Flamingo Las Vegas - Parking Garage

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[US Promotion] I would like to celebrate Thanksgiving by gifting you all books!

UPDATE: More books added by siffis and West1234567890 further down
If are late coming across this post then do not worry you can still message me your email for a book.
To celebrate my day off today and Thanksgiving tomorrow I would like to gift my audiobooks.
In order to recieve a free audiobook gift just message me any title (below) along with your email address. If you have not recieved a gift before then you will get the audiobook for free. More details here and here. I am in the US market (but I hear from Canada and UK that it still works).
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siffis has generously offered to include his collection. If you like any of the books below then message directly.

West1234567890 [Also added additional books below](https://www.reddit.com/audible/comments/k0s76n/us_promotion_i_would_like_to_celebrate/gdlwylu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).
submitted by BooksAreBelongToUs to audible [link] [comments]

[NF] Leaving Las Vegas, Smuggled Grapefruits, Airstream Pancakes

When: 2014 or 15, probably April
We roll into Vegas after dark, my friend Jerry driving, I riding shotgun, my then wife rolling around in the back of the ruby red '94 Ford Aerostar on the mattress that replaced the seats.
We are dressed in what can only be described as Trailer Park Hippies. Jerry wears sweat pants (he wore a lot of sweat pants back then), a striped shirt, beanie, and square-frame glasses, as he's blind as a bat. My wife is dressed like a bag lady, a tye dye "Workaholics" shirt, ripped jeans, America Hat beanie hat worn ironically over dirty dreadlocks, and I'm wearing a a lot of flannel and sporting a fiery red Leprechaun beard and hair down to my shoulders.
We have a stash that would make Hunter S. Thompson shed tears of joy. We're cruising in with a few ounces of weed, a tinfoil wrapper full of hash, a 10-strip of LSD, an eightball of coke, case of lite beer, and a laundry basket full of oranges and grapefruits acquired in Arizona.
We had been living off of coke, grapefruits, acid, beer and cigarettes laced with hash.
We were young and ready for what Vegas had to offer.
Jerry drives past The Flamingo and we keep going on to Fremont Street. That is our destination, and we plan on milking it for all the free drinks we can.
We drive around for a minute before noticing a $5-all-night parking lot. Perfect. We figure after we get too wasted and broke, we'll just come back and crash in the back of the van.
Jerry, it's always Jerry, cuts up one hit of acid into three little pieces and passes them out.
Jerry then keys up bumps of coke for everyone.
My wife, DD, rolls a nasty hash cigarette and we roll out of the van and smoke it on our way down to Fremont Street.
The thing about taking a little bit of acid is, is you can drink all night. A half hit of acid and you're ready to drink an Irishman under the table. I can't explain how or why it works, but it does. 1/3 of a hit should do the same thing, and we're feeling good.
Vegas is your typical Vegas that I had expected. There's a Danny DeVito impersonator here, a Boss Hogg there, big-titted Showgirls lined up ready to take your money for a photo. Street performers, some of them fantastic, some of them sad. There is a nearly naked man waving a sign that reads, "Money Activates Me". I put a dollar in his hat, and he starts jiggling and shaking and making weird beeping noises. I am a little sad.
As soon as we arrive on Fremont Street I look up to a giant television prompter on the ceiling with Blue Angels flying across while "America the Beautiful" plays over the loudspeakers. I walk past a large Mexican woman wearing all purple.
Jerry tells us that they'll give you free drinks if you play the slot machines. We decide to investigate and pop into the first casino we see. We each slip a dollar into a machine and a waitress comes over and tells us, "make it at least $3, guys". A little saddened, but compliant, we do as we're told.
We spend the next few hours like this. Hopping from casino to casino, putting in as little money as possible, getting as many free drinks as possible. After awhile, it gets tiresome and we spot a crowd heading towards the far side of the street and decide to investigate.
All night we see this horrible Wook-like creature and he has come up to us and asked us for different drugs at least three times. DD must've taken the biggest 1/3 because her pupils are the size of nickels. The first few times he asked for acid, then he asked for DMT. I had never done DMT at that point, but from what I had heard, it would do him no good here. We think he's a cop. We ignore him.
Drinks in hand, we see what the commotion is about, Cheap Trick! is playing a free show. Hell Yes, we think. We push our way to the entrance and are told we cannot bring the drinks in. We each chug our beers and make our way in.
The crowd at Cheap Trick! is rude as far as rock concerts go. It's a bunch of people way more sober than us and they won't let us pass. We're standing shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder with a group of angry looking bikers and decide that Cheap Trick! can go fuck themselves.
We exit the concert and walk to the other end of Fremont Street.
There is another free concert going on, an 80's cover band with the singer dressed like Devo and the bassist wearing stuffed animal pants – that is, Pants covered in stuffed animals. There are only about 20 people in attendance. We're so there.
We walk to the front without any problem and begin our own dance circle.
They have two vocalists, a hot French-looking chick and a man dressed as dollar store Devo.
Jerry thinks French chick is looking at him.
The bandplays a rousing rendition of "Blister in the Sun" and during one of "When I go walkin I strut my stuff and I'm so strung out/I'm high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out" parts, Devo guy holds the microphone out to us and we gargle through it.
He shouts for the band to stop, wait, hold on. Stop stop stop.
"You people are the drunkest people I have ever seen!"
Too drunk to be embarrassed, we continue to dance. We dance until they stop playing.
The acid at this point has all but run its course and the booze is catching up with us.
DD is starting to lose steam.
We decide to drink more.
Walking into a casino, the overhead television plays "America the Beautiful" again as Blue Angels fly and Purple Pants Mexican lady is walking by us again, singing, "Uh-MARE-i-KUH" and crying profusely. She is having a good time.
Unsure of what time it is, we're too fucked to gamble anymore and head to the bar. We attempt to order the cheapest drinks and the bartenders all ignore us.
We get our $2 teas, (“Hold on, I have to make three shitty drinks” quoth the bartender) and walk back outside to get some air. Vegas is starting to spook me out.
People walk down the street and flick a butt, unnamed janitors come from nowhere and sweep it up like it might never have happened. Vegas is like a physics problem. The cigarette butt is like Schrodinger’s Cat. Without the janitor, it may or not be there.
As the night drags on, we see human decency deteriorating.
Having made our way somehow to The Flamingo, we scope out a group of guys who we believe are going to date rape some girl who’s had too much to drink. Maybe it’s the acid enhancing our perceptions, or any of the drugs making us ever more paranoid. Maybe those guys really were out to hurt that woman. We followed them all for some time before realizing we were fucked up and it wasn’t our fight. We needed to get back to the van to sleep.
We make our way back to the van and roll the door open. DD plops down on the mattress, but Jerry and I are determined to gamble and drink more. I promise her I’ll be good.
Just right then two SECURITY dudes on bikes roll by and see the mattress and see the hippie lady sitting upon it. “Y’all can’t sleep here.”
I inform them, but sirs, we paid the $5, and we are way, way, WAY too drunk to drive at this point.
“That’s fine, sirs” he tells me, “but you can’t sleep here. You’re welcome to gamble in our casinos all night, or get a hotel room.”
DD raises her voice to the security dudes and I have to tell her to cool it. We’re out of our element. This is Vegas. We can’t win this one.
I tell them, ok, and they ride off.
I’m too fucked to drive so I tell Jerry he’s going to have to rally and get us out of here. We all begin chugging water, our eyes rolling around in our heads, brains still slightly dripping from the acid.
We’re all yelling at each other that this was a stupid idea. Jerry chugs an adequate amount of water and he climbs into the cockpit. I ride shotgun. We got this.
We drive around aimlessly til we find an indoor parking garage that doesn’t charge us a fee on the way in. We drive to a heavily populated area and kill the engine. Jerry and I fly into the backseat and we keep our heads down, trying to find sleep in what’s left of the night.
We get two hours of sleep when I decide we have to go. Right now.
I think I’m cool to drive, so I start out our journey. The sun is right in my face as I’m leaving and I’m way too hungovestill drunk/fucked up to be doing this. I stop at a gas station for a fill up and on my way in I see a man just grinning at me. I’m in no mood. Who is this asshole just smiling at me at 6 o clock in the morning?
Turns out it was a cardboard cutout of Jeff Gordon. Jesus. Christ.
I pay for my gas and get back to the car. I tell Jerry he’s driving, and I need to sleep.
We drive a few minutes and pull up to an Airstream Diner and decide to fuel up our bellies. The whole night in Vegas we didn’t consume any food, just drugs and booze, and we were in need of nourishment.
We sit at the counter and the man with the plan is an older Hispanic man who appears to be running everything by himself. I order an omelette, toast and hashbrowns, and coffee, sweet, merciful coffee. Biscuits and gravy for Jerry, with “grandma coffee” (that is coffee with too much cream and sugar). DD got a stack of pancakes.
When our food came, the proprietor asks DD if she would like any syrup? She holds her plate above her head like an offering to the man and says nothing. He laughs and asks again what kind of syrup would she like? Blueberry it was.
A little food in us, we begin to feel better.
We hit the road, California Bound! I resign to the mattress in back and pass out, Jerry driving, DD his copilot.
I awake some time later to the sound of metal grinding on metal. The van is moving against its own will.
“What the fuck is going on?!”
Jerry is throwing it in reverse and trying to back up but the damage is already done.
We are in line waiting to cross into the great state of California. I see a sign for “Fruit Inspection”. I look around the back and there’s grapefruits and oranges and peelings and all kinds of citrus just rolling around. We’re fucked. If not for the coke and hash, then for all the fruit contraband.
I try to gather up all the citrus, but when it gets to be our turn to cross, the guards at the window tell us simply to pull through to deal with our accident.
What luck. A wagonload of drugs and illegal fruit and we get a pass because some Rent An RV guy decided to rearrange my van’s front end. Sweet.
We pull through and pile out of the van. I inspect the damage. It’s mostly cosmetic. The plastic bumper is gone, both headlights are smashed and dangling by wires. The blinkers are fucked. I will be using my arm signals for the rest of my van’s life.
I walk up to the RV and pound on the door. An older, Eastern European man, noticeably drunk and shoeless steps out. I ask does he have insurance (I miraculously do). He says yes yes yes, sure sure sure. Why don’t you come into my RV?
No, I tell him. Good out here.
He disappears inside and comes back a few minutes later with a stack of papers, none of which are insurance. After a few minutes of going nowhere, I decide to call it even. I don’t want to attract any attention to us with the cops and would rather just get down the road, blow and all.
The four of us get into our collective vehicles, the Chechen's relatively untouched; ours, a sex crime victim, and we set sail for the promised land - Californ-I-A!
I'm trying to assemble a selection of stories. Heart on Sleeve. Don't be too rough. With love, and honesty
submitted by Rock_on_Kennedy to shortstories [link] [comments]

