily/weekly reset?
[EN] Daily reset is at midnight PDT; weekly reset is Sunday at midnight PDT.
How to get Akashi?
Tap on her 30 times in the shop menu to get started. And you might want to hold on to 10 purple and 5 gold Sakura tech packs.
How do I unlock the last few memories in X event?
After clearing B3/D3/the last of the non-EX stage of the event, try beating it a few more times.
How do I earn Tech Points?
Tech Points are gained by obtaining, max limit breaking and max levelling (level 120) ships. You can see how many points each ship will give you in the Lab > Fleet Tech tab. As a rule of thumb big ships such as CVs or BBs will give you more tech points than little ships regardless of rarity. MLBing a ship gives you the largest amount of points out of the 3 step process; PR1 ships requirements are generally easier to meet than PR2/PR3 ships' fleet tech thresholds.
How do I earn experience for research ships?
PR EXP is only earned through oil-consuming PvE content with the ships specified under the EXP objectives in the Shipyard. PvP matches, Dorm EXP, Lecture EXP and commissions do not count. The EXP goals are rather large; be prepared for a long grind. Ships who are at an EXP/level cap (i.e. 70/80/90/100~120 depending on limit break, cognitive awakening or EXP hard cap) will still contribute EXP to PR EXP objectives, even if it displays +0 EXP in the combat results.
What types of researches are best?
Here is the list for the best researches for earning PR blueprints. There is also a list for those who are looking to grind gear blueprints specifically. Note that PR ships are an endgame goal; investing cubes and coins into research projects early on will greatly impede your progress with little benefit so free researches are a better option while starting out.
What is the drop rate of X?
The only known drop rate is for Akagi & Kaga; each have a 0.75% chance to drop after defeating the boss of 3-4. No other drop rates are currently known.
Is X getting a rerun?
Most major events get a single rerun per region. You can check the Azur Lane Wiki to see if an event has already reran on your server's region. Reruns generally occur at least a year after the event's first debut; after the rerun is concluded ships from that event will slowly come to permanent construction pools. The exception to this rule are collaboration events which - so far - haven't seen any reruns due to licensing deals.
How do I get retrofit items for Sandy/Warspite/X?
UR retrofit item are acquired through limited-time events. They will have reruns, if you missed them you will have a chance to obtain them in the future. After having a rerun these items are permanently added to the prototype shop.
What is the next big event? Is there an event roadmap?
There is no known roadmap for any of the regions; big events are usually announced a week or two at most before the event itself is released.
submitted by AutoModerator to AzureLane [link] [comments]

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