Let me tell you about my vacation.

Rebecca and I had never cruised before. You know how wives can be... she dropped less and less subtle hints over the years that she really wanted to go, and that I should start saving money for it. She told me I should spring for that family friendly one. The one with the cartoon mouse. But since I was the one paying for it, I decided we should go with a deal I found on a membership warehouse travel website. Looking back I wish I had just paid the up charge and dealt with all the animated characters surrounded by screaming children.
I booked what sounded to me like a fairly nice cruise that was suppose to visit Cuba and Cozumel. But I got an email at the hotel a few hours before we were supposed to board ship. It said something like, due to diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba, your ship has had to change one of it's destinations. They gave us gratuitous apologies, and a $500 refund on our tickets . I had never been so happy to have my vacation ruined.
The ship was the biggest boat I had ever seen, but that's not really saying much. From the outside it looked impressive floating there alone in port. Once I got on board though, I could see it was old. And judging from how it didn't match what I had seen on the commercials, it was not one of their mega ships. You know the ones with laser tag arenas, Broadway shows, and water slides? Rebecca was instantly disappointed.
Some friends had told us to put our phones in airplane mode to avoid international roaming charges. They said that all those ships have wifi, and you can talk over messenger. That way you could avoid the horror story of having a thousand dollar phone bill lurking in your mailbox when you get home.
We got to our coffin, I mean our cabin. There were two tiny single beds with paper thin mattresses on either wall. And a water logged port hole half filled with dirty seawater. It was a nonsmoking room, but you could tell it hadn't always been. Anything plastic had that yellowed nicotine residue you find in ancient casinos.
"Oh, this romantic." I smiled seductively. "We can pretend we are being naughty at summer camp."
"Shut up." Rebecca struggled her oversize suitcase through the tiny door as I pressed myself against the far wall to give her room. When you have an angry woman on your hands, and she has all the exits blocked, your only options are diplomacy, or distraction.
"Oh hey look! A catalog of all the things we can do on our new itinerary." The freshly printed brochures sat neatly on the foot of the bed. The plain paper didn't match the other printouts glossy finish. I imagine some poor intern stayed up the night before reprinting all those pages.
We putted around the ship. Bought ourselves a pair of those novelty drinks that come in a pineapple. The paper straws in our drinks turned to mush before we could finish. Rebecca wound up pouring half her drink down her shirt and soaking her pants in the lounge chair. We watched the waves roll by, and I attempted to avoid getting my head bit off.
"So, we are going to southern Mexico instead of Cuba. There goes my cigar smuggling empire." I flipped through the brochure. "Let's see... they have a dolphin encounter."
"No, those places keep dolphins in tiny swimming pools for tourists."
"OK, glass blowing workshop?"
"No, it's Mexico. It's gonna be way to hot to anywhere near a furnace." Rebecca said struggling to get the remaining alcohol out of her pineapple.
"Mayan ruins?"
"OH! Chichen Itza? I went there on senior trip. It was amazing!" Finally after struggling to try and get her to have a good time, I had found a winner.
"Uh... no. That one is near Cosumel, we are headed down near... Belize. This one is called Chac... chucky... Chac-cho-ben. Apparently that means... 'the Place of the Red Corn.'"
The excursion to the ruins cost $150, but we had our discount so I splurged a little bit to make her happy. We tried to have fun, and drank a little bit on the way. Watched a ventriloquist act and what seemed like high school production of some fan fiction of Guys and Dolls. We went to bed, after having the steward put the beds together, and when we woke up, the ship was already making its way into port.
The first thing we noticed was the smell. The water in the brochure had been crystal clear. But what greeted us at the pier looked and smelled like diarrhea. Apparently the seaweed blooms had somehow gone bad, and mountains of rotting plant life washed up on the picturesque beach every day. We held our noses and scurried past the welcome sign and triggered the most elaborate tourist trap I've ever seen.
The little brightly colored shops huddled up in a small shopping plaza past customs at the end of the pier. A row of parrots and flamingos danced to entice children to get their parents to pay to go through the rope bridge aviary that snaked through the trees above us. Some Mayan entertainers danced and did acrobatics around a pole, as a mariachi band played in the swim up bar.
Due to her desperate need of chachkies, Rebecca wandered off to shop a while. With everything to see, I admit I lost track of time. Before I knew it, we were late to meet with the van that was going to drive us out to the ruins. I power walked through the crowds calling for Rebecca, and asking very friendly people who spoke broken English if they had seen her.
I gave upon trying to find her and headed toward our pickup location. I was going to tell them that I had misplaced my wife, when I heard...
"There he is! Sorry, thanks so much for waiting."
For the first time in recorded existence Rebecca had shown up early to an event. And I was the one that was holding up the show. Clearly she was very excited to go see those piles of rocks in the jungle. Our guide Esmeralda cheerfully greeted me and lead us down a gravel path to a hidden parking lot. We hopped in the nondescript van, where another family sat in the bench seats.
As we exited the tourist trap, we passed several gates in high fences topped with razor wire. Apparently a lot of effort goes into keeping those precious tourists safe. To keep us entertained Esmeralda knelt in the front passenger seat as we drove along the boring jungle roads. She showed us pictures of animals and trees that could be found in the surrounding bush. And taught us enough about the Mayan language to try and sell us some fancy bracelets with our names on them.
I don't know exactly what happened. Suddenly the van was rolling on it's side and the whole world turned dark green. I saw sweet Esmeralda with her laminated pictures tumble half way out the driver side window. A long trail of blood shooting out of the driver’s mouth. I closed my eyes, but I’ll never forget her screams as she realized the van was crushing her… and the she was gone.
We lay there stunned sinking the muck of some pool warm ooze. Several men jumped up on the side of the van. I was able to get a hold of one of the men and tried to fight him off, but I was still buckled into my seat. The man slipped away as Rebecca yanked me back down in her panic.
The young father behind me cradled his wife’s head and begged her to wake up. The young lady’s neck had been twisted at an awkward angle in the crash, and their daughter was screaming. Rocks beat at the remaining windows and they shattered down in a rain of tempered glass. Then the strange men poked at us with long metal spears that had needles on the end. They jabbed the needles deep into our arms and legs. Immediately I could feel the numbness of some sort of poison taking hold.
The men backed off, and struggled to get free. I pulled out my phone to call 911, and my fingers went numb as I remembered the phone was in airplane mode. My tongue got dry, and I fell over into the driver’s lap. I lost consciousness looking up at his dead eyes and broken jaw.
I awoke. Which I will say did come as a pleasant surprise. I was going to die right there in that van. I opened my eyes, and blinked at the darkness around me. Several soft points of light twinkled far above me. My hands were tied to a stone carving of a jaguar above my head. As I sat there I realized I could feel someone pressed up against my back. The smell of Rebecca's shampoo let me know it was her.
“Becca, you awake?” I asked as I rocked us back and forth.
I listened carefully for any response, but all I heard in the darkness was her gentle breathing and a strange slurping sound coming from the ruins around us. I held my breath there in that dark place. My eyes began to adjust and I thought I could see long white shapes slowly sliding down the bricks.
“Oh FUCK this!” I said as I tried to stand, my legs were all pins and needles and I flopped back and forth on my knees. I was able to work the rope that hung in the stone carving loose. And Rebecca and I tumbled to the floor as one of those things rared up inches from her face. I kicked it away but there was another, out my reach and slowly easing up her leg.
Rebecca moaned as slime coating the strange worm glistened off the flesh of her leg. The end of the thing started pulsating slowly, and I could hear the teeth digging and chewing. Rebecca lay there in a daze, not responding. I kicked at the worm things that tried to inch closer to me, one even dropped from the ceiling onto my calf. The slime off it’s skin started to numb my lower leg.
I knew at that point we were meant to be food for these things. Those men, could watching from the shadows, saving that young father and his little girl for tomorrow’s meal. I shook Rebecca as hard as I could, we had to get free, we had to get out of there. I got no response.
I clawed at the ropes around my wrists as the chewing things crawled closer. I could see them writhe under Rebecca’s shirt. The numbness in my hands made it impossible to work the knots. And the rope was to strong to break by hand. In my panic only one sickening idea came to mind. I wasn’t going to be able to drag her out of there, and I need to somehow, get out, get help.
I stood up, dangling Rebecca’s hands on stone floor beneath me. The starlight from the open shaft above us made the outline of her dainty fingers barely visible. With a scream of disgust at what was planning, I raised my heel and brought it down hard on those thin fingers.
Rebecca’s eyes shot open and she started to wail as I brought my heel down again on her hands. Breaking the delicate bones of her wrists and arms, I pulled at the rope. The worm things crawled up her neck and latched onto her cheek. That horrible chewing and sucking sound came out of her mouth as it ate through her face.
I stopped my wife’s hands into bloody ruins as she looked up at me and screamed. I got the rope free, and hooked my hands into the stone jaguar’s mouth. Then I pulled myself up. The white creatures wriggled across the floor where I had stood just a moment before. And Rebecca's screaming started to waver and fade to sobs, then silence.
I struggled up the shaft, inch my inch. Pressing my legs against one wall and my back against the other, I climbed in the darkness. Every muscle of my body quivering from strain I finally found myself at the top of a plant covered hill. I stood there in the middle of the jungle, and spun around. I didn’t see any signs of civilization. I checked my pocket, and thankfully my phone was still there.
I clicked it on, and swiped airplane mode off. No signal. The moon was near the horizon, I guessed which way was east, and struggled through darkness of the jungle in search of that long highway where everything had gone wrong.
submitted by JacksmackDave to nosleep [link] [comments]

Potential Tokyo Trip In September

Hello! My friend and I are planning a trip to Tokyo for the middle of September (we already pushed it back because of you know what, so we’re hoping to be able to get there by this timeframe). I have been perfecting our itinerary and I would love some opinions on our activities. I’m also interested in any spots we may have missed!
I will be marking down time based on Japan Time Zone. Also, we do not have our reservations made (lodging, plane tickets, etc), however we are keeping track of that rn. We are interested in lodging near Shibuya or Akihabara. We are also trying to get SIM cards and traveler’s insurance for the trip.
September 13 (JP Time) - arrive at Haneda Airport around 4 pm - get cash exchanged (we have a layover in Toronto where we could possibly exchange for cheaper, however it’s only for an hour, so we may have to wait to get to Japan to do that) - purchase Passmo/Suica cards - go to AirBnB - explore Shibuya ~ Disney Store (my friend wants to get a pin) ~ Tokyu Hands ~ GU (I love GU!!) ~ Mega Don Quijote ~ Don Don Down on Wednesday ~ Genki Sushi for dinner ~ Walk Center-gai ~ Shibuya 109 ~ Find Hachiko
September 14 - head to Ikebukuro ~ Mister Donut for breakfast ~ Sunshine Aquarium ~ Sunshine City - head to Shinjuku ~ Yayoi Kusama Museum (there’s a a chance this may be closed on Mondays; need confirmation. If it is then we’ll hold off on it for the last full day) ~ Aburasoba for lunch ~ Try cream puffs at Beard Papa’s ~ Maruhan Casino (my friend wants to play pachinko) ~ Cat Cafe Mocha Lounge ~ Hanazono-jinja Shrine ~ Walk Golden-gai ~ Thermae Yu Sento
September 15 - head to Harajuku around 9 AM (it’s gonna be a long day) ~ Meiji Jingu ~ Yoshinoya at start of Takeshita Street for brunch ~ Go along Takeshita Street (there are MANY stores I want to visit along this path, someone please tell me how long you spent on this street) ~ Go to sevens thrift store, DOG, 2nd Street, Kinji, and Nadia ~ Laforet ~ Sailor Moon Store ~ Visit Tokyu Plaza - walk to Omotesando ~ Kiddyland ~ Walk Cat Street ~ Ragtag thrift store ~ Asoko - head back to Airbnb to drop off stuff - train to Shimokitazawa ~ Hiroki for dinner (Okonomiyaki) ~ Stick Out ~ Chicago ~ Garage ~ Flamingo ~ Haight and Ashbury ~ New York Joe
September 16 - head to Tsukiji Market early in the morning - head to Asakusa ~ Get fitted for kimono/yukata ~ Senso-ji ~ Nakamise Street ~ Ueno Park ~ Return kimono/yukata ~ Imahan for lunch (sukiyaki) ~ Kakimori stationary store - head back to AirBnB - Gonpachi (Kill Bill restaurant) for dinner - Find a karaoke room and sing to our hearts content
September 17 - head to Odaiba and go to TeamLab Borderless - head to Akihabara ~ Yamashiroya ~ Hard Off Hobby Off ~ McDonald’s for lunch ~ Gamers ~ Super Potato ~ Mandarake ~ Animate ~ Taito Station ~ Gashapon Hall ~ Muji ~ Coco Ichibanya for dinner
September 18 - Find a Lotteria to get breakfast - Head to Mitaka and visit Ghibli Museum - Head back to AirBnB and order Pizza-La for dinner - Go clubbing
September 19 - check out of AirBnb and check into a capsule hotel - go to a ramen shop for lunch ~ Kikanbo (Ikebukuro) ~ Menshotaketora (Roppongi/Ginza) - free-ish day (places listed below are optional) ~ Geisha Experience with Kaiseki set (Asakusa) ~ Owl Cafe (Harajuku) ~ Peanuts Cafe (Daikanyama) ~ Flamingo Cafe (Shibuya) ~ Gotoukuji Shrine (Setagaya) ~ Shirohige’s Cream Puffs (Setagaya) ~ Bape Store (Shibuya) ~ Cup Noodle Museum (Yokohama) - places we have to visit today ~ Parco (Shibuya) ~ Kiki2 (Koenji) ~ Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure bar (Nakano)
September 20 - check out of capsule hotel - get lunch at Mentsudon (udon) - spend time in Tokyo for two hours - head back to Haneda 2 PM - return Passmo/Suica cards and head home
submitted by clocke3 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

Local's Guide to Doing The Strip on New Year's Eve

I've lived here for 8 years and never braved the Strip on New Year's Eve, always downplaying it with the traditional line of "I'm not going anywhere near the Strip on New Year's Eve!" I have heard horror stories of people getting stuck in parking garages on the Strip in an exit line that lasts for hours. A Metro officer I know always complains about how cold it is to stand in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard for hours. If I were to attempt to do the tourist thing for New Year's Eve, I would surely perish, right?
Last night, I decided to man up and do the Strip on New Year's Eve. YOLO.
But I didn't go in blind. Thanks to some tidbits I learned on /vegas and via Googling, I did the Strip on New Year's Eve in a ridiculously efficient way. Here's how you can too:
  1. Acquire (2) one-way tickets for the Monorail. Take your Nevada ID to a manned ticket booth and you will get tickets for $1 each, for a total of $2. Tickets are good for up to a year, so you could literally go to a booth today and buy tickets for the next New Year's Eve. There is a booth at the Sahara stop -- I recommend buying your tickets there because the Sahara offers free parking.
  2. On New Year's Eve, park at the Westgate. There is no manned ticket booth at the Westgate, which is why you have to buy your tickets at a different location.
  3. The Westgate is your last decent chance for a bathroom break. Take advantage of this.
  4. Use one ticket to get on the southbound Monorail at the Westgate and ride it to one of the stops on the Strip proper (Linq, Flamingo, Bally's or MGM Grand). I got off at the Linq.
  5. Walk from the Monorail station through the casino and out to Las Vegas Boulevard.
  6. The Strip will be absolutely PACKED with people. Shoulder-to-shoulder, butt-to-butt. It will feel like a terribly designed mosh pit, and you might question your ability to breathe. You will rub against many strangers. This is part of the experience; take it all in. Smile and laugh and people-watch.
  7. After the fireworks, trudge through the crowds of people back to the Monorail station. I walked down the outdoor Linq promenade, and crowds thinned considerably once I got past the doors to the casino. (There was a crush of people trying to get back inside the casino, and security was checking everyone.)
  8. Use your remaining ticket to board the northbound Monorail. There will be many, many people crammed onto the Monorail car. This, too, is part of the experience. Bask in it.
  9. Exit the Monorail at the Westgate station.
  10. Get in your car and go home.
From the time I got out of my car at the Westgate to the time I got back in it, less than an hour had passed.
There was zero traffic in the Westgate parking lot. I live in Silverado Ranch, so I took Joe W. Brown Drive to Sahara to the 15 south. I made it home in 20 minutes.
submitted by sparkplug890 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

Christmas day activities - 2019 edition

Christmas Day 2019
This is an update from last year's list which is an update of some list from a year or two ago.
Outdoor Activities
If the weather is good (check forecast[1]), here's some outdoor activities:
[1] Weather forecasts by Metservice and Weather Watch.
Indoor Activities:
Event searches
Public Transport
Auckland Transport's Public Transport holiday timetables from 23 December 2019 - 12 January 2020. Waiheke ferry timetable (pdf).
Food and Drink
Go to the supermarket on Christmas Eve to stock up on food and essentials. No supermarket and most businesses will be closed on Christmas Day. Christmas Day is one of very few mandatory public holidays in NZ, even the casino is closed 24 hours. Only places allowed to remain open are petrol stations, some fast food places and restaurants.
Hospitality businesses (restaurants, cafes etc) are able to charge a public holiday surcharge if they open on public holidays. If they do so they have to state clearly (ie sign at the door, or counter or menu). This public holidays are 25 and 26 December 2018, and 1 and 2 January 2019. FYI 26 December is also known as Boxing day in NZ.
Alcohol cannot be served unless with a meal[2]. So if something that looks like a pub is open, it is highly likely they are open to serve meals and you can order an alcoholic drink with your meal.
Restaurants that are open tend to be fast food places like McDs, KFC, restaurants that are part of hotels, a few ethnic restaurants and maybe a handful of others.
[2] That particular law applies only to Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day as well as before 1pm on Anzac Day. Legislation: Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Despite the date of the act, the law has been around for some time. 2010 news article about it. Sale and supply on Anzac Day morning, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Day restricted: on-licences.
Without any particular order:
Other essential info
Alcohol and smoking in public areas
Please note that there's usually an alcohol ban in many public areas like bus stops, parks, reserves etc. This means you are banned from consuming alcohol publicly unless you are in a licenced establishment (ie restaurant). Alcohol bans are either for an event, for extended periods or permanent. For more information about alcohol ban in Auckland.
Auckland Smokefree policy has a list of places where smoking is not permitted. This isn't limited to indoor areas only. It also includes parks, playgrounds, bus stops.
With NY celebrations coming up I won't be surprised if there's both alcohol and fire bans in popular beach areas and parks too.
Fire Season
Fire and Emergency New Zealand is updating the fire seasons for Auckland. From Monday 2 December it will declare a restricted season across greater Auckland and a prohibited fire season across all the islands of the Hauraki Gulf. A prohibited season means a total fire ban, with any current fire permits for the area suspended from the date the prohibited season starts. A restricted fire season means any open-air fires will need a permit.
submitted by nilnz to auckland [link] [comments]

[H] 650+ steam keys [W] Wishlist games (30+)

Looking to trade games of equivalent isthereanydeal.com value. Will trade multiple either way.
Not accepting offers for games not requested at the bottom of this post at this time, sorry.
Edits: H/W list up to date post 1 transaction in this thread (10/29) H/W list up to date post 2 transactions in this thread (11/3) - 619 games left!!
[Have] (mostly steam keys, please check platform beside title)
[Want] (Steam format only please)
submitted by meltboro to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

Vegas Super Bowl Weekend Trip Report

TL/DR: Had a great run at the craps tables Super Bowl weekend. Arrived in Vegas Friday afternoon and departed Monday afternoon and stayed at Planet Hollywood. Got on a hot roll first session of the weekend and didn't look back - no losing days! I had some memorable rolls and hit the bonus bets.
SuperBowl trip:
My friends have been doing the SuperBowl weekend trip in Vegas for years - I joined them for the first time in 2018. This is my second trip with this crew.
My game:
I place the 6/8 for $30 each (or $60 on the other number if 6/8 is the point). Pass line & continuous come bets with odds (down with odds if the 6/8 hit).
For odds, at a $10 table I'll take full 3-4-5 X odds (or 5X odds if allowed) out of the gate. I didn't find much in the way of $10 tables in Vegas .... AT $15/$25 tables I start my odds $30 on 4/10, $40 on 5/9 and $50 on 6/8 - press my odds if the table heats up and then increase my come bet if the table stays hot.
I'll bet $15 on the hardway if the point can be rolled hard (i.e., 4/10 or 6/8) and I dabble in the bonus bets (repeaters and all-tall-small)
Friday afternoon
Check-in, hit the patio at Beer Park (Paris) for an adult beverage.
Back to Planet Hollywood for craps. Open $15 minimum table. The first 2 base dealers had my game figured out in seconds: "down with odds", they'd leave $15 change in the come for me (knowing I'd have another come bet) and on my "off and on" wins they'd pay me in all nickels or combination of $25/$5 chips or all $25 chips depending on how well supplied I was with $5 chips ("dealing to the rack" in the lingo).
First session I bet $5 each on the repeater 9 and repeater 10. Both came in this session and I was off to the races.
Changed for dinner, had another winning craps session at Planet Hollywood and then off to dinner
Friday dinner
Went to the off-strip Herbs & Rye steakhouse. My friends and I went there last year and enjoyed it. This year it was a bit of a miss (the steaks weren't cooked to order / got messed up). They do have a happy hour (1/2 price steaks 5-8). With my good run in the afternoon run I covered the bill for the 4 of us (with my friends covering the tip).
Friday night
First stop - The D downtown. It was loud, busy, smoky and full of characters. 10X odds with the table minimum bumped from $10 to $15 shortly after I arrived. I got stung here and gave back a chunk, but not all of my afternoon winnings.
Second stop - Binions. Played at the "Cowgirls" table near the doors (Cowgirls = scantily clad female dealers, like at Blackjack tables at the pleasure pits of other casinos). Dealers are inexperienced, but I did remember one dealer from last year who knew her stuff. $15, minimum and 5 X odds. Had a nice win here.
Third stop - Linq. Met up with friends who came in on a later flight. Found a $15 table. Bought in for $500 ... choppy table, got the dice ... down to the felt and found myself reaching into the wallet for another $100 so I could bet odds .... and then got on a great run (as the shooter)! Eventually got my odds to the maximum and then got $25 come bets out there with max odds too. I had $5 each on the All-Tall-Small and I had all the spots filled up except the 2-12 for what seemed like a dozen rolls. After the inevitable 7-out, I cashed out $1500 and called it a night.
For the $15 games Friday night at all casinos my advice is to pack your patience, enjoy the scenery (Linq and D have go-go dancers), kibbutz with your friends and drink your complimentary adult beverage. The tables are busy, some players are inexperienced, some dealers are on the new side too, it's hard to hear the dealers (and vice-versa) and there is lots of irregular action (small mid-roll buy-ins, hands in the table when the dice are out, etc.).
Saturday afternoon
Had lunch at YOLO's (Mexican restaurant at Planet Hollywood). Played at Planet Hollywood (lowest min was $25)
Used my $150 in free play at Blackjack and lost six consecutive hands. (Why I didn't use my free play at craps is a mystery, even to me).
Got my losing Super Bowl bets in.
Had a nice win before lunch at craps - gave much of that back after lunch.
After a break, Round 3 to me, though .... $25 table, got the dice and had a nice monster roll. Again I had $5 each on the 9-10 repeater bets and they came in 2-3 times. I got my pass line up to $75 with odds and made my point (collecting $525). My pass line bet progression is patient so I figure I may have made 5-6 points (1-2 points with $25 pass line, 1 point with $30 pass line, 1 point with $40 pass line, 1 point with $50 pass line and 1 point with $75 pass line). Once my pass line got to $30, I had $25 come bets going and once my pass line got to $75 I had $50 come bets going.
Two guys next to me bought in for $200 and coloured up $2000+ each. I also had a big win.
With no boxmen at the table there was a 5 minute delay as they had to wait for a supervisor to become available to approve the chips the players were colouring up.
Saturday evening / show / dinner / night
I had tickets to Absinthe at 8pm, so headed down to Caesars Palace for around 5 PM to pick up my tickets. Caesars Palace was, well, Caesars Palace. The $25 tables were jammed up like a $5 game downtown, the $50 tables were busy and they even had a $100 table open. It was a big win just to find an open spot at a $25 table.
The vibe at Caesars is money. Money. Money. Money. Lots of action and well-heeled gamblers. Even the dealers - one craps dealer at my table, with his slicked back mane of silver hair and gold necklace-pinky rings-gold watch looked like the Central Casting prototype for an old-school Vegas dealer.
Escaped with a small win. Then - in another big win - my friend and I were able to find a spot at a bar for a pre-show cocktail. Caesars was hopping.
Absinthe was great! Highly recommended. Amazing acrobats/performers in an intimate setting. Raunchy, offensive and hilarious comedy bits from the MC and his assistant. Plus the sexy Green Faerie.
Dinner was at Hell's Kitchen: Highly recommended. I had the lobster risotto and the crispy-skin salmon.
After dinner, found a $15 table at the Linq and had a decent win.
Super Bowl Sunday
Planet Hollywood minimums were $50 before breakfast. Went to Paris (Mon Ami Gabi) for breakfast and found $25 and $15 tables at the Flamingo.
The $15 table was jammed so we played at $25 .... and hit the All-Tall-Small with 5$ on each. Ka-Ching! Migrated to the $15 table when spots opened up. At the $15 table, things were up and down (mostly down) ... I had a nice roll that got me mostly back to where I was when I left the $25 table - I hit the small (with $5 on it), 2 hard sixes ($15 and after $10 pressure a $25) and multiple points (I had my line bet up to $30 and had it hit).
I had a nice win at the Flamingo for my 3 hours of play (10 AM-1 PM), but my total win was less than what the bonus bets paid out. The bonus bets saved my session!
Went to Blondies (in the Miracle Mile mall at Planet Hollywood) for the Super Bowl watch party. Blondies is a sports bar with a well-executed attractive women serving cold beer business model. This has been my friends go-to party for years ($200, open bar, buffet, etc.). I won the halftime squares (Pats 3, Rams 0) for $1000. Then, a guy I met at this party last year, said "tiskertasker89, you have the 3-0 square, i have the 3-3 square lets split our interests for the 3rd quarter and final". I agreed, and the 3-3 squares came in both times and I collected another ~$1000.
Flush with cash and booze I played the $50 tables at Planet Hollywood after the game. A new experience for me. It worked out. After some choppiness, I got on (reportedly - based on a dealers comment - a 40 minute run). (I was more focused on having to the bathroom than shooting). I almost doubled my buy-in, took a break (met up with my friends at the Planet Hollywood centre bar) ... took another shot at a $50 table and dropped 1/2 my winnings in ... seconds?? ... called it a night and ended with a respectable win for my first time playing $50 minimums.
Didn't play on Monday - didn't want to tempt fate. This trip, I only lost at one casino and barely had a losing session. Breakfast at the Cafe in Planet Hollywood, bought souvenirs, got a 20 minute massage at the mall kiosk. The equivalent of the football kneel-down to run out the clock.

Other quick hits
At the $50 minimum table at Planet Hollywood they didn’t let me bet less than $50 odds …(I was planning on $30 on 4/10, $40 on 5/9 and $50 on 6/8) ... The base dealer – who had initially set up my bets before the stick said “Hey, it’s a $50 game” – gave me a knowing look and said “the Rio -which is owned by the same company – would let you do it”. After no odds for a few rolls, I eventually took single odds on all my pass line and come bets.
At the Linq after a point of 5 or 9 was made I said to the dealer “Oops – sorry - I’ve over-bet my odds”. I had a $15 line bet with $80 odds. I was expecting them to hand back my extra $20 – instead they set up the over-bet as a place bet and paid it. I thought this was generous of them (Although, I guess I’m assuming that on a losing wager in this situation they wouldn’t take the odds over-bet).
For the “you can trust the rating system” file, after my cashing in my chips following my Sunday session at the Flamingo I asked the supervisor what my average bet was and how long I played. She said – “I’ve already closed you out. Let me check. You’re Kenny, right?”. Ummm, no. I'm tiskertasker98 ... In fairness, there was a shift change during my play … but still
On Saturday, my friend – who is a Diamond player but somewhat new to craps - hit a repeater bet and didn’t realize it didn’t stay up. I was playing at a different table. The crew didn’t remind him that his repeater bet came down. Of course, the repeater hit again and he thought he was on it. For the “all well that end’s well file”, though, my friend did hit 2 repeater 8’s on his last craps session of the trip on Monday morning.
A few times, dealers were tripped up by $15 come bets with $30 odds on the 4/10, $40 odds on the 5/9 and $50 odds on 6/8…. To me this is bread and butter craps … full Double Odds and all bets pay $75 …Anyways, no big deal, the underpayments were easily corrected and the overpayments somehow got overlooked.
A nice zinger: Good-guy craps player at the Flamingo (he had an all-day $1 hard six for the crew) got thanked for his crew-wager and said "No THANK YOU. You dealers are the hardest working guys in Vegas. Although, if I'm with an all-female crew I have to say you dealers are the SECOND hardest working girls in Vegas".
submitted by tiskerTasker89 to Craps [link] [comments]

Black Friday deals that Aussies can actually use (XPost from r/Sydney)

Hey guys,
Hope you're all having an amazing day! I got kinda frustrated with the Black Friday sales that didn't openly say they could/couldn't be accessed here in Oz. So I stayed up for a bit after midnight to create this list of tech, travel and fashion deals. Hope it helps :)




I found a few of their coupon codes for the deals too, which would probably be helpful. Happy Shopping! :)
submitted by jakequade to melbourne [link] [comments]

6 Nights in Vegas - From Someone Cheap

6 Nights in Vegas - On a Budget

A little background on us. I’m 35 my wife is 28. We aren’t major gamblers by any stretch, but we usually hit up a local casino maybe once a month, twice if we do good, and usually gambling about $100 a piece each time. We are both huge sports fans, especially college sports (Notre Dame). I’m a bit of a tightwad most of the time.
The morning of April 2, 2016 I asked her if she wanted to marry me (both of us have been married once before), she said yes. I bought tickets that morning, didn’t tell anyone our plans and drove from South Bend Indiana area to Chicago O’Hare, and arrived in Vegas right around dark.
The first couple of Hotels I tried for were booked, but we ended up finding a room at Planet Hollywood (which we spent all of about 4 hours in). We then flew out the next morning, spending a total of about 12 hours in Vegas.
This time around, after finding out my kids would be with their mom over Spring Break, I decided to save up and actually plan a trip this time. We debated Florida, Canada, the Smokies, and ended up deciding on Vegas.
Tuesday – March 27 We stayed the night at Blue Chip Casino (BOYD Gaming) in Michigan City Indiana (halfway to O’Hare). Both of us had comps for a free room and Buffet’s as well and about $75 worth of food credit that we had been saving for our Vegas trip. They also gave me a $25 gas card. We decided to gamble $100, and lost pretty quickly. After eating our “free buffets” we decided to go to bed, anticipating an early morning.
Wednesday – March 28 Once we got to O’Hare, we went and checked our 1 bag in at the Spirit Airlines desk. Everything at Spirit is A la Carte, and I had paid for 1 checked bag, however the lady in front of me discovered that their checked bags cost even more if over 40lbs. I had gone with Spirit to save a buck, and overall the experience wasn’t terrible, but I’ve had much better experiences with other non-discount airlines. After arriving in Vegas, we rode the bus from the airport to the Rental Car facility, and in short time had our new car for the week. The nice lady at Payless tried selling me several extras, and I politely declined each of them. I’ve come to expect the sales pitch no matter what rental company I use, and overall my experience with these guys was very good. We ended up changing reservations last minute for our Hotel due to additional offers I received while at Blue Chip. After checking in at the Fremont (all 6 nights) we unpacked, stopped at IN & OUT Burger, and made a run to Wal-Mart for snacks and drinks. We then decided to go check out the Nuwu Dispensary, we were both very impressed with the selection, cleanliness, and friendliness of everyone we talked to there (we are novices at this lol). After making a “small” purchase, we decided to drive out to Mount Charleston for the evening and ended up catching the sunset before driving back into town. We spent the rest of the evening walking around Fremont Street mostly just people watching, before we grabbed a snack from the Café inside the Fremont and went back to our room for the night. The food was average at best, but the price was right, even if I hadn’t used my points.
Thursday – March 29 We slept in until about 9:30, and slowly made our way over to the Hoover Dam. On our way to the Dam, we stopped at Sunset Station for their Brunch Buffet, and were really impressed, especially for the $7 price. After gambling a little and not winning we continued to the Dam. Waze had me going some crazy roads that I’d never taken before to get there, and took us about 3 times longer than I had ever remembered. After getting closer and seeing all of the traffic/road construction I now knew why. All of the lower parking lots were full, so we drove to the little gift shop on the Arizona side (I was surprised to see the road now ends here), got a couple of little souvenirs for our boys, and walked around a little bit before exploring Lake Meade a little and driving back to Fremont. After relaxing for a little bit we again decided to walk around Fremont Street and ended up getting Margaritas and Enchilada Nacho’s at Nachodaddy’s. I would highly recommend this place if you want a good drink and great nachos, we both loved it, and our bartenders were great. After walking back to the Fremont and going back and forth on winning/losing at the slot machines, my wife got a bonus feature on the machine she was playing, when I noticed a guy standing behind her watching. He looked really familiar, and after seeing “Deez Nuts” on the back of his jacket, I realized he was the youtube star from the Deez Nuts video. He posed for a picture with my wife and then went on his way. We gambled for a few hours and went to bed about even on the day.
Friday – March 30 After grabbing coffee from Dunkin Donuts inside the Fremont, we decided to drive down to Primm, because my wife had never been to California. We stopped at the truck stop and decided against topping off on gas, due to the price being over $4/gallon. We walked around the shop, found some more souvenirs for the kids, and ate lunch at Qdoba. After driving around behind the outlet mall, I realized there wasn’t a sign saying welcome to California, so I hopped on I15 and continued South/West until she got to see her sign. We went a few exits and decided a trip all the way to Baker wasn’t worth the drive, so we turned around just past the giant solar farm on the right. In the stretch from about a mile outside of Primm to where we turned around, we passed probably a dozen of each Nevada State Police and California Highway Patrol, many of which were on motorcycles and all of which had at least 1 car pulled over. About the time we made it back into Vegas, my buddy’s flight from Washington DC had arrived (he’s getting ready to leave for Japan for the next 3 years) so we went and picked him up at his hotel (Hooters). My wife won some money on the “Vacation” machine in Hooters and we decided to go walk the strip, which wasn’t a bad walk at all. We ended up going through the MGM, across to the Aria/Monte Carlo area and decided all the bars were a bit too busy due to a Golden Knights game getting ready to start. We walked over to Excalibur and rode the monorail to Mandalay Bay. We spent the rest of the evening here, and I decided to bet on Notre Dame Women, which turned out to be a good bet. My buddy, being born in Connecticut bet on UConn and that pretty much set the tone for his luck the rest of his trip. My wife and I ended up getting a giant hot dog/pepsi combo for $3.99 at the Café inside the Fremont after returning, and it was a better bet than the Chinese food we had tried earlier in the week.
Saturday – March 31 Another buddy of ours had moved to Vegas about 6 weeks ago, while his wife and kids are moving out there today. He called me late Saturday morning, and had us meet him out at the RV Dealership he works for. After getting a tour of their half million dollar Motorhomes (built here in Indiana), we hopped in his convertible and rode out to Red Rock Canyon. The line to get in was about 100 cars long, and it looked like they were only letting a few in every 15 minutes, so we drove out along that area and headed back a different way to the south side of town. The company he works for sponsors the Horse Arena at the South Point Casino, so we rode over, watched some of the show, and got the behind the scenes tour of the stalls, practice arena, and got to meet the horses/cowboys. We ended up spending most of the day at South Point, and we really enjoyed it, probably our favorite one on the “strip” so to speak. We ate dinner at Baja Miguel’s and all enjoyed our food. Later on Saturday night we rode back to downtown. My buddy that now lives in Vegas, took us to Container Park, which was really cool. After that we walked back down Fremont Street and I had bet earlier on Michigan beating Loyola in Men’s basketball. Another good choice, however I had to find a casino with a sports book that could cash me out. We ended up going to “The D” and really enjoyed the atmosphere/older machines. My wife ended up playing the old school Horse Racing Quarter Machine upstairs and stayed on it for quite a while. We ended up heading back to the Fremont, where we gambled the rest of our “$200 limit” for the day, and did pretty good. After several hours of gambling, we decided we were hungry, so we walked over to the Café at Binions, and were really impressed with what we had.
Sunday – April 1 We ate the Breakfast Buffet at the Fremont (comped), took an Uber back to our rental car on the other side of town, picked our buddy up at Hooters and headed north to Zion National Park. A couple hours later we arrived and were somewhat surprised that it wasn’t completely packed. My buddy has a free pass (Military) so we saved $30 on the gate fee. We spent most of the day at Zion, climbing, hiking, and exploring, it was my 4th time there, but the first time for my wife and buddy, and while my wife isn’t a hiker like me, she really enjoyed it and mentioned that it was one of her top 3 things we did on our trip. On our way back to town we stopped at Casa Blanca in Mesquite for a few hours, we didn’t do any good, but enjoyed the change of pace from the Vegas casinos.
Monday – April 2 We walked the strip again, and ate the brunch buffet at the Bellagio. It was really good, but if I hadn’t used the buy 1 get 1 free coupon I had, I wouldn’t have been quite as impressed. We walked around the strip some more, and ended up buying tickets to X-Country for my wife and I for the 10pm show at Harrah’s. The lady at the Box Office didn’t offer any discount, but when I asked about using my players card, she gave me a $10/ticket discount on the tickets. After that we drove across town to Sams Town (Boyd Gaming) and gambled for a few hours, I remembered a Steak House from several years back that I really enjoyed here, but we ended deciding against it for our anniversary meal. After going back to our hotel to change and shower, we ended up going to Viva Zapata’s (based on Reddit reviews). We weren’t disappointed! The food was amazing, the atmosphere even better, and the wait staff was the best! Our waiter asked what brought us out there, I told him it was our 2 year anniversary and we had flown in from Indiana to celebrate. We were enjoying the live Mariachi music, but started getting a little anxious as we were waiting on our bill (we wanted to get to Harrah’s by 9:30). A few minutes later here came the wait staff/musician to our table, put giant sombrero’s on us, gave us a couple of churros and each of us a shot of Tequila (no charge) while they sang us a song. I tipped them well and we were on our way to the show. My wife is a huge country music fan, and while I enjoy some of the older stuff, I’m more of a metalhead. I was pleasantly surprised at the price of our tickets, and for the money, the show wasn’t bad. 1 of the dancers really stood out from the rest though, but all in all it was a good experience. I wanted to go see Absinthe but found out they weren’t playing on Monday night. After our show we walked down to the Bellagio Fountains to see a show before heading back to the hotel.
Tuesday – April 3 We spent most of the morning packing up from our 6 nights at the Fremont, I checked with the Casino host to see about possibly comping more than 2 of our nights, but she showed me where my score in their algorithm was only a 65, and needed to be 100 to qualify for more. I still only paid $165 for the 4 nights I had to pay for, which was more than fair in my opinion, considering how little time we actually spent in the room. We went to Hooters and gambled for about 20 minutes, winning a couple hundred dollars, then took my buddy to the airport. Our flight wasn’t until 6:30pm, so we drove back North and had to try another Reddit suggestion for our last meal in town. We ended up at Hamburger Hut as we love to eat wings, and although the location and building were a bit sketchy, we ordered hot wings, a hot dog, and chili fries, this was our favorite food of the trip. We also really enjoyed hanging with some of the locals while we ate lunch. After eating lunch we hit up Walmart by the airport to find some last minute souvenirs to take back home, and then returned our rental car and waited a few hours for our flight back home.
What I would recommend
Sight Seeing - Zion National Park, Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead, Container Park (especially if you have kids)
Food - Hamburger Hut, Viva Zapata’s, In & Out Burger, Nachodaddy, Hotdogs at South Point, Breakfast Buffet at Sunset Station, also saved a bunch of money by getting snacks and drinks for our room at the grocery store on day 1.
Casinos – As a gambler, the ones off the Strip seemed to pay better, but the ones on the strip were much classier and had newer slots you can’t find elsewhere. My 3 favorite were the Fremont, The D, and South Point. My wife really enjoyed seeing the sights at the Bellagio, the Flamingo, and others on the Strip. No matter what, if you’re going to gamble, get a players card, it saved me a bunch of money.
Transportation – If you like to do more than just stay in town and walk all week, I’d highly recommend getting a rental car like we did (about $200 for the week for a nice sized car), but if you don’t plan on going on long day trips like we did, UbeLyft would be great.
Entertainment – XCountry at Harrahs wasn’t the top show I’ve ever seen, but 2 tickets for $80 something and a happy wife, I can’t complain at all. Watching all the entrepreneurs on Fremont Street as well as the stage shows for free was hard to beat, and any trip to Vegas should include the Bellagio Fountains, the Flamingo Habitat, and any other free entertainment you can find along the strip.
What I wouldn’t recommend
Airlines – don’t go with the budget airlines expecting to save a bunch of money if you plan on taking a bag with you, checked or carry on, prefer to pick your seats out in advance, or want to get a snack while flying.
Food – While we didn’t really have any “bad” experiences, the café and Buffet at the Fremont were probably my least favorite, but I can’t complain because I didn’t have to pay for anything at either of them. Also I was looking forward to checking out Heart Attack Grill (based on Ducktales review), but they were packed and took Cash Only fyi.
Sight Seeing – Fremont Street after dark really isn’t the place to take your small kids but be sure to take them to Container Park during the day, Hoover Dam (unless you go early), Red Rock Canyon scenic trail on a holiday weekend. Pawn Stars was packed and if you’ve seen it once, the excitement kind of wore off, and they apparently charge for parking now. I parked up the street for free and only had a short walk, but the people trying to push you to buy extras outside of the store really kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
submitted by danlyles to vegas [link] [comments]

A list of tech, travel and fashion Black Friday sales that Aussies can actually access. (x-post /r/Sydney)

This post originally appeared in /Sydney posted by jakequade and thought we should post it here too.

Hi guys,
Well, it was a hit when I made ClickFrenzy and Ozbargain's sales a bit easier to read, so I thought I would give you guys a continually-updated list of all the tech, travel and fashion Black Friday deals I am coming across as I search the sales. If you have any additions, comment them and I'll drop them into the list!




submitted by jeremycabral to australia [link] [comments]

Best Budget Friendly Hotels in Las Vegas

Best Budget Friendly Hotels in Las Vegas
Full Article
You don’t need to be rich to have an amazing hotel experience in Las Vegas. With over 150,000 hotel rooms to choose from in Las Vegas, the odds are in your favor to find the perfect room to recharge after a big day or night out! We’ve compiled a list of the best seven budget-friendly hotels in Las Vegas, in which we have selected based on budget prices and overall value for money (because sometimes selecting the cheapest place ruins all the fun).
New York New York
For around $100 per night, you can stay at a four-star hotel inspired by the Big Apple! With over 2000 rooms, this mammoth of a hotel offers guests large rooms that include refrigerators and coffee machines. Their amenities are what really bring value to a stay here, as there are two pools, a spa, a range of affordable restaurants (including Shake Shack!) and sits within walking distance from the T-Mobile arena and the Park, which also boast more amazing and affordable dining options. Guests at New York New York are also treated to free parking, which is basically non-existent on the Strip!
Paris Las Vegas
Starting at around $170 per night, the Paris Las Vegas offers incredible value! With four-star amenities in their rooms such as a flat screen TV, fridge, coffee maker and stunning Parisian décor, you’ll feel like royalty here. Better yet, the hotel room views look out across Las Vegas Boulevard onto the Bellagio fountain show, so you’ll be guaranteed one of the best views in the house. Paris Las Vegas also boasts an affordable buffet called Le Village and a trendy roof top bar called Beer Park.

Oasis at Gold Spike
This budget friendly boutique hotel can be booked for around $200 per night. Recently renovated in 2014, this once old school hotel is now one of the hippest places to crash. Oasis at Gold Spike is an exclusive hotel, with only 44 rooms available (that are also dog friendly!). They’ve eliminated gaming and smoking and instead replaced the space with co-working spaces, a media library and a bike rental shop. It is also in a prime location to offer guests easy access to Golden Spike, which is equipped with budget friendly 24 hour restaurants.

Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino
A room at this vintage Vegas hotel runs for around $240 per night and is in the heart of Downtown Las Vegas. Guests will get to enjoy their super glitzy casino, which is also the oldest in Las Vegas. The Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino also boasts a ridiculous swimming pool that has a shark tank in the middle and a water slide that goes right through the middle! (Yes, you read that correctly). With half of their rooms recently renovated, you’ll want to request a stay in either their Gold or Rush towers.

Stratosphere Hotel, Casino and Tower
Booking a room at the iconic Stratosphere Hotel, Casino and Tower starts at around $250 per night. The rooms are basic and comfortable, but the real drawcard are the amenities that are at guests’ fingertips. The Tower is the largest building on the Strip and boasts both a range of thrill rides and the posh Top of the World restaurant. So, with saving so much on your room, you don’t have to feel guilty about splurging on plunging 829 feet from their bungee jump and toasting with champagne at sunset in one of the most scenic hotels in all of Las Vegas.

Hard Rock Hotel and Casino
You can live like a rockstar for around $260 a night at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Themed to showcase rock legends, the hotel is themed like a museum with over $4 million in memorabilia showcased throughout. They also have a beach-themed swimming pool with real sand on the pool floor, along with some of the best live music performances on a daily basis. While it’s located just off the Strip, they offer both free parking and a free shuttle to the Fashion Show Mall.

You can stay at a Vegas original that was once opened by mobster Bugsy Siegel in 1946 for around $300 a night at the Flamingo. Remaining true to its vintage Vegas roots, this classic hotel offers incredible value to all guests. The Flamingo has recently undergone major refurbishments, so the rooms are incredibly clean and spacious, with some that even have automatic drapes you can control from bed. As a guest, you’ll also have access to one of the funnest 21+ swimming pools and are within walking distance to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, so you’ll never miss out on their happy hour!
There are plenty of affordable hotel options in Las Vegas that will give you a truly memorable stay. Book now and start planning your next trip to Las Vegas!
submitted by GoVegasYourself to u/GoVegasYourself [link] [comments]

Run My City: Las Vegas

General running information:
We normally run on sidewalks and sometimes on the shoulder of the road. On the Strip, run only on the sidewalk. You take your life into your own hands if you run on the road. Downtown (Fremont Street), stick to the sidewalk. There are some bike lanes, but they’re not used often and therefore not always respected by drivers. It's also technically illegal to run in a bike lane.
This guide is written for tourists by a local who lives on the west side of town and focuses exclusively on road running. It's not complete by any means, but a good start.
Las Vegas is in a desert. There is limited shade, few clouds, and the sun is brutal. Always apply sunscreen and lip balm, wear a visor or sunglasses, and hydrate more often than at home.
Summers are hot, obviously, so you’ll want to run early, before 8 AM, or after dark. Due to the extreme heat, running in just a sports bra is fine, as is running shirtless for guys.
Winters bring large temperature swings. Daytime temps can be quite pleasant, and nights get downright cold. There is a monsoon season around springtime, but 99% of the time, you won’t have to worry about precipitation.
More important than the temperature is the humidity. There is none. You will sweat more and therefore need more water and more electrolytes than running at home. Bring water with you when you run, no matter where or how far you’re going.
Also note that Las Vegas is at approximately 2000 ft/600 m elevation. If you’re coming from a coastal area, you may see slightly slower times. If you’re coming from a mountainous area, enjoy the extra oxygen!
Las Vegas is a city of tourists. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. The tourist areas are pretty well policed, but personal responsibility will reduce your likelihood of being a target. Avoid the northern end of Las Vegas Blvd, north of Neon Museum, and the area east of Atomic Liquors. Also, hydrate well after a night of drinking.
Running Groups:
Las Vegas Runners
Red Rock Running Company
Performance Footwear
Weather forecast here
Strava Heatmap
Major Races
The Strip
Most folks stay on the Strip, so you can access this route from your doorstep. The route is simple: exit your hotel onto Las Vegas Blvd. Run either north or south on Las Vegas Blvd. The south end of the Strip is the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, just south of Mandalay Bay. Be extremely careful if you cross to the sign, as you’ll be going across four lanes of highly annoyed traffic. The north end is a toss-up between the Wynn and the Stratosphere hotels. The distance between the Las Vegas sign and the Stratosphere is approximately 7 miles, and you can turn around at any point.
If you get a late start or want to avoid the overpasses, head to Flamingo, then turn east. Run 1 mile east to the Howard Hughes Corporate Center. The area is low traffic, wide streets, grass and palm trees. Run north on Howard Hughes Parkway to Sands, then turn and run back to Flamingo, unless you’re done, then turn west on Sands to the Strip.
Continue east on Flamingo to Maryland Parkway. Head south on Maryland Parkway to run past the University of Nevada - Las Vegas campus. Feel free to veer off and run through the campus. There are plenty of winding paths. The athletic facilities, including a track, are on the west side of campus. I’m not sure about access to the track. Continue south to Tropicana or Russell and turn west to return to the Strip. If you went as far south as Russell, you’ll have to follow Paradise north, then Tropicana west to the Strip.
  • Start your run around 5 or 6 AM. By 10 AM, there won’t be room for you to run.
  • Run only on sidewalks, and please use the overpasses.
  • There’s plenty of busses, taxis and ubers to get you back to your hotel.
  • Fun fact: The Strip is not within the Las Vegas city limits.
Downtown encompasses the Fremont Street entertainment district, the home of classic casinos and the world’s largest video screen; Fremont East, an area of recent renovation and hipster bars; the Arts District, an area with starving artists, secondhand stores, and a fun retro vibe; and Symphony Park, home to the Smith Center and the Frank Gehry-designed Lou Ruvo Brain Institute.
I haven’t personally run in this area, but here’s a potential 5-mile loop that takes you through the highlights. If you want to add mileage, extend south from Charleston on Casino Center into the heart of the Arts District. Turn onto Wyoming or Oakey and head back up Main Street to Charleston to resume the route. This extension isn’t the prettiest side of town but does pass by two fantastic ice cream shops.
  • If you want to run under the Vivavision (video screen), you’re probably fine to start any time before 3 PM. This area doesn’t really get crowded until dark and is pedestrians only.
  • Bike lanes are available downtown, painted green. Since they are only downtown, not all drivers are aware of them or respect them, so run cautiously.
  • There are quite a few homeless folks in the area. Usually harmless, but don’t be surprised at seeing them.
  • Fun fact: The Golden Gate is the oldest casino in Las Vegas.
City and County Parks
Sunset Park is just 5 miles east of Mandalay Bay. Run south on the Strip to Sunset Rd, then run east to Sunset Park itself. The park has miles of paved trails, both in a manicured park with playgrounds, basketball courts, etc., and in a more natural desert setting. Plenty of bathrooms (which may not have doors) and water fountains here.
Craig Ranch Regional Park/craig_ranch_regional_park.php) is in North Las Vegas and would require transportation from either of the tourist hubs. There's a farmer's market on the weekends, and a 5k would take about 1.5-2 laps around the park exterior.
Clark County Wetlands Park on the east side of town is a fantastic getaway from desert landscapes. 14 miles of paved trails pass through ponds and reeds, providing plenty of bird-watching opportunities.
Red Rock Canyon & Western Beltway
Red Rock Canyon is a dramatic sandstone respite away from the bright lights of the Strip. The 13-mile paved loop is perfect training for marathons and includes 1500 feet of elevation gain in the first 5 miles. There’s a second tough uphill around mile 6.5 as well, and then the trail flattens out, with mild rises. You’ll pass by sandstone cliffs and Joshua Trees. Be careful of the traffic, as you share the road with both cars and cyclists. The loop is one-way, so be careful, especially on the tighter turns.
If 13 miles isn’t enough – or if it’s too much – there’s a great multi-use trail that parallels the 215 beltway. The paved trail starts in the south at Peace Way and runs about 12 miles total. There’s one intersection at Flamingo, and then underpasses for the rest of the trip, at least until Sahara. Charleston Blvd, the road to Red Rock, is directly in the center. You’ll continue west for another 6 miles or so to the loop entrance.
  • No water once you leave the visitors center, so come prepared. Bring more water than you think you’ll need. If you’re not sure, err on the side of too much. I recommend 2L for a half-day hike, so adjust according to your distance and pace. Water is available at Red Rock Visitor Center & the Albertson’s on Charleston shortly before the park.
  • Bathrooms available at Albertson’s on Charleston, the Visitor’s Center, and some of the pullouts in Red Rock.
  • Admission to Red Rock is $7 for a car, $3 for a cyclist or pedestrian. Cash or cards accepted. These rates are currently under discussion to double.
  • I highly recommend having your own transportation for these runs. While uber & lyft have great coverage in the western suburbs, phone reception out at Red Rock itself is spotty.
  • Fun fact: Red Rock is home to Mojave Max, a desert tortoise used to predict the start of spring.
It’s too damn hot and I can’t stand the treadmill. Help?
Run in air conditioned bliss at the Las Vegas Athletic Clubs (LVAC) gyms’ indoor tracks. They are for locals and therefore require a traditional monthly gym membership, but they do have a one-day pass to try them out.
Oh, and I'll be here for a week.
UNLV’s Student Recreational Center is open to “the Community” and has an indoor track. Nevada residents can get a monthly pass, not sure about out of state folks. More info:
Further from the Strip, the indoor track at the Henderson Multigenerational Center is available to non-residents.
If you’re military, the gym at Nellis Air Force Base has an indoor track as well.
ETA city & county parks 8/28/17 ETA major races 9/28/17
submitted by cirena to running [link] [comments]

flamingo casino free parking video

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Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel and Casino is the Strip's original home of cool, a tropical oasis with a central location. Book your stay and find your paradise. Find parking costs, opening hours and a parking map of Flamingo Las Vegas 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South as well as other parking lots, street parking, parking meters and private garages for rent in Las Vegas Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino: Pay For Parking Even As A Guest - See 44,287 traveler reviews, 12,910 candid photos, and great deals for Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino at Tripadvisor. Flamingo Guest Self-Parking 3rd Level. Valet Parking Available at Hotel Entrance. Levels 1-2 Valet Only Validation available for Hilton Hotel guests The Flamingo Casino offers a wide selection of slots and table games. Treat the family to a delicious meal at the Harvest Grill & Wine. Situated adjacent to the Kimberley Golf Club, you can tee-off on a challenging course. Offering a selection of superior conferencing and meeting venues, Flamingo Casino is the ideal choice to host your next Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas: "Is the parking at the flamingo really as bad as..." | Check out answers, plus 40,767 reviews and 13,054 candid photos Ranked #122 of 282 hotels in Las Vegas and rated 3.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Flamingo Harrah’s Linq Paris Las Vegas. If it’s not on this list above, the self-parking is free. MGM Casino Hotels & Free Parking. MGM Resorts was the um, “pioneer” in paid parking fees, so it’s a little surprising they weren’t the first ones out of the gate to re-institute fees. The Flamingo charges a fee for self-parking. Flamingo Hotel/Casino Valet Parking Fee. Up to 2 Hours: $18 (weekday) and $20 on weekends.. 2 to 4 Hours: $22 (weekday) and $24 on weekends.. 4 to 24 Hours: $26 (weekday) and $30 on weekends.. Over 24 Hours: $26 for each additional weekday and $30 for weekends.. Valet parking remains free for anyone who reached Platinum, Diamond, or Seven Stars Free Parking Near Flamingo Las Vegas. When we want to head to a casino that has a parking fee we look to see if one of the casinos that we know offers free parking is located nearby. Fortunately, there are a few casinos that offer free parking on the Strip located somewhat close to the Flamingo. Flamingo Las Vegas - Parking We offer valet parking services as well as self-parking in a covered garage. To reach the parking garage or valet, head east on Flamingo Road, turn left onto LINQ Lane (across from the side of Bally's) then your first left.

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